Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 134 Inferiority Girl@campus男神2

Chapter 134 Inferiority Girl@campus男神2 (recommendation ticket plus update)

For Xia Rihe's solitary attitude, everyone thinks she is arrogant and looks down on her, but they don't know that this silly girl is actually inferior to her bones.

It wasn't until this silly girl had someone in her heart that she slowly passed through a different time.

When I was in high school, Xia Ri and her love affair first blossomed, and I fell in love with Gu Yusheng, the school grass of Ewha High School.

Gu Yusheng, as the school grass of Ewha High School, not only is his appearance defying the sky, but his grades are also defying the sky.He is not in the same class as Xia Rihe, but they are at the same level.

Moreover, he is the only one in Ewha High School, just like Xia Rihe, who gets full marks in every exam and subject.

At the same time, he is also the male god in the hearts of countless young girls in the whole high school.

Xia Ri and the same fell in love with him, and she also did the most daring thing in her life, which was to confess to Gu Yusheng.

At that time, Xia Rihe was also ready to be rejected by the other party, but he didn't expect to get the other party's nod.

Afterwards, the two started dating.

In fact, normally, Gu Yusheng would not come to Xia Rihe, every time Xia Rihe looked for him eagerly, with a shy face.

However, following the joy of being with his sweetheart, Xia Rihe also got resentment from many girls. The books in the desk were torn off, there were dead mice in the desk, and he was blocked by other girls in the toilet after class. Such things are simply commonplace in Xia Rihe after dating Gu Yusheng.

However, not only did she not tell Gu Yusheng, she even still loved Gu Yusheng as deeply as ever.This made the girls who were eagerly looking forward to the breakup between the two almost gritted their silver teeth.

However, the uneven relationship between the two finally ended in the summer after the college entrance examination. Gu Yusheng was arranged by his family to go abroad, so he directly broke up with Xia Rihe.

As for Xia Rihe, a few days after Gu Yusheng left the country, he was hit and killed by a car while crossing the road.

Xia Ri and this time have only one wish, to make Gu Yusheng, who was in high school, truly love her once.

She wants to experience what both men and women do when they are in love, she wants to be rebellious and stop being a good girl, she wants to be spoiled by a boyfriend, she wants to skip class and go out to watch movies together, and enjoy her own life.

After Xia Yichu finished the task, he didn't open his eyes, but continued to close his eyes and think about the current situation.

The time she traveled through was quite good, it was the second week after Xia Rihe confessed to Gu Yusheng, and Gu Yusheng accepted Xia Rihe's confession.

Gu Yusheng, as a male god on campus, was silently watched by everyone for what he did and what he ate every day.

Moreover, the place where Xia Rihe confessed to him that day was not very secret, it was under a big tree on the hillside behind the school.So there were quite a few students who saw this scene nearby, and it spread quickly on campus.

As the male god in the school, Gu Yusheng didn't get the attention of all the girls, but there were quite a few people who fell in love with him.At least the love letters that fill the desk every day are enough to represent his personal charm.

After interacting with Gu Yusheng, what Xia Rihe received was not everyone's blessings, but malice from all directions.

There are countless girls who come to find fault every day.

There were so many people who came to confess to Gu Yusheng in the summer and before, but he didn't accept one of them.But Xia Ri and the confession succeeded once.

And because of Xia Ri and the image of being out of gregarious in the past, everyone felt like a flower stuck in cow dung.

Gu Yusheng is that flower, Xia Rihe is that pile of cow dung.

Just now, when Xia Yichu crossed over, what he faced was that one of the girls who had a crush on Gu Yusheng grabbed her when Xia Rihe was going down the stairs, and warned Xia Rihe to stay away from Gu Yusheng.

But he didn't expect that this shell that was suffering from a high fever would change its soul halfway. Xia Yichu reached out and pushed indiscriminately. Although he pushed the opponent away, he also let himself fall down from the stairs.

Xia Yichu raised his hand and rubbed his aching forehead, feeling the weakness of this body, then closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Because the doctor found out that Xia Yichu's head had a slight concussion due to falling down the stairs, so Xia Yichu stayed in the hospital for more than a week before he came out.

The one who came to pick Xia Yichu out of the hospital was Fang Yun, the adoptive mother of the original owner Xia Rihe.

Fang Yun pushed the door and entered, and after taking a look at Xia Yichu who was sitting inside, she almost didn't wait for Xia Yichu to call her, she said to Xia Yichu: "I've already paid the hospital bill, let's go."

She turned around and left first, Xia Yichu followed behind her.

In the memories left by Xia Rihe, Xia Yichu knew that although this adoptive mother adopted Xia Rihe, she was not very kind to her. She belonged to the kind who saw Xia Rihe as a transparent person, and this transparent person Also do various housework.

Xia Yichu followed Fang Yun back home, during which time, the two of them didn't say a word.

On the way back, Fang Yun started to prepare lunch, and Xia Yichu washed the vegetables for Fang Yun or did other things as the original owner left in his memory.

After lunch, Xia Yichu went to school.

It's not time for the afternoon class yet, many students in the classroom are playing outside, only a few students are doing homework in the classroom, or talking in a low voice together.

When Xia Yichu entered, the girls who were sitting in the corner and talking immediately looked at her with disdain and a hint of sarcasm in their eyes.

"Tsk, I don't know who it is, I heard that you can fall down the stairs."

"Yes, yes, poor man, Gu Nanshen didn't even look at her."




Several girls accused Huai of scolding Sang, and after they finished speaking, they laughed happily as if they got a sense of superiority from Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu actually didn't want to talk to these middle school girls, but, why...

They were sitting in her place.

"Get out of the way." Xia Yichu stood in front of them and said coldly.

"Why, let it go if you say so, this table is not yours!" One of the girls responded, turning her head to look at Xia Yichu.

"Even if this table is not mine, this seat is mine. I'll say it again for the last time, show it to me quickly!" Xia Yichu said in a strong tone, stretched out his hand, and slapped it heavily on the table, making a bang , not only startled the three girls sitting there, but also made the few students in the classroom all focus on them.

 [Today's recommended tickets are full of six hundred and two plus updates!Eight thousand words have been updated today, do you love me?Tomorrow, the recommendation ticket will be full of [-] plus a new chapter!Two more chapters will be added if the one-thousand-one is over!The last thing is about the name Gu Yusheng, because every plane needs a lot of names, so Jun Bao came directly from Baidu. He didn’t know that he was the name of the male protagonist in a fire article beforehand. I hope you don’t mind. ~]


(End of this chapter)

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