Chapter 770 Wenwen~
Chapter 792

Being kidnapped suddenly and almost dying because of it, most people will experience a little psychological trauma. You Qian is actually very worried that this incident will cause irreparable damage to He Jiyu's soul, so when she left the film crew, she helped He Jiyu take a long vacation , so that He Jiyu could adjust his mentality before entering the filming group, but He Jiyu only rested for one night, and then rushed to the Song family's old house again, asking to go to the crew to report with You Qian.

You Qian disagreed with this, "You really don't want to take a few more days off? Zheng Yuan and I have a really good personal relationship. If I invite him over, he will definitely be willing."

"Lost" won the Best Film Award at the Jinshan Film Festival. You Qian met Zheng Yuan when he went to participate in the exhibition. "The cameo appearance of ", also Zheng Yuan lowered his salary to participate, but the film crew did not miss Zheng Yuan's salary.

You Qian believed that as long as she offered to invite Zheng Yuan to China, Zheng Yuan would be very happy.

He Jiyu smiled and said: "No, I don't think there is anything wrong with me. I'm going. I won't see my male god Xiao Yuanyuan tomorrow. I'm not happy at all. My heart will definitely suffer a lot. Redeemed wounds."

You Qian: "..."

He Zhiyu: "I will see him tomorrow!"

You Qian: "You forgot, you used to be his fake fan, why do I think you may gradually become a fan of brains?"

He Jiyu smiled, blushed and said, "How is it possible? I can't be his fake fan! I can't be his stupid fan, I'm his true fan!"

You Qian: "..."

After a while, You Qian asked softly, "Is there really no need to rest?"

He Jiyu pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "No need, Qianqian, I think I'm lucky enough to survive a catastrophe, and now I feel very beautiful and happy in everything I see. To have the support of friends and the company of family members, I have a happy life." A career worth fighting for a lifetime, my life is good enough, and I don’t feel that there is anything wrong with my psychology at all.”

You Qian pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Well, I'm also very happy to see you like this."

He Jiyu immediately said: "Okay, don't be mother-in-law, let's get ready, pack up, and go."

It was can't wait to hurry and go.

In the Song family's old house, He Jiyu didn't see Song Zhicheng, nor did he see Mr. Song. Chen Fang and others were responsible for escorting the two to the "Doomsday" crew. After Chen Fang successfully received Lin Jingwen, he was sent by Song Zhicheng to protect You Qian. she.

He Jiyu didn't see Mr. Song, and felt a little regretful, saying, "I'll visit Mr. Song again after I finish filming this movie."

You smiled slightly: "Okay, we will come back together when the time comes."

You Qian basically didn't have any luggage. She had already brought the things that should be brought to the crew. She just packed a 20-inch suitcase, which was enough.

He Jiyu was a little bit more, but she was ready last night, so she didn't need to clean up.

The private jet that picked them up was parked in the yard of the Song family's old house and could leave at any time.

early morning.

There is still a trace of dew on the flowers, plants and trees in the yard. Gun Gun got up with his mother early in the morning. Now he is reading a book with Lin Jingwen. Looking at his mother and aunt crucian carp, Gun Gun grinned and said, "Mom~ mom~ mom~ aunt crucian carp , don’t worry, I will take good care of at home, and I will take good care of Uncle Wenwen.”

As he spoke, he put down the children's book, patted Lin Jingwen's arm, and said, "Uncle Wenwen, promise my mother that you will listen to me carefully."

Lin Jingwen: "...OK."

Gun Gun smiled even more: "Mom, did you hear that? Uncle Wenwen promised me that he would listen to me, so you and Auntie Crucian go to work and don't worry about your family."

"There's Gun Gun at home!" Gun Gun patted his chest hard and said proudly.

"Yeah." You Qian patted his son's head and said, "Mom believes in Gun Gun."

He Jiyu made a shocked look: "Gun Gun is so powerful, not only can he take care of himself, he can also take care of his family and others, it's awesome!"

Gun Gun raised his head with a proud expression.

Her son is no longer as clingy as before. You Qian is both relieved and disappointed at the same time. In short, it is very complicated, but the conditions in the desert are poor, and it is not suitable to bring her son with her. Therefore, she still reluctantly left him. At home, leave it to Grandpa, Uncle Song De and Aunt He to take care of.

Song De said at the right time: "Qianqian, don't worry, Aunt He and I are still taking care of the house, it must be fine."

You Qian nodded and said softly, "Uncle De, if Grandpa comes back, please call me immediately."

Song De said: "Okay."

After explaining everything, the two were ready to board the plane.

Just as He Jiyu had stepped on the stairs with one foot and was about to leave, Lin Jingwen suddenly said, "Jiyu, can you wait a moment?"

He Zhiyu: "Ah?"

In fact, she couldn't react a little bit, because of the word "send message" in his mouth.

Lin Jingwen looked at her with gentle eyes: "I want to solemnly apologize to you. I'm sorry for causing you trouble. This kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

In the future, I will spend my whole life protecting and loving you.

He said silently in his heart.

He Jiyu thought for a while, then simply put his feet down from the steps, turned around, looked at Lin Jingwen, and said solemnly: "I accept your apology."

Lin Jingwen pursed his lips and said, "Thank you."

He Jiyu smiled and said, "Also, I also want to solemnly say thank you! Thank you for saving my life, thank you very much." The situation was so critical at that time, and Bai Xue was simply a lunatic, her The behavior was completely uncontrollable, and if there was a slight mistake, Bai Xue might order He Jiyu to be beaten to death. It was Lin Jingwen who controlled the rhythm of the scene step by step and allowed He Jiyu to escape.

Regardless of whether he was implicated or not, he was indeed saved by Lin Jingwen, so He Jiyu felt that he owed Lin Jingwen a thank you.

Taking this opportunity, I finally said this thank you, and the only knot that lingered in He Jiyu's heart was completely removed, and He Jiyu was really relaxed now.

The smile on her face became brighter and brighter, and she said, "Thank you, Wenwen."

By now, the two should be friends, right?

So, can this phrase 'Wenwen' be called?

He Jiyu stared at Lin Jingwen, and found that when she just said these two words, Lin Jingwen frowned, and then quickly let go, and then, his brows were full of Hexi smiles.

Is this the acceptance of this title?

Lin Jingwen looked at her and said softly, "Also—thank you."

Thank you for letting me know how beautiful the world is.

(End of this chapter)

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