Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 127 The Runaway Chongxi Little Village Girl 30

Chapter 127 The Runaway Chongxi Little Village Girl 30
After that night passed, Dongfang Yi was happy, like a beast that had been fed and drunk, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Of course, in the villa, Xia Yichu did those little tricks without telling him, so that's how it was revealed.

However, Dongfang Yi has exposed it here, but the matter of Zhen Dandan is still there.

That day, it was not the bodyguards at the door who found Zhen Dandan and the three of them NP in the room, but one of Zhen Dandan's girlfriends.

Zhen Dandan originally planned to ask Su Yin and Su Feiyu to drug Xia Yichu, and then asked his two bodyguards to take Xia Yichu's body, and then, he and his friends came into this room and found out about it.

However, in order for the two of them to find out that the coincidence rate of this matter is greater, and also afraid that one of them will have other affairs at that time, so Zhen Dandan and her best friend, that is, Xu Lulu, deliberately only We discussed the time.Make an appointment with two people in advance at that point, go to the room to get together, and talk about what's on your mind.

In this way, no matter who entered that room, they would be able to see Xia Yichu's embarrassment.

Moreover, the two of them had a counterpoint, which would not arouse suspicion from outsiders.

So, when Xu Lulu saw that the time was almost up that day, she sent a message to Zhen Dandan, telling her to come over quickly.

Although Xu Lulu did not receive a reply from Zhen Dandan in the end, she did not take it to heart.

Since today is the banquet held by Mr. Zhen, Zhen Dandan, as Mr. Zhen's only sister, can be regarded as an important person in this party. Even if he is too busy and can't make it for a while, that's normal.

Therefore, Xu Lulu went directly into the room as they had agreed before.

Xu Lulu is Zhen Dandan's friend, and although Zhen Dandan didn't tell the bodyguards why he brought them here, he told them that Xu Lulu came back today.Therefore, Xu Lulu opened the door and entered the room smoothly.

It's just that I didn't expect that although there was a NP that was originally conceived, the protagonist of the character was wrong.

Xu Lulu was taken aback, the moment she saw Zhen Dandan who was naked and rolling with someone, she almost didn't recognize him, this person was actually her best friend Zhen Dandan!

Then, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in her heart, and she ran outside the room to see that the two bodyguards of the NP character [-] that had been agreed in the plan were standing neatly outside the door!
She said why she felt an inexplicable something wrong in her heart from the very beginning, but she didn't expect it to be because of this.

Xu Lulu glanced back into the room, the three of them who were indulging in Huan, suddenly a gleam of joy flashed across their eyes.She could have buried this incident, but deliberately made it a big deal. Although she didn't make it too obvious and let everyone know about it, many people still knew about it.

Although Boss Zhen reacted quickly, he had already lost the opportunity.

Su Yin and Su Feiyu were caught and locked in the room by Mr. Zhen, and then he asked the maid at home to bathe Zhen Dandan. When Zhen Dandan woke up, it was already midnight.

She was lying on her own bed. Before she fell into a coma, those scenes kept popping up in her mind.

Although Xia Yichu had acupuncture points, her mind was still clear, thinking about the disgusting scenes before.And feel the traces and the pain of being torn apart after being loved so much.

Zhen Dandan was exasperated, and stared at the dimly lit ceiling with his eyes wide open, his eyes were like silver needles quenched with poisonous juice, and the inside was gloomy and cold.

Suning Yao!
She must let this person die badly!

However, Zhen Dandan didn't know that she would never have such a chance again.

Two or three days have passed since the banquet, but Xia Yichu didn't see any news about Zhen Dandan on the Internet or in the newspapers.

Thinking about it, it should be suppressed by Zhen's family's wrist.

A sneer twitched at the corner of Xia Yichu's mouth, and he threw the newspaper aside.

Beside, Xia Yichu's cell phone, which was placed on the sofa, suddenly rang at this moment.

Xia Yichu picked it up to look at the caller ID, swiped his finger, and connected the call: "Hello?"

"Miss Xia, it's me." A young man's voice came from over there.

"Well, I know, what's the matter when I called?" Xia Yichu said lightly, and now the person who called her was the private detective she invited to monitor Su Feiyu and Su Yin. .

After that banquet, Su Feiyu and Su Yin never came out of the villa, Xia Yichu guessed that they should be imprisoned by Boss Zhen.

The two of them were away, and the private detective had nothing else to do, so Xia Yichu arranged for him to search for another matter.

"Miss Xia, I've already got what you want. Shall we find a place to meet?"

"Okay, do you have time now?" Xia Yichu asked over there.

"Yes, yes." The private detective over there nodded repeatedly.

"Then let's meet in the small town story (the name of a cafe) on the southern street of Chengnan in half an hour." Xia Yichu said, setting the location.

Small Town Story was not far from where he lived, and the private detectives there nodded repeatedly.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yichu simply cleaned up and drove to the small town of Stories.

After meeting with the private detective, when Xia Yichu drove out of the coffee shop and went back to the villa again, although she was still the only one in the car, there were some things that the private detective gave her in her bag.

The mobile phone in the bag suddenly rang, and the bright red Ferrari stopped slowly on the side of the road. Xia Yichu took the phone out of the bag and took a look. The caller ID on it was Dongfang Yi.

"Hello?" Xia Yichu swiped his finger and answered the call.

"Yaoyao, I'm off work. I heard from the housekeeper that you are outside now?" Dongfang Yi's voice came from the phone.

Originally, Dongfang Yi's voice was very pleasant, and it belonged to the kind that would make the ears pregnant.Now, after he deliberately softened his tone, it made people listen to it even more so that they would never forget it.

Xia Yichu was not a voice controler, but he was still fascinated by his voice at this moment.

It's just, thinking about the things he did to himself in bed these days, every night.Every time the more he begged for mercy, the more he made an appearance of going deep and vigorously, Xia Yichu felt very angry.

Her waist still hurts until now!

 [\(≧▽≦)/Thank you, You Zixi and Sakura Zhilian for your rewards. This story will end in a few chapters. Jun Bao has a manuscript of doomsday, but he promised you before Write about campus.Last day of this week!Everyone’s votes, comments, and support don’t be careless and vote here~ If the votes exceed [-] tomorrow, add a new chapter~ The point is~ Add more meat! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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