Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 194 The Zombie King's Only Favorite

Chapter 194 The Zombie King's Only Favorite (32)

The off-road vehicle drove on the road for most of the night, when Xia Yichu opened his eyes again, it was already bright outside, the car stopped on the side of the road, she was hugged tightly by Mo Jinli, and Mo Yuyu also lay down Fell asleep in the driver's seat.

Xia Yichu was taken aback, she wanted to absorb some spiritual energy last night, but she didn't expect that she would sink all her mind into it, and then break through the first layer of "Yi Jin Jing" and enter the second layer.

When Xia Yichu opened his eyes, Mo Jinli, who was holding her, noticed it.

Mo Jinli opened his eyes, and kissed Xia Yichu's cheek.

Xia Yichu dodged a little uncomfortable, got off him, opened the car door and walked out.

The slight noise woke up Mo Yuyu, who was lying asleep in front of him, with his eyes wide open.

Xia Yichu took out two packs of instant noodles and marinated eggs in the space, while Mo and Yu lit a fire, and each made a pack.

Before the apocalypse, the price was cheap, and everyone said it was unsafe junk food, but now after the apocalypse, it tastes infinitely delicious when eaten in this cold, windy and snowy field.

"Do you have any plans for what to do in the future?" Xia Yichu walked up to Mo Yuyu and asked her.

"Live." Mo Yuyu's voice exuded a firm gaze.

Before the doomsday came, she was the only daughter in her family. Although her family was not rich, she was also well off.Before the doomsday came, Dad turned into a zombie immediately, and Mom took her out and ran towards the safe base.

Neither she nor her mother had the ability to awaken, but they were lucky. They drove the car all the way without encountering any zombies. If it was not necessary, the two of them hardly got out of the car.

However, on the way, he ran into a woman holding a child.In this snowy season, the woman was wearing thin clothes, holding a baby in her hands, she had stood in the cold wind for an unknown how long, her lips were blue and white, she and her mother felt compassion for a moment, opened the car door and wanted to leave the car. The woman took it, but she didn't expect it to be a conspiracy.

As soon as she and her mother stopped the car, as soon as the door opened, many people appeared beside them. They were all supernatural beings. It was too late when she and her mother realized that something was wrong.

Next, she and her mother were taken back to the village.I saw with my own eyes one after another women were forcibly raped, or pulled out to wash, scalded to death with boiling water, peeled and boiled to eat.

My mother committed suicide by hitting the wall because she couldn't bear it. She cut all her hair short with a pair of scissors, smeared mud on her face, hands and body, and hid in a corner all day long without speaking. Those people just ignored it. she.

She has no expectations for the future, but she is not willing to accept her fate.

After a brief rest, the three continued on their way.

The three of them walked closer and closer to the direction of Qu County, and as they got closer to the direction of Qu County, not only did they meet more people on the road, but even the zombies they encountered gradually increased.

Xia Yichu wanted Mo Yuyu to compete with An Zhixia for the golden finger, so it was necessary to cultivate her strength.

With a sound of "Puff", a zombie was in front of Xia Yichu, and she chopped off its head with a single knife. Xia Yichu quickly avoided it, and did not let the blood fall on her body. The blood slowly flowed down the sharp Tang knife, drop by drop. Drop by drop on the ground.

She has been killing zombies here for a long time, and even she is a little out of breath at this moment.

Mo Jinli, who had been on the sidelines, walked in front of her, stretched out his slender and well-knit hand, and gently wiped the sweat from her forehead with a tissue.

Mo Jinli was a little puzzled and dissatisfied on that pale and handsome face: "Why do you have to kill them yourself? If you want the crystal nuclei in their heads, I'll give you as much as you want. Isn't that good? As long as You stay with me."

"It's not about the crystal nucleus." Xia Yichu shook his head, then turned to look at Mo and Yu who were a hundred meters away.

Mo and Yu, who were wearing black sportswear, were facing away from her, holding the Tang Dao that Xia Yichu had given her in their hands, and were trying their best to kill the zombies around them.

One after another zombies fell around her.

Taking her out to kill zombies is the fastest way Xia Yichu thinks to improve a person's ability.Moreover, Mo Yuyu's understanding is very good, she just taught Mo Yuyu some simple physical skills, and the other party can use them with pure fire after just watching it once.

In the beginning, she was going to bring Mo Yuyu out to kill zombies. When she told Mo Jinli, Mo Jinli didn't agree at all. Those dark eyes looked at Xia Yichu stubbornly, and even told her It's about the Zombie Emperor, to tell Xia Yichu that he has the absolute ability to protect Xia Yichu's integrity.

It's just that Xia Yichu was the same at that time, and it's like this now, those clear and penetrating eyes stared at him without blinking, so that he didn't have the slightest intention to wrong her, so he just compromised.

Now, she was like this again. After glancing at that useless woman, those beautiful eyes turned around and fell on him.

Mo Jin felt a deep sense of frustration in his heart, raised his hand to cover Xia Yichu's eyes, and prevented her gaze from falling on him, then leaned over and gnawed on him somewhat dissatisfied.

Mo Jinli bit the other's lips with a bit of rough force, and after hearing her tiny cry of pain, he gradually relaxed his own force.

After the kiss was over, Mo Jinli hugged him tightly in his arms: "You said that after you come out for a walk, you will accompany me back to the villa."

Xia Yichu was so weird that he could hear a trace of inexplicable grievance and stubbornness in his words.

"I didn't say I couldn't go back. Haven't I found my brother yet?" Xia Yichu sighed softly in his heart, raised his hand and gently patted his back, as if comforting some kind of small animal: "I I know that you are very powerful and won’t let me get hurt in the slightest. It’s not that I don’t believe in your ability. It’s just that I don’t like standing behind you and being protected by you. My feelings for you are actually the same as your feelings for me Yes, not only do I want to be able to protect myself, I also want to protect you."

As soon as Xia Yichu's words came out, Mo Jinli was immediately caught by Shunmao.

He looked straight at Xia Yichu with focused eyes, those bright black eyes reflected Xia Yichu's appearance.

Mo Jinli pursed his lips, and reluctantly said: "That's fine."

With Mo Jinli around, those zombies dare not approach Xia Yichu.

After a short rest, Xia Yichu drew out his Tang Dao and continued to enter a new round of strangling zombies.

Mo Jinli restrained his aura, and no longer suppressed those zombies. Those zombies were ignorant, lured by Xia Yichu's living breath, and rushed towards her ferociously.

 [Second update, thank you baby Zunyu for your reward~ ask for a monthly ticket~]

(End of this chapter)

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