Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 129 The Escaped Chongxi Xiaocun Girl 32

Chapter 129 The Escaped Chongxi Xiaocun Girl 32 (Recommendation ticket plus update)

These women were undoubtedly lured or abducted. Waiting for them, in addition to being forced to receive guests one after another like Su Ningyao in the previous life, there were also some who were trafficked to the mountains to be wives. Deals abound.

Moreover, they already knew their fate in the future, so their expressions were even more desperate.

In fact, there are some more destructive things. The private detective didn't take photos and send them to Xia Yichu. Instead, he sorted out the materials and finally sent them to Xia Yichu's mailbox.

However, what made Xia Yichu even more surprised and fortunate was that the private detective had already found out who was behind the scenes, and found a lot of evidence.

And all of this is related to the Zhen Group.

Xia Yichu still remembers until now, at the last banquet, Zhen Dandan teamed up with Su Feiyu and Su Yin to poison her for revenge.As for what she did to the three of them, Xia Yichu didn't feel any guilt at all, she just dealt with others in the same way.

After all, if she hadn't noticed the strangeness in the wine glass long ago and exchanged the wine glasses, she would have suffered the consequences.

Moreover, Xia Yichu didn't feel that it was revenge for himself or Su Ningyao.

When she was involved in a car accident in the first mission, she still remembered that if the roots were still left after cutting the grass, what remained would not be kindness, but a bigger hidden danger.

Therefore, she must use these things in her hands to drive Zhen's Group into oblivion.

Even better, it would be better to bring the human trafficking business behind the scenes of the Zhen Group to the surface, so that many women and children would be spared the pain of the tiger's mouth.

"I'm done talking, everything is like this, do you want to help me?" After Xia Yichu told Dongfang Yi everything before and after, he looked up at him.

In this matter, without Dongfang Yi's help, although she could have made all this public, she was not 100% sure that Zhen Shi and those people would get the retribution they deserved.

And Dongfang Yi is undoubtedly the best choice.

Dongfang Yi has been silent since Xia Yichu started talking about this matter, even his expression has not changed, his brows are light, obviously not too emotional, but Xia Yichu somehow, suddenly I felt an unpleasant and violent breath from him.

"Do you want me to help you?" Dongfang Yi stared straight at Xia Yichu with a pair of dark eyes for a long time, and then slowly opened his mouth, but he didn't answer directly, but it was equivalent to repeating Xia Yichu's question. .

He reached out and put Xia Yichu's bags and photos that were in the way between the two of them on the table, and finally changed the positions of the two, turned around and trapped Xia Yichu in the corner of the sofa. He leaned over and pressed down.

"Yaoyao, you're always like this every time. After you're done, you cut at me first and play later. You never consider my emotions and feelings."

As Dongfang Yi said, there was even a hint of grievance on his face that was hard to detect, but that look of grievance was only a flash, so fast that Xia Yichu's eyes froze for a moment, almost thinking it was his own illusion.

"It's obviously such an important matter, but you keep it so arbitrary and keep it secret every time, and don't let me intervene."

"Didn't I explain everything to you now?" Xia Yichu couldn't help but interrupt him. For some reason, Xia Yichu suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and his body instinctively pushed him away. Dongfang Yi, leave this place quickly.

So, after Xia Yichu defended himself, he stretched out his hand and poked his chest: "Also, get up and talk carefully, so that people will see what it looks like later."

"No." Dongfang Yi raised his eyebrows, smiled with a vicious expression, and pressed Xia Yichu under his body, "Yaoyao did something wrong, I will punish you, so that you will not always remember it in the future. "

punish her?
Wouldn't it be the punishment she thought of?
Xia Yichu's eyes widened, seeing Dongfang Yi's handsome face so close at hand, he quickly turned around and struggled to escape from this place quickly.

However, Dongfang Yi let her go so easily.

Ever since he brought her into this office, he never thought of letting her go out completely and comfortably.

Dongfang Yi pressed him under him, and before Xia Yichu refused, he quickly lowered his head, and the lips of the two quickly pressed together.

 [\(≧▽≦)/Thank you lazy naソフトモえ and Queen Guoguo for your rewards, good evening~ Jun Bao didn’t delay the update on purpose, but was given a marriage urging thought lesson by the elders at home downstairs. Sorry to come up and update.Well, please forgive me~ By the way, Junbao is here to say something. Tomorrow Monday, after the daily recommendation votes exceed [-], Junbao will add another chapter!That's right!If you vote for recommendation, there will be more updates!The recommendation ticket plus more lasts for one week!Everyone has recommended votes every day, are you sure you don't vote for me!If there is a recommendation ticket, there will be more updates!Are you sure you don't love such a good Junbao?It's hard to find even with a lantern!If the tickets for one week are satisfactory to Jun Bao, then the recommendation ticket plus update activity will continue to be added for another week!So, cheer up, my babes!I strive for you to enjoy watching it, and Jun Bao is also motivated to write.Just give me a word, do you want to make an appointment?If you don’t make an appointment, I’ll just sleep in~ Humph]

(End of this chapter)

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