Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 13 818 That cold-faced domineering ascetic brother

Chapter 13 818 That cold-faced domineering ascetic brother (17)

When Lu Cheng came this morning, he drove here by himself.

So when the two of them went out, Xia Yichu didn't ask the driver to see them off, but directly got into Lu Cheng's car and went to the set.

Xia Yichu told Xu Yan the location when he was going out, so when Lu Cheng drove over, Xu Yan was already waiting there.

The girl wearing a white T-shirt on the upper body and a pair of light blue jeans on the lower body is standing on the street, her eyes are clear, her appearance is delicate, her long hair is tied up high, and she exudes the unique vigor and vitality of young people all over her body. Vitality, this inevitably made Lu Cheng look at her a few more times.

After Xu Yan got into the car, Xia Yichu gave a brief introduction to the two of them.

When Xu Yan heard that this was Xia Yichu's manager, when his eyes fell on Lu Cheng who was driving in front of him, his eyes lit up immediately, with a hint of excitement in his expression, and he slapped Lu Cheng in a very energetic voice. Hello.

Lu Cheng, that is a well-known gold medal agent in the industry, this makes Xu Yan, who has always been his idol, not excited.

However, for Xu Yan's greetings, Lu Cheng was much colder and indifferent. He just responded, and he recognized Xu Yan as Xia Yichu's assistant.

When Lu Cheng brought Xia Yichu and Xu Yan to the address given to her by the crew, the venue was not very lively.

Although today is the start-up of the crew, in fact, the crew has already held a kick-off banquet.

Every time, before the start of the film, the director will ask people to calculate the date, and then choose the location of the launch, invite the crew and some reporters to come, and hold a lively launch party.

And the kick-off banquet for this crew has already been held.

On the set, some actors have already started to record their roles, while the other actors who have already arrived have already put on their makeup, standing aside and waiting for their roles.

"Ca! Ka! Ka! Bai Xiaoyu! When you speak, can you not look like a dead person with a dead face? Be gentle! Do you understand gentleness?" Zhou Xiaohong stood up directly from his seat, facing the studio The female star who was filming inside roared angrily.

The actress had just made her debut, and was immediately taken aback by Zhou Xiaohong's words. Standing on the set, her eyes turned red instantly, and her manager hurriedly took her away.

Zhou Xiaohong was also very angry. Every time a movie is made, there will always be a few investors who will bring in some newcomers. In the past, he would definitely not agree, but this time, he really needs a lot of people. Playing and supporting roles, and seeing that those who came in were all insignificant roles, so I reluctantly agreed.

But he didn't expect that he couldn't even play such a simple supporting role!
Zhou Xiaohong looked angry and walked around the spot a few times.

"Director Zhou, drink a glass of water first to calm down."

The special assistant next to him came up with a glass of water, but Zhou Xiaohong waved it away: "Will drinking water solve the problem? If you have nothing to do, just stay aside!"

The producer next to him took a sip of the water from the assistant's hand, smiled at Zhou Xiaohong and said, "Haha, old Zhou, you can't do this, the acting is none of his business."

"You're the one who talks too much!" Zhou Xiaohong shot him a sideways glance. Just when he was about to continue talking, the phone in his pocket rang suddenly. He took it out and looked, and the original impatient look was instantly swept away.

Zhou Xiaohong even answered the call with a hint of joy: "Hey, hey, yes, you are here so soon?"

"Okay, okay, we're filming here, you can come in directly."

"Hey, okay, see you later!"

Zhou Xiaohong hung up the phone contentedly.

The rapid change of his mood before and after was seen by everyone. At the same time, everyone was guessing in their hearts who would come later, who had such great ability and could affect Zhou Xiaohong's mood.

And the producer who just drank water was the first to speak out: "Tsk tsk, Lao Zhou, whose call did you answer? It must not be your wife's!"

"I see, who else can make him so happy, besides the actor of Chang'an." The assistant director over there also came over: "I just don't know who that character is."

"He Fang's character is not counted. She is still a newcomer who just graduated from Beijing Film Academy. However, it is true that people can see it brightly." Zhou Xiaohong laughed haha, which can be regarded as acquiescing to the assistant director's words.

"Beiying? Isn't that a graduate from the same school as Yu Xue?" The producer said in surprise, and quickly turned around and waved to Yu Xue who was not far away, saying: "Yu Xue, come here quickly, Maybe the one who will come in later is your former classmate."

"Classmate? I don't know the name of the one Director Zhou mentioned?" Yu Xue, who was not far away, was recruited by the producer and asked curiously.

Yu Xue looks good, although she is a newcomer, but she is not as arrogant and delicate as those newcomers, she has a gentle personality, not only does she not have the pretensions of being a star, but she often stays behind after filming to help the crew pack things, which is very restrained The filmmakers like it, and they are very happy in the crew.

"Her name is Xia Kui, do you recognize her?" Zhou Xiaohong asked.

"Xia Kui!" Yu Xue shouted in shock, but in an instant, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"What? Is it really your classmate?" the producer asked.

Everyone's eyes were also focused on Yu Xue.

"No, that's not true." Yu Xue smiled stiffly, put down her hand, and continued: "She and I are in the same grade, but not in the same class. She is quite famous in school. The family conditions are good, and she is also beautiful. We have been in the same school since high school, and she has always been famous."

Although Yu Xue's words were praising Xia Kui, everyone saw another meaning from her slightly stiff expression.

Everyone present is not a fool, and in just a few breaths, everyone's impression of Xia Kui has finally settled in their hearts.

But the most important thing is to see her in person.

Looking at Yu Xue's expression, Zhou Xiaohong thought about the brief exchange with Xia Yichu that day, and somehow, for the first time, he had a slight dislike for Yu Xue.

Not to mention Zhou Xiaohong, even the producer who was sitting next to him waved and called Yu Xue over, frowned a little dissatisfied after hearing Yu Xue's answer.

What's the matter with Yu Xue, she usually seems to be a very sensible person, and she's upright, why something went wrong today.

Just now Zhou Xiaohong was full of praise for the newcomer, so she stood up and slapped him in the face.

It was definitely not the face of the newcomer who hadn't met yet, but Zhou Xiaohong's face!

The producer turned his body sideways, and distanced himself from Yuxue indiscriminately.

 [\(≧▽≦)/Thank you for the tipping of Bai Cai and Tranquility Zhiyuan, okay, the second update will be at 08:30 pm, and the tip will be added at [-]:[-] pm. 】

(End of this chapter)

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