Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 21 818 That cold-faced domineering ascetic brother

Chapter 21 818 That cold-faced domineering ascetic brother (26)

"Father, this company is your company, you can give it to whoever you want." Shen Jiaye said lightly.

Regarding Xia Zhengming's company, Shen Jiaye had never thought about it.

Xia Zhengming gave it to him, and he will take care of it.If you don't give it to him, he won't grab it.Not to mention that it was for Xia Yichu.

Even that person is his.

Shen Jiaye hooked his lips happily.

After Xia Zhengming got Shen Jiaye's answer, he didn't know whether he was relieved or felt more guilty towards Shen Jiaye.

Although the palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, there is always a difference between closeness and closeness.

Xia Zhengming is well aware of Xia Kui's arrogant and hard-working nature, if she doesn't make good arrangements for the rest of her life, Xia's father is really worried.

The two did not continue talking, and the atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Xia Yichu came out from the kitchen with a tray on which were three cups of black tea and a fruit platter.

Xia's father and Shen Jiaye both had a tacit understanding and did not talk about this matter with Xia Yichu. When the time was almost up, the three of them said good night to each other and went back to their room to rest.

Time slipped away slowly, and the Xia family had an extra Shen Jiaye. For Xia Yichu and Xia's father, life seemed to be no different.

However, Xia Yichu and Xia's father changed from two people who went out for morning jogging every day to three people, and the same was true for eating.

Father Xia's bedroom is on the first floor, and Xia Yichu's and Shen Jiaye's bedrooms are on the second floor. Usually, unless it is cleaned, the servants rarely come up.

Shen Jiaye often pressed Xia Yichu on the stairwell, or kissed deeply on the wall or in the study room. Every time he couldn't restrain himself, he kissed Xia Yichu until his face was rosy and his expression was ignorant, but no matter what, Shen Jiaye didn't treat Xia Yichu For the final step.

Sometimes, even Xia Yichu himself was ready, but Shen Jiaye still held back and pushed Xia Yichu away to take a cold shower in the bathroom.

Xia Yichu also secretly sent someone to inquire about Zhou Qing's life recently, and when he learned that Zhou Qing was not doing well, he curled his lips into a smile and did not speak.

Three months passed quickly, and the filming of "One World in Chang'an" was finally completed and completed successfully.

Zhou Xiaohong had already booked the finale banquet, and after the finale, he told everyone the address of the banquet so that they could attend on time and not be late.

After Xia Yichu took off her makeup, she made a phone call with Shen Jiaye and Xia's father to report respectively, and took a sober ride with her bag to the wrap-up dinner.

Everyone is a star, so Zhou Xiaohong also chose a very high-end place for the finale banquet, where the privacy of the guests is well kept.

When Xia Yichu and Su Xing went in, everyone in the box was noisy, and it had already started to become lively.

As soon as Su Xing and Xia Yichu entered, they were pushed to the reserved positions by everyone.

After several months of filming together, everyone has become familiar with each other, and it is not like the mutual suspicion and restraint when they first met.

Especially the directors and producers, including Zhou Xiaohong, although they were very strict when filming, but after the scene, it was like a different person, with a very good personality, and everyone got along very well.

Now that we have to part after this meal, probably everyone is more or less reluctant to part with it.

"Xiao Xia, it's a good thing I met you this time, otherwise I would really have to cut off the role of Chang'an." Zhou Xiaohong, who was already a little drunk after drinking for three rounds, came to Xia Yichu with a glass of wine and greeted him proudly. Looking at her, he said, "In the future, if I have a role that suits you in the future, I will definitely ask you to take pictures!"

"Thank you Director Zhou, as long as you don't dislike me, I will stick with you." Xia Yichu got up quickly and replied to Zhou Xiaohong.

In the past, Xia Yichu would never have said such shameless words.But today, she has been toasted by several people before. If she hadn't observed carefully, no one would have noticed that she was actually a little drunk.

"Haha, good! Keep your word, I'm afraid you won't be able to find anyone when you become popular!"

"How could it be? As soon as Director Zhou opened his mouth, Tianya Haijiao ran over." Xia Yichu said without hesitation, those big eyes were unusually bright.

After getting Xia Yichu's answer, Zhou Xiaohong didn't know if he was serious, so he laughed out loud, and Xia Yichu and Xia Yichu clinked glasses together, then raised their heads and drank the cup in their hands.

"Tsk, Xiao Wang, why did you let him drink so much again? Hurry up and send Brother Zhou back." The assistant director saw Zhou Xiaohong, who was almost unsteady on his feet, and quickly stepped forward to help him, turning his head and calling Zhou Xiaohong special assistant.

The assistant director and Zhou Xiaohong grew up together, and finally graduated from the same university and entered the entertainment industry together.The two have been friends for many years, so they naturally know how powerful the woman in Zhou Xiaohong's family is. Don't look at Zhou Xiaohong's bold and domineering appearance outside, but in front of the one at home, he is simply a guy who dare not fart...

The assistant director called the special assistant, and the two supported Zhou Xiaohong, who was eight times drunk, and said goodbye to everyone.

Xia Yichu dropped the cup, went to the side sofa and sat down.

In the box, everyone was drinking and drinking, karaoke karaoke, the scene was noisy.

Xia Yichu rubbed his forehead, planning to go back after his head feels better.

The phone in the bag vibrated suddenly, Xia Yichu took out the phone and looked, it was Shen Jiaye who called her.

"Hello? Brother?" Xia Yichu slid his finger, and after connecting the phone, he put his hand next to his ear.

"Well, baby, is the banquet over?" Shen Jiaye's deep and pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Not yet, but I'll be back later." Xia Yichu replied.

Shen Jiaye seemed to know that Xia Yichu would say that, and quickly replied: "Then I'll pick you up now, wait for me for 5 minutes, I'm near here."

"Well, okay, then I'll wait for you outside." Xia Yichu nodded.

After the call with Shen Jiaye was over, Xia Yichu put the phone back in her bag, only to realize that at some point, there was a person standing in front of her.

The person standing in front of Xia Yichu was a girl with a delicate complexion who looked eighteen or nineteen years old, and there was still a trace of youthfulness between the delicate eyebrows that had not faded away.

Xia Yichu knew her. Her name is He Ranran. She is 19 years old this year and plays a minor supporting role in the script.She is very enthusiastic and often helps the crew move things. Since Xia Yichu helped her, although she rarely talked to Xia Yichu, every time she met Xia Yichu, she would smile politely at her with a very respectful expression.

Seeing that it was her, Xia Yichu showed her a faint smile, and asked, "What's the matter?"

 [Rewards plus more gifts~Good morning everyone~~Thank you for your reward, Ning Jingzhiyuan, baby~]

(End of this chapter)

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