Chapter 780 Release~
Chapter 802

You Qian still didn't give up, stared at Song Zhicheng, and tried to persuade him: "Chicheng, you can't let him go, he has joined the ** country, and there will be the support of the ** country at that time, so it will be difficult for us to intervene in it."

After You Qian was tied up, she overheard You Mingkang and others talking.

Song Zhicheng knew this better than You Qian, but he still didn't intend to change his mind.

No matter how important You Mingkang is, can he be more important than his shallowness?
How dangerous is this world?But someone will protect it.

But if I lose Qianqian, even if I have a wealth of wealth and praise from all over the world, so what?At this moment, he just wants to protect his most important lover and family.

You don't need to listen to Song Zhicheng's answer, just by looking at the expression on his face, You Qian knew that he would not change his mind, she said weakly: "Mom once told me that Dad has a twin brother, and his name is You Mingjian .Because the father and You Mingjian were born when the grandfather and grandmother were working in other villages, and the communication was not developed at that time, the village did not know about these things. Later, You Mingjian was lost when he was two years old. I found a shoe of You Mingjian by the river, so the suspect is gone. Grandma has been in poor health since then, and went away a few years later. Grandpa took his father back to the village, and did not mention this matter to the outside world. "

Having said that, You Qian stopped. She looked at You Mingkang with sharp eyes and said, "You are not my father at all, but my father's brother, my uncle You Mingjian, right?"

You Mingkang, no, You Mingjian is hesitating whether to admit it or not?
This lie, if you insist on maintaining it, it will be a bomb...

You Qian's eyes were cold: "Although I don't remember what my father looked like, my mother said that my father didn't have birthmarks behind the pinnae, but you did! Mom once heard grandpa mention that the biggest difference between you and my father is It's the birthmark behind the ear pinna!"

"It's just that what I'm wondering is that you accidentally fell into the river and drowned back then? But what's going on when you're standing here properly?" You Qian asked, "I'm really surprised—— "

You Mingjian looked serious. After hearing this, he didn't immediately deny or admit it, but lowered his eyes slightly, weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

After a while.

You Mingjian said: "Indeed, I am not your father, but I am also your uncle. Niece, do you want to watch your husband kill me now?"

"If you know how many people you have killed and how many families have been broken, then I'm just killing relatives righteously." You Qian opened his mouth and replied.

You Mingjian stared at You Qian, with a hint of emotion and a hint of sarcasm in his tone, and said, "Sacrifice yourself, kill your relatives righteously? My niece, you can do it. I didn't expect our You family to be so conscious and sacrificing." Spirit, your father did the same back then, he actually wanted to kill me with his own hands, how could I just sit and wait for death?"

Therefore, he not only killed his younger brother You Mingkang with his own hands, but even exposed the incident, he also killed Yan Ling, the woman You Mingkang sacrificed himself to protect.

"Heh~" You Mingjian laughed mockingly, and said, "Speaking of which, the cause of the incident is still because of that woman Yan Ling. If she hadn't been a fool with a lot of money and was easy to deceive, I wouldn't have attacked her."

You Qian opened her eyes wide: "What did you say?"

Song Zhicheng immediately interrupted the two, saying: "I will find out what happened back then."


Song Zhicheng, who had been counting the time, knew that there was not much time left for them to decode.

"Let him go." Song Zhicheng gave an order in an uncompromising tone. He turned his head to look at You Qian with firm tenderness in his eyes. You Qian closed his eyes slightly and called his name softly: "Zhi Cheng— —”

Letting You Mingjian go now is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and there will be endless troubles...

However, to reprimand him?

She could never bear to blame him.

You Qian said softly, "Okay."

When You Mingjian and the others heard this, they immediately retreated. While retreating, they were vigilant at the same time, gradually exiting the encirclement of Song Zhicheng and others, and then quickly left in an off-road vehicle.

Seeing You Mingjian and others leave, they get farther and farther away until they disappear.

Several subordinates were anxious, and said, "Mr. Song, do you really want to let them go?"

Song Zhicheng said: "Send two teams to follow, first keep a distance of 50 miles, then keep a distance of 100 miles...and so on."

Several subordinates said: "Yes."

Song Zhicheng said: "You must bite people tightly."

The person who received the order immediately took the order, and only a dozen people remained around to protect him. Song Zhicheng and You Qian kept their positions, and when he took a step towards her, she couldn't help but take a step back.




A countdown beep resounded in everyone's ears, like a spell, which made people very unhappy.

Song Zhicheng stared at her: "Stop."

You Qian also said: "You also stop for me."

Song Zhicheng softened his tone and said, "I am so far away from me, how can I decode it for you?"

You Qian shook her head and said, "I'll solve it myself, just tell me the password."

Her hands have been untied, and she can reach the password input port on her chest with a little effort.

Song Zhicheng: "What if you made a mistake?"

You Qian said, "What if something goes wrong?"

Song Zhicheng: "I'll be with you!"

You Qian shook her head: "You go with me, what about Grandpa and Gun Gun?"

Song Zhicheng: "I don't think so much anymore. They can live without us. But I can't live without you."

You Qian was a little taken aback by his stubborn and domineering tone.

It's just—

There is no way to make sense.

After thinking about it, You Qian had no choice but to say: "Then—you can only succeed, not fail. We can't leave Grandpa and Gun Gun behind. I can't be so irresponsible like you."

"You villain! For the sake of love, you gave up your life, raised your elders, your child who is waiting to be fed... These are all plots that appeared in ancient romance novels - if you do it now, you will be despised. "

While You Qian was nagging, Song Zhicheng approached her. He bent slightly, and after she kissed her forehead with a clear kiss, he bent down, bent his knees and half squatted beside her, reached out his hand, and caught the password input port.

You Qian: "Are you going to lose now?"

Song Zhicheng shook his head lightly: "Don't worry, wait for the other party to send two sets of passwords, I will deduce them in reverse, and then enter them after confirming."

You Qian: "Yes."

Song Zhicheng suddenly took her hand and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, I won't let you have trouble."

You Qian: "Okay."

She believed in Song Zhicheng.

Song Zhicheng said in a low voice: "Also, letting him go is just a stopgap measure. I won't let him leave the territory of Laos."

You Qian: "Do you believe what I say?"

Song Zhicheng nodded and said softly, "Well, I believe you."

You Qian looked at him, and said softly: "Actually, I'm not sure if he is. But you've been keeping my back on me all this time, and you seem to be inquiring about something mysteriously, and——Song Jingcheng also had hints in his words before. It seems to imply that my father killed my mother-in-law with his own hands—so, I asked the second grandfather in the village a few days ago, and confirmed that my father does have a twin brother... But, is he really? "

"Could it be - he's really my father?" There was a trace of doubt and uncertainty in You Qian's voice.

Song Zhicheng looked at her with a soft voice, and said, "Well, I will tell you everything about my father-in-law and mother after I remove these things from your body."

"As for whether he is, we will be sure when we catch him." Song Zhicheng's tone became lighter and softer: "I'm here."

So, even if he is, he can't hurt you, let alone our relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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