Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 180 The Zombie King's Only Favorite

Chapter 180 The Zombie King's Only Favorite (18)

Before, Zhang Hu ordered Zhang Linlin to be taken away directly, and this Linlin was from their side.

That day, after the massacre in the grove.

Although Zhang Linlin didn't die, her lower body was bleeding like a river, her face was blue, and her breathing was weak, but she held on to her breath again to let herself survive.

When she was reported out of the woods by a certain rough man, her pale expression reflected the fierce gaze, and she looked straight at Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu turned a blind eye to her poisoned gaze, Zhang Linlin was carried into the car by the burly man, and the group of people got into the car one after another, and continued to head towards the Huaishang base.

During the period, An Zhixia switched seats this time, instead of sitting with Qin Yileng, he sat next to Xia Yichu.

Looking at An Zhixia who was beside him with a slight smile on his face, a sneer flashed across Xia Yichu's eyes.

"Qing Huan, didn't you scare you today?" An Zhixia looked at Xia Yichu, and spoke to her first, with concern on his face.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine." Xia Yichu shook his head slightly.

Xia Yichu's expression of resentment did not make An Zhixia feel relieved. Now that this topic has started, it will be easy to ask other questions.

The two asked and answered, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Of course Xia Yichu knew what she was here for. The first moment An Zhixia took the bread from An Zhixia's hand, Xia Yichu keenly felt the stench emanating from the bread.

Xia Yichu's body has been washed by the spiritual spring water in the space, and when she practiced every day, she would flush her meridians with spiritual energy over and over again, not only strengthening her body, but also sharpening her senselessness.

Taking a short sniff, Xia Yichu didn't know what was in the bread, but he could smell the stench from the bread.

And An Zhixia came this time just to test Xia Yichu, whether she knew that the bread had been tampered with.

With Zhang Tie's death today, perhaps apart from Xia Yichu and An Zhixia, no one else knows the real cause of his death.

Xia Yichu could pretend not to know, but she didn't want to pretend at all.

"You sat next to me on purpose and asked me so many questions, what exactly do you want to know? Or, what are you guilty of?"

Xia Yichu's eyes fell on An Zhixia's body, with a half smile on his face.

"How could it be?" Su Qinghuan quickly moved away from the video, clenched her hands together, her expression was a little unnatural and was quickly suppressed by her, "I can want to know something, just to see everyone They used to belong to the same school, but now in this world... hey, can I even talk to you?"

"Speak, continue." Xia Yichu relaxed his body and leaned on the seat back.

An Zhixia choked on Xia Yichu's calm words, opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

Her previous relationship with Xia Yichu wasn't necessarily good, it was purely a relationship between her original partner and the mistress who wanted to poach her, so there was nothing to talk about.

Xia Yichu didn't care about An Zhixia's silence, and leaned on the seat and closed his eyes directly, seemingly falling asleep, but actually thinking about what happened today in his heart.

Last time in the supermarket, after Zhang Linlin wanted to kill her but was blocked by Qin Yileng, Zhang Linlin never concealed her arrogance and disgust towards Xia Yichu in front of Xia Yichu.

That's why Xia Yichu deliberately took out the bag of bread and water today, just to wait for Zhang Linlin to come to the door.

And everything after that was as smooth as she had imagined before. Zhang Tie died, and Zhang Linlin became the target of those rough men who could vent their anger at will.

As for Zhang Linlin's hatred for herself, Xia Yichu didn't take it seriously at all.

Although Zhang Linlin is a fire-type supernatural user, after Xia Yichu has practiced hard for this period of time, let alone Zhang Linlin, who is still a junior supernatural person, even the first-level supernatural person Qin Yileng, plus the first-level superhuman Zhang Linlin Tiger, she can confidently defeat both of them at the same time.

And that dead Zhang Tie, Xia Yichu didn't feel guilty at all.

In his previous life, Qin Yileng also met Zhang Hu and others in that supermarket, and then the two teams cooperated together.

At that time, the original owner, even though An Zhixia was not pleasing to the eyes and felt jealous, but in fact, he had no intention of harming others, even if it was towards An Zhixia, she never did it.

It's just that the strange thing is here, every time she and An Zhixia are alone, An Zhixia will often have problems, and no matter what Su Qinghuan explains, everyone sees An Zhixia's face of being wronged but bears it. Without saying anything, they all chose to stand by her side.

Moreover, when Qin Yileng broke Su Qinghuan's legs abruptly, Zhang Tie, this lustful bastard, was the first man who bullied Su Qinghuan and took her body by force.

Even though he knew that he had crossed over, none of this happened, and his body was clean.

But every time, when seeing Zhang Tie, Xia Yichu couldn't help feeling a deep sense of disgust in his heart.

Now, taking this opportunity to get rid of Zhang Tie is also a great pleasure for Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu closed his eyes and fell asleep, An Zhixia next to her looked at her relaxed look, recalling the unclear words Xia Yichu just said, the gloom in his heart increased a little.

The corner of An Zhixia's eyes fell on Xia Yichu's body, and when she felt her fair skin and the tranquil temperament on her body, there was a hint of jealousy and darkness in An Zhixia's eyes that she didn't even notice.

At this moment, the car that was moving forward suddenly stopped, and a boy sitting by the window said to Qin Yi coldly with a flustered expression: "It's not good, Brother Qin, many zombies are heading towards us It's coming!"

"Be safe and don't be impatient, all the supernatural beings are ready to attack." Qin Yileng looked stern, his eyes fell on the lost bodies outside the window, and he began to give orders in an orderly manner.

Xia Yichu, who had his eyes tightly closed, opened them and looked out the window, only to realize that at some point, everyone was driving at a crossroad, and what was strange was that on the open street, there were dense crowds of zombies in all directions. Let everyone gather.

The number of zombies made everyone's scalp tingle.

Even through the window, everyone seemed to feel the stench emanating from the zombie.

With such a large number of zombies, many people in the car felt a sense of despair.But Xia Yichu's eyes lit up, she had a strong premonition that her target this time, the long-lost Zombie King, was about to appear.

 [There was an accident last night, I feel guilty, I am so sorry. 】

(End of this chapter)

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