Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 157 Inferiority Girl@campus男神28

Chapter 157 Inferiority Girl@campus男神28
At this point in time, there were not many customers in the coffee shop, and it was even deserted.

The two men sitting in the corner by the window, the one who couldn't help but directly raised his hand and waved at Xia Yichu and Gu Yusheng, had blond hair and golden eyes, tall stature, and was a foreigner.

And the other one, wearing a black formal suit, has a cold appearance, black-rimmed glasses, and exudes a sense of "obsessive-compulsive disorder" and "abstinence". A little stuffy.


After Xia Yichu and Gu Yusheng approached, the blond man greeted Xia Yichu and them first.

"Hello." Xia Yichu and Gu Yusheng sat on the other side of the table, introduced themselves to them and helped Gu Yusheng introduce: "I'm Xia Rihe, and this is my boyfriend, Gu Yusheng."

"Rihe, Yusheng." After the blond man called the two of them by their names in unproficient Chinese, his eyes fell on the two of them, he pointed to himself, and then raised his finger to the person next to him wearing a The man with black glasses said: "You can call me Leohard, I am Zhan's best friend. He is Xu Yanshu, Zhan's friend, and Zhan's lawyer."

"Yes." Xia Yichu nodded.

"Miss Xia, hello." Xu Yanshu, who had been sitting all this time, stretched out his hand to Xia Yichu.

His voice is gentle, and he speaks very standard mandarin. He is the one who called Xia Yichu just now.

"Hello." Xia Yichu raised his hand and shook it back.

Next, without waiting for Xia Yichu to ask, Xu Yanshu already had a businesslike attitude, lowered his head and dug out a lot of documents from his briefcase, and placed them in front of Xia Yichu one by one.

The one on top is the blood test between Xia Yichu and Xia Zhan, which confirms that there is a 99.99% probability that the two are related by family.

And what follows is the will that Xia Zhan has signed long ago, as well as the letter of transfer of all properties under his name.


After Xia Yichu just looked down for a few times, he didn't bother to search.

At this moment, deep in Xia Yichuli's heart, he was not at all happy because he became a millionaire in an instant and received tens of millions of fortunes, but his heart ached even more.

Xu Yanshu and Leohard on the opposite side looked at each other after seeing her change, feeling relieved.

Fortunately, Xia Zhan's sister, maybe like him, misses each other.

Next, Xu Yanshu and Leohard became acquainted with Xia Yichu and Gu Yusheng's attitudes, and became a lot closer.

Both Xu Yanshu and Leohard were people Xia Zhan knew when he was studying, and they were also the only two friends Xia Zhan had made good friends with in his short life.

What's more, Xia Zhan has God-like grace and help to these two people.

Xia Zhan is only 19 years old now. When he was young, he started to manage the company with Xia's father and studied hard.Moreover, after discovering that Xia's father and mother had cancer, Xia Zhan began to stop his studies, formally entered the company, and began to take over the company's business.

He was not full at the time, although Xia father and Xia mother escorted him, but Xia father and Xia mother suffered from cancer, and his physical condition was declining day by day. In places where Xia father and mother did not know, how many old guys from the company were there? Waiting for him to make a joke.

In the company, among those people who are over half a century old, there are a few who sincerely regard him, a fledgling kid who has not yet fully fledged, as the boss.

Especially after Xia's father and Xia's mother passed away, Xia Zhan single-handedly provoked the mainstay of the company, and the pressure on him was unbearable.

Those people who were usually unwilling to submit to his subordinates, now that Xia's father and Xia's mother left, their disrespect was even more exposed.

It is one thing to have skills and ability to take care of Xia's father and mother's funeral, and to deal with those restless old things in the company, but it is another thing to implement them.

Xia Zhan has been running around the company all day, even when he is free occasionally, he spends all his mind on how to send more people to find Xia Yichu.

In Xia Zhan's life, except for the two friends Xu Yanshu and Leohard, he really didn't have any close people.

"He's only been missing for a day or two now, are you two so eager?" Xia Yichu's eyes fell on the two of them.

Now the rescue operation of the plane crashing into the Pacific Ocean is still going on, no matter how you say it, it should wait until the rescue operation is over.

"It's not too early, Xia Zhan told us this a long time ago. Although part of us are here to test you, but more, it is your reaction that determines what we do next." Xu Yanshu's voice was flat talking.

Perhaps realizing that saying this would make Xia Yichu puzzled, Xu Yanshu continued to explain: "This is what Xia Zhan told us after he stabilized his position as the chairman of the company. He wrote these wills at that time, When he signed these names, he told me and Leo that if he finds you in the future, if he finds you, he will show you these."

"If you are a person who loves money and cannot manage the company, then although this will counts, the company under your name will be managed by a professional professional broker, or else, the shares in the company will be taken care of. If you sell it, the money you get will be enough for you to live comfortably."

"If you are calm and wise like Xia Zhan, and capable of running the company, then Leo and I will always be by your side and guard the company together. Of course, the premise is that you cherish us both."

"Then my reaction just now, did you disappoint?" Xia Yichu curled his lips, the pain in his heart because of Xia Zhan's departure was still there, but he got a little relief, and he was a little dazed. Cuo's heart began to be planted with a new motivation and support to try to survive in this world.

If this company is Xia Zhan, Xia's father, and Xia's mother's last effort in this world, then she must be the leader, and no matter what, it cannot be taken away by outsiders!
Xu Yanshu and Leohard looked at each other, and the same emotion flashed in their eyes.

"Happy cooperation." Xu Yanshu held out his hand to Xia Yichu.

"Please give me more advice in the future." Xia Yichu smiled and raised his hand to shake hands with the other party.

In the cafe, the four of them looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of trust in each other's eyes.

The initial trust and acquaintance of the four came from this cafe.

Xu Yanshu withdrew his hand, raised his hand to support his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and while tidying up those scattered documents, he said to the three of them: "Since everyone has this wish, now, let's come Let's discuss the future. No matter what Xia Zhan is doing now, while we are making the best plans, we must also take precautions and anticipate the worst results."

 [The first update in the morning ~ good night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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