Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 131 The Runaway Chongxi Xiaocun Girl 35

Chapter 131 The Runaway Chongxi Xiaocun Girl 35
Zhen Wanli was fast asleep at home, unaware that several policemen had already surrounded his downstairs to prevent him from escaping later, nor did he know that several policemen and reporters had already quietly entered his door .

The policemen carefully passed the doors of each room, until they reached the room where Zhen Wanli was sleeping, and when they heard the sound of sleeping snoring from inside, several policemen looked at each other. At a glance, everyone stretched out their feet and kicked the door open forcibly.

Going in quickly, the guns in everyone's hands were aimed directly at Zhen Wanli and his two little lovers.

Zhen Wanli was soundly asleep, and didn't notice it at all, but suddenly heard a sound breaking through the air, which woke him up immediately.

"Who is this? What are you yelling at night!" Zhen Wanli stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes. His eyes hadn't been opened yet, but he was very angry after being woken up.

"Zhen Wanli, get off the bed immediately!" A cold-faced police officer next to him said to Zhen Wanli.

The two young men who were hugged by Zhen Wanli were also awakened at this time. After seeing the police officers standing in front of them and the guns in their hands, the two young men opened their mouths in unison. call out.

The screams of these two people also woke Zhen Wanli up.

"Quiet me!" He slapped each other and shouted sharply.

Then, when he saw clearly what he was aiming at, Zhen Wanli's expression suddenly changed, and his hands went limp.

However, during the Reform Movement of [-], Zhen Wanli became sober in an instant. He groped with both hands to put on the glasses on the bedside table. After seeing the police officers around the bed and the things in their hands, Zhen Wanli Although Wan Li was so frightened that his whole body went limp, he didn't show it on the surface.

"Several police officers, it's still midnight and early in the morning. It's time for everyone to sleep. I don't know what the police officers are doing here? Zhen never knew when the police officers serving people's names were able to do whatever they wanted without passing by. With the master's permission, he broke into his house in the middle of the night.

However, if you guys are willing, why don't you allow me to put on some clothes first, how about we go down and drink tea and talk together? "

As Zhen Wanli spoke, he groped to the side with his hands calmly.

The two young men were sitting on both sides of him, trembling, apparently terrified of fear.

"Stop talking nonsense, Zhen Wanli, someone has reported that you have set up underground piles and conducted illegal transactions. You have a search warrant and an arrest warrant, Zhen Wanli, come with us." The one who spoke first just now The cold-faced police officer responded to Zhen Wanli with a cold voice.

"Concealed pile? Illegal transaction?" Zhen Wanli showed a very shocked look: "How could it be? I, Zhen Wanli, have always done things aboveboard. I am worthy of my ancestors. I usually donate money to those orphan orphanages myself. If you think it’s too little, you can’t help more people, so how could you do those unreasonable and illegal acts!”

"Anyway, Mr. Zhen, you should come with us first." The cold-faced police officer frowned slightly, and responded again. For some reason, he suddenly had a very strong intuition, as if there was something Suddenly something went wrong.

"No, everyone, get out of the way!" The cold-faced police officer suddenly said, and at the same time, fired a few times at Zhen Wanli with the gun in his hand.

"Bang-bang", the two young men screamed loudly in fright, and were kicked to the ground by Zhen Wanli. At the same time, while Zhen Wanli sideways dodged the two bullets, he finally groped for the bullet with his left hand. As soon as the switch was pressed, the lights in the entire villa were instantly extinguished, not only that, but a puff of gas was released.

After the police officers smelled this smell, they fell to the ground one after another.


The next morning, Xia Yichu sat at the dining table looking down at the phone in his hand.

On the phone, whether it was the news that was pushed today or the space in her circle of friends, all of them were swiped by Zhen Wanli and his underground human-trafficking pile.

Dongfang Yi just came back from running outside in the morning, saw Xia Yichu's concentration with his head down, stepped forward and leaned over: "Yaoyao, what are you looking at, so seriously?"

Xia Yichu was planning to ask Dongfang Yi when he came back, but... After looking at Dongfang Yi who was sweating profusely, Xia Yichu immediately suppressed the question in his heart, put his hand back into his pocket, and pushed him away. Push him: "It's nothing, I'll tell you later, you go upstairs and take a shower."

"It's not too late. Besides, it's not good for your body to take a shower when you're sweating now." Dongfang Yi's eyes fell on her bulging pockets, and he stood motionless by the side.

"Oh, yes." Xia Yichu was taken aback for a moment, she was only worried about whether Dongfang Yi would catch a cold, but she didn't think about it.

Annoyance flashed across Xia Yichu's eyes, he took his hand out of his pocket, found out what she was looking at just now, and handed the phone to Dongfang Yi, he could see the content at a glance.

"These, couldn't they be written by you?" Xia Yichu asked Dongfang Yi.

The above self-report that she claimed to be a private detective, as well as those photos, etc., are basically the photos she gave Dongfang Yi to see yesterday afternoon on the sofa in Dongfangyi's office.

I don't know if other people know, but Xia Yichu is very clear in his heart. If no one is planning and promoting all this behind the scenes, even if the netizens have great skills, no matter how much they repost and comment, this data will not be It was exposed to everyone in just one night, and it also arrogantly occupied the homepages of major network media tools and software.

Obviously, the person who planned and promoted all this behind the scenes was undoubtedly Dongfang Yi.

"What do you think?" Facing Shang Xia Yichu's gaze, Dongfang Yi raised his eyebrows, with a hint of complacency in his expression.

"Thank you." Xia Yichu said to him.

After all, the Zhen family is a big family no less than the Dongfang family, but Dongfangyi not only avenged Su Ningyao in her previous life, but also so quickly and with such fierce methods, it was beyond Xia Yichu's expectations, and made her feel Very moved.

"That's it?" Dongfang Yi looked at her fixedly, with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Then what do you want?"

"Why not," Dongfang Yi smiled, and moved closer to Xia Yichu, with sparkling eyes and a smirk in his expression: "Will you take a bath with me later?"

Xia Yichu: "Hehe." I just kicked in the past.

 [The first update in the early morning ~ yesterday's votes exceeded [-], and a new chapter will be added today!Keep up the good work everyone, after today's votes pass [-], continue to add updates!Good night everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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