Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 170 The Zombie King's Only Favorite Rewards and Changes

Chapter 170 The Zombie King's Only Favorite (8) Rewards and Changes

Xia Yichu was sitting in her seat, even when the car under her had been turned on and was slowly moving forward, she did not wake up with her eyes open.

There was a lot of noise in the car, and someone suggested that everyone sing in a chorus.

This idea was immediately approved and echoed by everyone.

Inside the car, clapping hands and singing rose loudly, and there was a lot of noise and laughter.

Even the driver who sat at the front and looked at the group of youthful college students in the car had a relaxed smile on his face, and seemed to be infected by the cheerful mood of this group of college students.

The only people who didn't fit in with this atmosphere were probably Xia Yichu who was sleeping on his bag, and the boy sitting next to Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu knew that there was a boy sitting next to him from the moment he sat down, but he didn't pay special attention to it.

On the surface, Xia Yichu looked like she was sleeping, but in fact she was practicing in secret, silently chanting the contents of "Yi Jin Jing" over and over again in her heart.At the same time, he also absorbed the wisps of thin aura floating in the air into his body.

When she came here this morning, Xia Yichu looked at the gorgeous golden sun, which was too brightly colored. She gave Su Mo the last cup of spiritual milk from the space, and told him to be careful.

Maybe these people didn't realize it, but Xia Yichu was keenly aware of it. This morning, not only was the color of the sun abnormally gorgeous, but also the grass growing by the roadside, the verdant and rich green, was too vibrant Vigorous.

The end was imminent, and she could not waste any more time.

The place everyone is going to today is an ancient town outside the capital.

After the bus drove out of the capital, the roads were wide and the cars on the roads gradually became scarce.

However, the sun was shining brightly and the weather was cloudless, but at some point, the clouds began to cover and thunder flickered.It's like, it's about to rain a thunderstorm.

The cheerful singing in the car stopped at some point, and everyone lay on the window, looking up at the gloomy sky, one of the girls complained: "Didn't it say that today will be a big sun? Look The weather, I'm afraid there will be a heavy rain coming, right?"

"I don't know, but I checked the weather before I went out. The weather forecast did say that today will be a cloudless sun. What's wrong now? Isn't the weather forecast accurate?" Another girl said, At the same time, he was puzzled.

There are also many people who lower their heads and take out their mobile phones, click on the weather, and the above shows that it is indeed cloudless, breeze, sunny, 25°~28°.

With such a display result, it is impossible for it to rain, and it is still thunderstorm weather.

Just when everyone was puzzled, there was a thunder in the sky, and the sound resounded through the sky, which made the timid girl in the car even screamed in fright.

Finally, those voiceless screams turned into exclamations.

"Wow! Look, what is that?" The girl who spoke first pointed out her hand.

Everyone looked up and looked outside, and grains of blue crystals were falling from the sky.

When it gets closer, you will find that it is actually crystal blue snow that has the same shape as snowflakes.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, the sky-blue snowflakes, I have to take a photo to commemorate and post on Weibo and space. This situation is probably unprecedented, right?" The girl said, quickly took out her phone, clicked on the camera, Kacha Kacha snapped a few photos.

After her reminder, the rest of the people woke up from their amazement and took out their own hands to take pictures as souvenirs.

Even if someone occasionally wonders how it is possible that there will be snowflakes in June, such questions are directly ignored by everyone.

Crystal blue snowflakes, even in the cold and windy December, is it impossible? !

Xia Yichu, who had his eyes closed, woke up from the bursts of exclamation and rattling sounds.

She received the last trace of spiritual energy into her body, opened her eyes, buried her head out of her bag, and looked up, all the things floating outside the window were crystal blue snowflakes.

Beautiful, eye-catching, amazing, and capable of killing people in an instant.Or, to turn people into monsters that lost their minds, Xia Yichu's eyes were cold.

At this moment, when everyone was looking up at the blue snowflakes outside the window, the classmate sitting in the car suddenly had bloodshot eyes and turned scarlet without any warning. He rushed over and bit the neck of the classmate !

The screams continued to rise and fall.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden change. Xia Yichu was relieved that the driver sitting in front of the car hadn't changed. Go back and ask everyone what happened.

"Bite! They bite!"

"I don't want to be with them, I want to go out, I want to go out!"

At the same time as the screams sounded, there were also students who reacted quickly. After seeing that the men couldn't pull away the biting classmate, they stood up directly from their seats and kept slamming on the car door.

The driver also knew the current situation and it was not safe for everyone to stay in the car, so he directly opened the door and let everyone get out of the car.

There are not a few students who have changed this time. Qin Yileng pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and while protecting An Zhixia behind him, he suggested to everyone: "Why don't we lock them in the car, so as not to worry about it?" They go out and bite people. We can also wait outside for police support."

Qin Yileng's words won everyone's approval.

The boys in the car stayed behind to subdue those students who had started to mutate and only knew how to bite, and the rest of them hurried out of the car door.

Xia Yichu also got up from his seat with his bag on his back, planning to get out of the car together.

Although she could directly kill these mutated zombies with a knife, Xia Yichu didn't intend to do so.It's not because she is cold-blooded, but because of the cruelty of this doomsday, everyone will experience it sooner or later.This was something they should have experienced in the previous life.

However, just when Xia Yichu was about to go out, the male classmate sitting next to her not only didn't move, but curled up instead.

When Xia Yichu was about to bypass him and go out, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Xia Yichu's clothes tightly.

"Let go!" Xia Yichu frowned, then sternly said.

The other party raised his head, his face was pale, reflecting the scarlet pupils.

Whether it was the other party's scarlet eyes or the coldness in those eyes, Xia Yichu gasped.

 [Thank you for the reward from my family, and I also received the first long comment, okay~ plus more~]

(End of this chapter)

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