Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 202 The Zombie King's Only Favorite

Chapter 202 The Zombie King's Only Favorite (41)

The three sat and ate together.

The Su family has always had the family rule of not eating or sleeping, and after a silent dinner, Su Mo called Xia Yichu to the study on the second floor, and carefully asked her about her situation after the apocalypse.

Knowing that Su Mo cared about her, Xia Yichu smiled lightly, and briefly explained how she awakened the space ability at the end of the day, separated from her companions, was finally rescued by Mo Jinli, and then came to the Buluo base. up.

During this period, Xia Yichu ignored all the dangers encountered on the road, as well as the man-eating villager he encountered on the way.

It's just that Mo Jinli's ability is very powerful, and she walked very steadily along the way.

Su Mo actually had a trace of hostility towards Mo Jinli.

Only then did he realize the joy of being an older brother, the end of the world is coming, and after so many days of worrying, he finally brought his younger sister back, but the younger sister brought a man back.

This made Su Mo feel uneasy.

As the saying goes, the eldest brother is the father, but in fact, Su Mo's heart is more like a father's view of his son-in-law.Always be picky.

But now, after hearing Xia Yichu say that Mo Jinli not only saved her, but also escorted her all the way, her impression of Mo Jinli has changed slightly.

Of course, Xia Yichu didn't dare to tell Su Mo about Mo Jinli's identity as the Zombie King, so what he told Su Mo was that Mo Jinli had awakened, and it was the most powerful lightning power.

With her spatial ability and Mo Jinli's lightning ability, it is reasonable for the two to walk safely in this doomsday.

Although Su Mo is tough in business and management, but in the company, every time he speaks, he directly gives orders to his subordinates, and he is not very good at speaking.

Even now, he clearly cared about Xia Yichu in his heart, but after asking Xia Yichu a few questions after the doomsday in a dry tone, he didn't know what to ask.

Looking at Xia Yichu who was sitting on the seat, waiting for him to continue to ask questions, Su Mo waved at her helplessly: "Okay, then take your friends to stay at the base from now on."

"Well, brother, don't stay too busy." Xia Yichu smiled, walked out of the door, turned around and closed the door gently.

Su Mo, who was left sitting on the desk, still looked stern, but for some reason, under the light of the desk lamp, he felt an inexplicable depression.

Yexia Yichu and Mo Jinli lived in the villa.

Su Mo still leaves early and returns late every day. Except for Xia Yichu who returned early in the afternoon last time, the others almost didn't come back until midnight.

Even dinner is settled outside by myself.

On this day, it was rare for him to come back for lunch.

After eating, Su Mo handed Xia Yichu a card.

That card is like a bank card before the end of the world, square and thin.But the whole body is pitch-black, and there are only a few cursive characters on it.

Xia Yichu took a closer look, only to see that it was "Star Base" in big characters, next to it was Su Mo's name, and there was a row of small italic characters printed in the bottom corner: Special for Star Base.

"This is?" Xia Yichu was a little confused, it couldn't be a bank card.

"You can use it like a bank card before the doomsday, and it is also your security pass, but it is only limited to the Star Base." Su Mo said in a flat voice.

"Oh, thank you brother." Xia Yichu frowned, and put the card into his pocket.

Seeing Xia Yichu put away the card, Su Mo cast his eyes on Mo Jinli, "Master Mo, thanks to your care for my younger sister, Qing Huan was able to reach the base safely. She has been here for a few days. I didn't find the time to thank you properly. If you don't dislike it, please accept this card. Besides, I promise you three requests. As long as it is something that I, Su Mo, can and can do, I promise you all."

As Su Mo said, he took out another card and handed it to Mo Jinli.

Different from Xia Yichu's black card, this card is golden, which is very different at first glance.

Moreover, Su Mo is also the base leader of this base, and one of his promises is very precious, let alone three.

However, this also undoubtedly shows that if Mo Jinli accepts his gratitude, then the relationship between Mo Jinli and Xia Yichu as a benefactor will be cleared up.

"Brother Su, you are welcome. Taking care of Qing Huan is what I should do. Besides, Qing Huan has helped me many times, which I can't do by myself." Mo Jinli looked flat, as if he didn't know the picture The promise of Ka and Su Mo is such a rare thing.

But is it because he really doesn't know, or is he wanting to exchange for greater benefits, or is it true love?
Su Mo lowered his eyes, and in just a few breaths, all these questions were filtered in his mind.

Xia Yichu next to him, after hearing Mo Jinli's words, met his fiery gaze, and turned his head with some palpitations.

Who said that this is just a silent autistic child, she sees that he is obviously normal, not only can speak well, but can also tease herself with words.

"I didn't expect the relationship between Master Mo and Sister She to be so good, but I heard that Master Mo's awakened lightning power, and I happen to be also a lightning power, why don't we go and learn from each other?" proposed.

Mo Jinli doesn't have to buy anyone's account, but he still wants to buy this future brother-in-law's account.

After Mo Jinli nodded, Su Mo took the lead, and the two walked towards the arena.

Xia Yichu stood on the spot and looked at their backs, and also raised his heels to follow them.

After the doomsday, most people have awakened their abilities, and many people didn't know how to use their abilities when they first awakened their abilities.Therefore, each base has specially set up an arena for supernatural beings to exercise and learn from each other to improve their strength.

However, this arena is different from the arena before the doomsday.

After the apocalypse, although the earth's environment is destroyed, human potential is forced out. After the apocalypse, human technological civilization has also taken a new step.

The arena in front of him is one of the latest inventions after the end of the world.

It takes into account the differences in various abilities, including gentle water abilities, scorching fire abilities, and powerful ice and thunder abilities.

The materials used to build the arena are also different. After entering each room, it is a separate space, and because of the particularity of the materials, even if you use your abilities to the extreme in it, the burst of energy will be rapid. is absorbed by the energy core in the room, apart from the displayed data, the arena will not be destroyed in the slightest.

 [\(≧▽≦)/Thank you Moxue, love dogs like crazy, I have no choice but to give a reward from Queen Guoguo~ la la la, I am so happy to see the reward, I quickly coded a chapter and posted it, I plan to explain it End this story the day after tomorrow, and the next world will be false brothers and sisters?Release Shen Jiaye for everyone to see? 】

(End of this chapter)

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