Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 163 The Zombie Emperor's Only Favorite Christmas Addition

Chapter 163 The Zombie Emperor's Only Favorite (1) Christmas Addition

Wish system:

[Host information:
Name: Xia Yichu
Gender: Female
physical strength:-
Skills: "Yi Jin Jing", Western medicine, business.

Reward: Lucky Draw Wheel*1
Number of tasks completed: 5
Available credits: 360
Amount of merit: 1380]

When Xia Yichu returned to the Three Thousand Worlds again, her transparent body was floating, looking at her information on the light screen in front of her.

Both merit and points have increased this time, but because she gave Xia Zhan to exchange for Anping Fu in the next life, the column on the points only has the points earned from this task.

Xia Yichu looked at the transparent wishing ball next to him, and raised his five fingers to touch it. His emotions about this world were gradually pulled away, and those clear memories seemed to be dusted, and became long and distant.

"Let's go, go to the next world." Xia Yichu withdrew his hand and said to the system in his mind.

"Okay, I will open the passage to the next world for you right away." The voice of the 233 system sounded, and a familiar feeling of dizziness came. Xia Yichu had no intention of resisting, and let himself pass out.

When I woke up again, I was on a big soft bed.

Xia Yichu glanced at the fish-white sky outside the window, then took another look at this luxurious yet girly and lovely bedroom, then simply closed her eyes again, accepting information about this world, and her mission this time Come.

A familiar swelling pain passed in his mind, Xia Yichu closed his eyes and looked through the redundant memories in his mind.

After Xia Yichu finished reading the memories in his mind, his heart became mixed.

Without him, Xia Yichu not only travels through the end of the world this time, but even the original owner's wish is very dangerous.

This is a world of post-apocalyptic spicy novels, and the original owner Xia Yichu traveled over is Su Qinghuan, the number one vicious female cannon fodder in this novel.

Before the end of the world, Su Qinghuan was the daughter of the Su family, one of the four major families in N City. She was loved and loved by all kinds of people since she was a child.

This life full of stars and moons made Su Qinghuan develop a typical princess disease, and a temperament that is arrogant and unwilling to accommodate others.

It would be fine if the apocalypse had not yet come. With the protection of the Su family, she would be able to live a smooth life no matter what.

It's just that the end of the world has come.

Money in the past is like a piece of waste paper in the last days, but powerful abilities are the existence that people admire.

The strong survive, the weak out.

After the end of the world, some people have become zombies who have no sense and can only eat people.There are also some people who have been favored by God and have become supernatural beings with various supernatural powers.Most of the remaining people are still ordinary people who have not changed.

Su Qinghuan didn't wake up when the end of the world came.

There was no warning on the day of the end of the world. At that time, because Su Qinghuan fell in love with a handsome guy, in order to get closer to that handsome guy, he chased him and went out with the school tour group for an outing.

The handsome guy Su Qinghuan fell in love with was one of the protagonists, Qin Yileng, in this doomsday novel. Yes, because this is a doomsday NP novel, the heroine is one woman and many men.

The heroine, of course, is Qin Yileng's childhood sweetheart An Zhixia.

Qin Yihan and An Zhixia grew up together in an orphanage, and they had a deep relationship since they were young. They have been together since they were in high school.

After Su Qinghuan found out that Qin Yileng had a girlfriend, although she wanted to give up, she couldn't resist her inner love for Qin Yileng.Moreover, this kind of weird and ruthless emotion, when the end of the world came, and he had not awakened his ability, but after An Zhixia awakened the ice-water ability, the jealousy in his heart fermented more and more.

In the end, Su Qinghuan did many things that hurt An Zhixia, but every time she revealed her secrets and was seen by others.

Su Qinghuan's character in the team was getting worse and worse. In the end, Qin Yileng couldn't bear to see Su Qinghuan once again tried to push An Zhixia into the crowd of zombies. Then, during the siege of the zombie group again, she was thrown into the mouth of the zombie group.

And Su Qinghuan's wish started from here.

After Su Qinghuan was thrown into the group of zombies by Qin Yihan, fortunately, she did not die, but was rescued by a man covered in black mist.

After the man rescued Su Qinghuan, not only did he not hurt Su Qinghuan, but he also took good care of her.

Because her feet were crippled by Qin Yihan, Su Qinghuan could only stay in the room arranged by the man in black all day to recuperate.Every day, the man in black would go out and bring back some daily necessities such as water and food.

Every time he came back, his black windbreaker was not stained with the slightest blood, and his whole body was refreshed, without the slightest embarrassment.

At the beginning, Su Qinghuan thought it was because the man in black had a very high level of abilities.

However, after she inadvertently saw the man in black standing below commanding countless zombies while sitting in a wheelchair from the window on the third floor, Su Qinghuan's thoughts suddenly changed.

She did not expect that the man who rescued her was actually the Zombie King who could command all the zombies!
Su Qinghuan was frightened and afraid at the same time. At first, her gratitude for bringing her back from the crowd of zombies because of this man was instantly wiped away.

Humans and zombies coexist differently.

Su Qinghuan forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart, and pretended to stay with the zombie king in a peaceful manner.

However, after a long time, Su Qinghuan discovered that the Zombie King seemed to like her.

Although the Zombie King had never spoken in front of her, no matter what Su Qinghuan asked him, he would do it immediately without saying a word.

After Su Qinghuan knew the Zombie King's feelings for her, she was not happy, and lived a good life with the Zombie King.Instead, he used the Zombie King's feelings for him to betray the Zombie King!

Although Su Qinghuan was thrown into the group of zombies by Qin Yileng, she still refused to believe that Qin Yileng didn't love her, but felt that she didn't have the awakening ability like An Zhixia, so he treated her like this.

So, after knowing that the man in black was the Zombie King, Su Qinghuan has been trying to contact Qin Yileng.

After finally getting in touch with Qin Yileng, Su Qinghuan foolishly told Qin Yileng about her current situation, including the existence of the Zombie King who was only good to her and was endlessly good to her.

After listening to what Su Qinghuan said, Qin Yileng told Su Qinghuan to be calm, and they will prepare a small team to meet Su Qinghuan.

 [I heard that Christmas Eve is today?Will everyone eat apples?A new chapter is added for Christmas, everyone have fun at night, remember to think of Junbao and love Junbao~]

(End of this chapter)

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