Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 115 The Runaway Chongxi Xiaocun Girl 13

Chapter 115 The Runaway Chongxi Xiaocun Girl 13
With the attempt on Dongfang Yi that day, although Xia Yichu wanted Dongfang Yi's body to get better quickly, she also knew that haste makes waste. Dongfang Yi's body has been weak for so many years. It is impossible for him to return to normal.

So Xia Yichu thought about it deeply, and discussed it with the system, and finally decided to do it every half a month or once a month. In this way, not only Dongfang Yi's body will gradually recover, but she will also have time to practice and absorb spiritual energy for the next time. Prepare Dongfang Yat's body for treatment.

The time soon came to the weekend, which was also Su Yin's birthday.

Xia Yichu didn't have to go to class that day, and Dongfang Cai went on a business trip and didn't come back. Xia Ru also had another appointment, so after Xia Yichu told Dongfang Yi, he finally decided to attend.

"When will you be back? When will I pick you up?" Dongfang Yi sat on the sofa and asked Xia Yichu.

I don't know if it's because Xia Yichu used spiritual energy a few days ago to wash his body's meridians.Dongfang Yi hasn't been sick for the past few days, and his complexion looks good. Although his complexion is paler than normal, but because his own skin is fair, people don't have the illusion of being sick. .

When Dongfang Yi is at home, he usually wears loose home clothes or casual sports clothes, and prefers white.And the whole body exudes a pampered nobility, looks like a innocent and harmless young man.

When he just sat on the sofa like this, with that exquisite face on his face, and asked Xia Yichu gently, Xia Yichu felt that his heart was almost softened by Dongfang Yi.

Xia Yichu opened her mouth to tell the location of her meeting today, and finally thought about it, and said: "After the party, they should go back to KTV or something, but I will come back earlier. I will also buy you your favorite strawberry cake."

"Yeah." Dongfang Yi responded softly, watching Xia Yichu put the birthday gift that the medicine gave to the other party into the bag, and then went out.

However, when Xia Yichu's figure disappeared outside the door, the innocent and harmless look on Dongfang Yi's face immediately dissipated, and there was a trace of deepness in the exquisite eyebrows and eyes.

I don't know when it started, it seems that it started when she hugged him and slept together. In his heart, he only saw her at the beginning, and his eyes were full of her, and other idlers gossiping , can not distract him the slightest mood.

He longed for the way she looked at him, longed for the soft body temperature and pleasant smell of the other person.

I still want to let her hug me to sleep every day, or to hug her to sleep every day.

I long for the other party to be able to focus on him all the time, otherwise I will be like now, full of irritability.

Dongfang Yi's slightly gloomy gaze fell on the cute puppet on the sofa. After grabbing the puppet in his arms, he threw it out heavily as if angry, and lifted his foot off the sofa to go to the second floor.

The servant downstairs lowered his head and waited for Dongfang Yi to go up to the second floor before picking up the very innocent cuddly puppet that was thrown on the ground by Dongfang Yi and put it back on the sofa.

But Dongfang Yi returned to his room, lazily threw himself on the big soft bed, and rolled himself into the bed irritably, sniffing deeply, trying to smell Xia Yichu's breath from the bed. The slightest breath left by the day.

However, it has been several days, and Xia Yichu only slept here for a short two hours at that time, the aura that belonged to her in the bed has long since dissipated.

After Dongfang Yi couldn't smell Xia Yichu's scent from the quilt, he snorted coldly, stretched out his feet childishly, and kicked all the quilt to the ground.

Xia Yichu took a special car and arrived at the address Su Yin gave her.

This address is a very famous restaurant in Kyoto.

After arriving at the destination, Xia Yichu asked the driver not to wait for her to go back first, and took out his mobile phone to call Su Yin when Su Yin just came out of the restaurant. When he saw Xia Yichu, his eyes lit up and he smiled all over his face Walked in front of Xia Yichu contentedly, reached out to hold one of her arms, and said with a slightly affectionate expression: "Ning Yao, I was wondering why you haven't come yet, maybe you were stuck in a traffic jam on the way, but I didn't expect you to have already We're here. Let's go, let's go in."

"Yes." Xia Yichu nodded.She is not used to being so close to people other than the person on the task, but looking at Su Yin who has been well-dressed today, she can't pull out her arm directly, so she pretends to pull out her arm inadvertently, bows her head and looks Check the appearance of things in the bag.

Then, when he walked to the private room, Xia Yichu took out the birthday gift she had prepared for Su Yin from the bag, handed it to her, and said, "This is for you, happy birthday."

Su Yin was full of surprises, and took the beautifully packaged box with both hands, she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and said incoherently: "It is my honor to invite you here, I really didn't expect you You actually brought gifts here, thank you, Ning Yao."

"You're welcome, is this room?" Xia Yichu tilted his head, and reached out his hand to signal her.

"Yeah." Su Yin nodded repeatedly, and walked in with Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu came here stepping on the spot, so she came very late.

In the room, there were already many people sitting together, joking and so on, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Xia Yichu glanced roughly, and found that they were all classmates from the school, and some others were very unfamiliar, but they were not very old, and they all seemed to be the same age.Except for one of them...

Xia Yichu's eyes were on the man who was sitting in the corner of the sofa, who looked unobtrusive at all.

The man sitting on the sofa seemed to be in his early 20s. Although he was not in a suit and leather shoes, his handsome appearance and his mature temperament attracted the girls next to him to look shy. Go up and talk to him.

Not only Xia Yichu, even Su Yin's eyes fell on the man after entering the door.

Especially when she saw the girls surrounding the man, Su Yin's expression changed, she ignored Xia Yichu she brought in, and immediately stepped forward and walked over there.

Xia Yichu withdrew his cold video, stopped looking at the man, but walked to the side, picked an empty seat and sat down.Afterwards, seeing Su Yin holding the man's hand, turning his head and saying something to the other girls, those girls smiled coquettishly, and after making a scene together, they walked away.

Among them, the man who was held by Su Yin seemed to feel Xia Yichu's gaze, raised his eyes to look at her, and smiled at Xia Yichu very friendly, but Xia Yichu only felt disgusted with this smile .

 [Thank you Sanqian Qingsi [Ru Waterfall] for the reward, the second update will be sent~The reward will be added at 01:30 this afternoon~Tickets are almost over [-], continue to ask for tickets~There are tickets to add more]

(End of this chapter)

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