Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 154 Inferiority Girl@campus男神25

Chapter 154 Inferiority Girl@campus男神25 (reward plus 3)

"I got lost with my family when I was six years old." Xia Yichu said in a calm voice, took a few steps forward, and suddenly turned around and said to Charlotte: "Come in."

"Ah, yes." Xia Luo responded, carrying the things in her hands and following Xia Yichu, walking into the room.

When she saw the familiar shoes on the shoe cabinet, Charlotte was stunned for a moment, please, this is obviously the room he rented, how could it be that Xia Yichu was the host and he was the guest just now.

However, at this time, Charlotte didn't want to think so much.

He quickly changed his shoes, Gu Yusheng who came in first took a pair of fur shoes and handed them to Xia Yichu.

The three of them sat on the sofa, feeling a dull atmosphere among each other.

"Tell me, why did you suddenly ask me this question just now?" Xia Yichu sat on the sofa, leaning back, in a very casual and relaxed posture.

She looked towards Charlotte, with a hint of darkness in her long and narrow eyes.

At such a moment, Xia Yichu suddenly gave Xia Luo a strong sense of familiarity.

"Don't move!" Xia Luo involuntarily said to Xia Yichu with a stern voice.

Xia Luo stared fixedly at Xia Yichu, then took out the phone from his pocket, tapped the phone a few times, unlocked his screen, found the picture, and flipped through many pictures , finally found one, he handed it to Gu Yusheng foolishly, and said, "Look, she looks very similar to the person in the picture, doesn't she?"

Gu Yusheng glanced at it, and then at Xia Yichu.

The one in the picture is a man in a suit, with his hair combed back, looking a bit old-fashioned, handsome, with very cold brows, pursed lips, and looking towards this side with an indifferent expression.

At first glance, I don't think so, but when I look more carefully, I will find that the two people are more than alike, the outlines are almost [-]% similar.

Gu Yusheng didn't answer, but handed the phone to Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu was also taken aback when he saw the picture on the phone.It seems that with a wonderful feeling, just a photo has brought her a strong sense of intimacy.

Charlotte was on the side, seeing the two of them looking down at the photo and not speaking, she was 100% sure that Xia Yichu was the person Xia Zhan had been looking for for so long!
Xia Luo knew about the loss of a twin sister in Brother Xia Zhan's family.

However, if they are twin sisters or twin brothers, no matter how time goes by, the appearance between the two of them will not notice much change.

But Xia Rihe and Xia Zhan are twins.A man and a woman, even if they have the same appearance when they are born, but after all, the man is more masculine and the woman is more feminine, some places still give people different feelings.

Especially Xia Zhan, who is obviously under 20 years old, but the burden on his body is extremely huge. Every time he appears in front of them, he is dressed in a black suit, his hair is combed behind his head, and his face is expressionless. Like an ice cube.

He is obviously the same age as him, but he gives the impression of an old-fashioned uncle!
And when Xia Yichu appeared in front of him on the first day, his smile was light and gentle, which made people feel very elegant and soft.How can Xia Zhan's ice cube compare.

In addition, when he saw Xia Yichu before, Xia Yichu was already in Gu Yusheng's arms.

And after that, Charlotte followed the two of them all the time, and didn't take a closer look at Xia Yichu, which also made him waste it. Obviously, he doesn't need to ask questions, but can directly tell from her appearance whether she is Xia Zhan Sister's shortcut.

Xia Luo took a few deep breaths and forced himself to digest the information calmly. He looked at Xia Yichu's expression, but found that the other party's face was still calm.

Charlotte said cautiously: "You must have been lost when you were six years old, right? Brother Xia Zhan and his family have been looking for you for many years. Even after his uncle and aunt left, Brother Xia Zhan never gave up looking for you. Your whereabouts. Oh, brother Xia Zhan is the person in this picture, your twin brother. If you want, can I make a call?"

Xia Yichu stared at the photo without any coldness in his eyes.

To say that before, she still had some distrust and no feelings for the parents of this body, but now, after seeing this photo, she felt a strange sense of intimacy in her heart.

She didn't know if this was the instinct in the original owner's body, the kind of strange feeling that only belonged to twin fetuses.But at this moment, she really wants to see the person who looks very similar to her in this photo.

Xia Yichu nodded and handed the phone back to Xia Luo.

Charlotte smiled, revealing two cute white canine teeth. He took the phone, found Xia Zhan's number, tapped it with his fingertips, and dialed it.

However, after a while, the mobile phone prompted the other party's mobile phone to be turned off.

"Huh? Impossible. He is a big president. He has a lot of things to do all day long. There are so many people looking for him every day. How could he turn off his phone?" Xia Luo was full of doubts, and said to Xia Yichu: "I will call other phone to try."

As the chief executive, Xia Zhan has a public account and a private account open to close relatives.

Charlotte clicked on his private number, and after dialing it, it still reminded the other party's mobile phone that it was turned off.

"Forget it, it's okay to call later. Anyway, it's been so many years, it's not too late." Just when Charlotte wanted to call his parents, Xia Yichu spoke.

"That's right, I'll call later." After hearing this, Charlotte thought about it, and she put the phone back in her pocket.

"I'm afraid I have been on the plane for several hours? Are you tired? Go upstairs and sleep for a while?" Gu Yusheng who was next to him asked Xia Yichu.

When Xia Yichu thought about how she came here, she couldn't help feeling guilty.

Fortunately, Gu Yusheng's mobile phone did not have mobile phone call notification enabled, and after turning off the phone, even if he called, it would not be displayed.Otherwise, she really doesn't know what to do to close this loophole.

After Xia Yichu rejoiced in his heart, he gave Gu Yusheng a soft nod, followed him upstairs, and went to sleep in Gu Yusheng's room.

The house that Gu Yusheng and Charlotte rented was not too big, with one bedroom and two guest rooms.

However, because the two of them lived alone, the other guest room hadn't been cleaned yet.

Xia Yichu lay on Gu Yusheng's bed, sleeping with his clothes on.

In his sleep, Xia Yichu had a dream.

 【Watches are over, don't wait, there will be no updates in the early morning.The next chapter will be updated tomorrow morning, good night everyone!Wash and go to sleep!If it's boring, everyone can guess, what dream did the heroine have? PS: Although there is no update in the early hours of the morning, don’t forget to recommend tickets and comment on various packages~]


(End of this chapter)

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