Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 208 The Zombie King's Only Favorite

Chapter 208 The Zombie King's Only Favorite (47)

In just a few minutes, the system marked An Zhixia's current location.

Xia Yichu thought for a while, and exchanged for a small search expert, so that the system could also mark Mo Yuyu's location.

Sure enough, An Zhixia and Mo Yuyu were located not far away. I am afraid that even if Mo Yuyu and Ji Yan escaped from An Zhixia's laboratory, the current situation may not be so good.

Although Xia Yichu immediately wanted to expose the crimes of An Zhixia and others, but she knew that this matter was not suitable for her.

Xia Yichu thought for a while, and let the system deliberately pass some satellite data in the next few days to tell the major bases some traces of An Zhixia and the others' human experiments.

Since Su Mo saw the video of the human experiment in the office that day, he did not give the researchers the items in the box.

He is a businessman and a leader who doesn't understand scientific matters.

However, he would never allow someone on his base to do such a thing.

At the same time, Su Mo also issued a series of orders, instructing some elite subordinates to secretly investigate who is behind the human experiment.

However, the sky and the earth are huge, and the place where Mo Yuyu and the others sent their things is thousands of kilometers away from the Xingchen base, which is already beyond the jurisdiction of the Xingchen base.

Su Mo also knew that it was impossible to find out those villains by himself, and strangling them was impossible, so he sent an urgent report that afternoon to Mo Jinli's brother Mo Rong, and told him about it. The matter of human experimentation.

Xia Yichu and Mo Jin have been away for a year, no matter where the two go, they are always in pairs, even the name of the team they formed is "two-person team", and they leave a bag of golden dog food properly At the same time, it actually indirectly explained the identities of her and Mo Jinli.

And under this year's contact, Mo Jinli's passionate love for Xia Yichu is also visible to Su Mo, apart from Mo Jinli's cold personality and strong strength that won't find a mistress, the most important thing is that Xia Yichu likes it .

Su Mo gradually recognized the existence of Mo Jinli, his brother-in-law.

As for Mo Jinli's parents, he is also very fond of Xia Yichu, the future daughter-in-law.Moreover, the two bases are not far apart, and there are often business contacts. Especially this year, the exchanges and cooperation between the two bases have become closer.

Mo Rong and Su Mo are about the same age. Although they haven't met formally, they both have a feeling that they meet each other and hate to meet each other. They are rivals and good friends.

What Su Mo faxed was a copy of the things taken out of the box. Mo Rong, who was not at the base over there, was also very shocked and angry when he saw these things.

Mo Rong immediately stated that he would also order the people in his hands to investigate this matter secretly.

During this period of time, apart from the human-faced pig body and the human-faced fish-tailed scorpion discovered in Huaishang Base and Xingchen Base, other bases also broke out such inhuman monsters.

Everyone thought it was a new species, but they didn't expect...it was such a cruel and dehumanizing thing.

Mo Rong and Su Mo discussed for half an hour, and finally decided to say hello to the other base leaders and explain this matter.

Even though it is the end of the world, but by this time, if human beings do not join forces and make concerted efforts to fight against foreign races, it will only make human beings truly go extinct.

There are more or less connections between the major bases. After receiving this matter from Mo Rong and Su Mo, no matter what their true thoughts are, everyone has made it clear that they will definitely investigate themselves secretly. base, and strive to find out the person behind this scene.

An Zhixia dared to decide to do such a thing, so their ability, strength, and hidden power should not be underestimated.

But no matter how powerful it is, it can't match the system's ability.

Under Xia Yichu's order, in the next few days, the system gradually discovered An Zhixia's traces and actions through the data network, and was discovered by the people in the major bases.

The people in the major bases were all overjoyed, especially the people in the Huaishang base, who were the most shocked.

They looked at the photos displayed on the computer, and their eyes were fixed on one of the women and one of the men. One of the black-haired teenagers immediately opened his mouth and shouted: "Isn't this Qin Yileng? And the one beside him Little bitch/people! No wonder they haven't been found recently, so they went to the base to make this kind of thing that everyone despises."

"Brother, look, what should I do?" The other man was more stable, lowering his head and asking for instructions from a man in a suit standing beside him.

The man in the suit was tall, about 40 years old, with a hint of vicissitudes on his face. He was Qin Yileng's second uncle and the current head of the Huaishang base, Qin Zhengnan.

This year, the Huaishang base has been fighting fiercely, and Qin Yileng's father, Qin Huaishang, lost in the end and was taken over by Qin Zhengnan.

Looking at the photos of Qin Yileng and others on the computer, Qin Nanzheng sneered and said, "Tell the bases that Qin Yileng is no longer the blood of our Qin family, and our Qin family will always stand on the side of human beings. If there is anything that requires our Qin family to take action, our Qin family is obliged to do so."



The locations of An Zhixia and the others were found out, and three days later, people from all major bases sent base elites to strangle An Zhixia and the others.

The Buluo Base and the Star Base have been the most prosperous and affluent during this year, and have already established their positions as the top bases.

The base needs someone to govern, so Su Mo didn't come out with him.

On the day of departure, Xia Yichu, Mo Jinli, and Fu Ge led the three hundred supernatural beings sent by the Xingchen Base towards the place that everyone had first agreed on.

The people from the major bases encircled and suppressed An Zhixia and the others, no matter how powerful they were and how smart the researchers were, they were still outnumbered.

Especially Xia Yichu, with the idea of ​​repaying her body with her own way, she had already handed over some blueprints and ideas to the researchers of the Xingchen Base, and those researchers lived up to expectations and gave her what she needed. Stuff is invented.

It was an ammunition with a small shape, but a very powerful lethality and a very large area.

In the previous life, Qin Yileng and the others used this ammunition to kill Su Qinghuan and the Zombie Emperor.In this life, Xia Yichu used this ammunition on themselves.

A bomb passed, and there was no bones left.

(End of this chapter)

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