Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 173 The Zombie King's Favorite

Chapter 173 The Zombie King's Favorite (11)

Su Qinghuan's temper was not very good before, and a large part of Zhang Linlin's approach to Su Qinghuan was for the money in Su Qinghuan's pocket.

So, in fact, from the very beginning, Zhang Linlin put herself at the bottom.

Su Qinghuan is easy to throw the eldest lady's temper. Every time, Zhang Linlin apologizes to Su Qinghuan in a low voice.

Zhang Linlin looked at Su Qinghuan with an enthusiastic look like a good girlfriend, but in fact, her jealousy and hatred for Su Qinghuan was about to overflow in her heart.

Now, looking at Xia Yichu who has no supernatural powers and can only silently follow behind the crowd every time, Zhang Linlin's desire to punish her is becoming more and more irresistible.

A few times, Zhang Linlin intentionally let some zombies come in close to Xia Yichu, but Xia Yichu smashed them to death with an iron rod. Zhang Linlin's teeth itch when she saw the clean and neat movements.

It's not that Xia Yichu didn't know about Zhang Linlin's little tricks, but she just didn't want to pay attention to them. She was waiting for the day when Zhang Linlin would kill herself.

After the apocalypse came, there was no mobile phone signal or internet. When collecting supplies, Qin Yilen deliberately drew attention and found a detailed map of this ancient town.

In addition, this ancient town is actually very famous, and it is not far from the capital. Many students have already visited it during the previous holidays, and they are no strangers to this place.

Everyone packed up and left the canteen. Qin Yileng made a decision to find some people to ask about the current situation. It would be best to find the police to find out what the situation is now, and then sit down and plan for the next step.As for the capital city, they must go back, but they also need to see the timing.

After Qin Yileng made this decision, it was immediately approved by everyone.

Everyone packed up and left the canteen, and gradually approached the bustling area of ​​this small town.

It has only been a week since the doomsday broke out, and all the wandering people on the streets are those zombies in ragged clothes, stained with blood and minced flesh, staggering, after discovering the breath of a large group of living people such as Qin Yileng, they immediately Start moving towards everyone.

If you say that before, when you look at these zombies, everyone will feel fear and dare not do anything, but now with the support of supernatural powers, and the zombies are also slow to respond, those boys are at the age of passion, after the initial After the fear and nausea, now when dealing with these zombies, not only is there no fear, but excitement on his face.

There were only a handful of two girls who still looked terrified, curled up and followed behind everyone, throwing up as they walked.

Qin Yileng led the other boys to open the way ahead, and An Zhixia walked behind those boys with the other girls.

Occasionally, the last and last Xia Yichu would use the iron rod in his hand to ruthlessly smash to death those zombies that suddenly jumped out from the side.

However, everyone's eyes did not fall on her.

Moreover, through the memory left by the original owner, Xia Yichu knew that some zombies had something called a crystal nucleus in their heads.The volume is only the size of a fingernail, and it is a diamond-shaped crystal.

Ability users can absorb the energy in this crystal to improve their ability level.

But now, no one has discovered this thing yet.

Although Xia Yichu knew about it, he didn't say it out loud.

If this group of people had been kind to the original owner Su Qinghuan in the previous life, then she would definitely share this benefit with everyone.

After all, now that the end of the world is coming, the most important thing is to strengthen the strength of your team.

But when this group of people were surrounded by zombies, in order to escape, they not only interrupted the original owner's legs, but also threw the original owner into the group of zombies, using the original owner to delay their escape.

If Xia Yichu didn't throw them into the group of zombies one by one now, it would be like adults not remembering villains.

Moreover, Xia Yichu also discovered that the crystal nucleus in the zombie's head was not only useful to the supernatural being, but also useful to her.

Even Xia Yichu didn't need to dig out the crystal nucleus from the zombie's head like those supernatural beings, and directly release the aura in her body, and absorb the power contained in the crystal nucleus into her body.

Xia Yichu followed behind everyone, apparently carelessly, but secretly perceiving the zombies that had been killed by everyone one by one. Once he found that there was a crystal nucleus in the zombie's body, he would absorb the energy in the crystal nucleus. into his body.

"Brother Qin, there's a supermarket over there, why don't we go in and have a look." The boy who opened the way ahead spoke to Qin Yileng, when a zombie rushed towards him, and two flames were released from his palm.

The flames spread across the zombie's body in an instant. With a wave of Qin Yileng's hand, several sharp ice blades appeared in the air. With a "click", they directly pierced the zombie's head, and the zombie fell to the ground unsteadily. .

Qin Yileng looked in the direction the boy who spoke raised his finger, and sure enough, he saw a supermarket at the corner not far ahead.

Outside the supermarket, some zombies wandered around aimlessly.

As soon as Qin Yileng led everyone over, those zombies all moved towards everyone like hungry dogs who suddenly smelled the smell of meat and bones.

Qin Yileng and the others either released their own supernatural powers, or held the iron rod in their hands, and slammed their swords directly at the zombies.

The attack power of these zombies was not strong, and their movements were slow, so they were easily dealt with by everyone.

The gate of the supermarket was closed, and when everyone took a closer look, they realized that there were actually more zombies in the supermarket.

It may be that they smelled the breath of living people, and they all gathered towards the glass door.

Xia Yichu checked visually, there were about thirty or forty zombies.It should be the person who didn't escape after the end of the day and turned into a zombie in the end.

And looking at the glass door that was locked from the outside, it was obvious that those zombies were all locked inside after the end of the day.

"Brother Qin, what should we do?"

A boy approached Qin Yileng and asked him to make up his mind.

Now that the end is approaching, many shops have been looted. It is so rare that there are so many supplies in this supermarket.

However, maybe it was because so many zombies were locked up here that no one dared to go in to get supplies.

Qin Yihan's eyes fell on the group of zombies who were locked inside and howled with their heads up, their expressions were gloomy and unclear, obviously trying to find a way.

They are a group of five girls and eight boys, and they have already consumed a lot of physical energy just after they came all the way.

 [Thank you め激花, Tiaoxie, and Jimo Yuyue for your rewards, thank you Zunqing "Yu" for your long comment, thank you for your votes, and add more to send~]

(End of this chapter)

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