Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 210 Black-bellied Emperor Brother, Lightly Pet 1

Chapter 210 Black-bellied Emperor Brother, Lightly Pet 1
Xia Yichu went back to the white Three Thousand Worlds in a soul state, and a huge light screen was displayed in front of her, showing her character attributes.

But Xia Yichu didn't look up, but lowered his head, his gaze fell on the spirit bead in her hand.

This Lingzhu is one of the three treasures that she asked Mo Yuyu and Ji Yan to get before.

Not long after An Zhixia and the others died, Mo Yuyu and Ji Yan also returned to Buluo Base.Moreover, the two lived directly in the Buluo base for a long time.

The distance between Buluo base and Xingchen base is not far, every month when Xia Yichu leaves the villa, he will talk to Mo Yuyu.

And this Lingzhu was given to her by Mo Yuyu.

Sometimes Xia Yichu would also ask Mo Yuyu what the third treasure was, but every time Xia Yichu asked this question, Mo Yuyu, who had a good look on his face, would suddenly change his face, his face was full of hotness, with a hint of shame turning into anger.

Later, Xia Yichu learned from the system that the third treasure was actually a cheat book for double cultivation... Presumably, NP texts, the most common ones are women fighting N men, having this thing is very important for An Zhixia and Qin Yileng It really is a treasure for them.

Xia Yichu put the Lingzhu into the system backpack, looked up at her character attributes floating in mid-air.

[Host information:
Name: Xia Yichu
Gender: Female
physical strength:-
Skills: "Yi Jin Jing", Western medicine, business.

Reward: Lucky Draw Wheel*2
Number of tasks completed: 6
Available credits: 560
Amount of merit: 1680]

The points this time may be due to the fact that she used some of them in the task, and they didn't increase much, but Xia Yichu didn't value the points too much. Her eyes fell on the line of rewards, and she asked the system: " System, big lucky draw wheel, can we draw now?"

"Okay host, do you want to extract it now?"

"Yes." Xia Yichu nodded.

Immediately, a virtual big roulette made of accumulated data appeared in front of Xia Yichu.

This is not the first time she has drawn a lottery. When the first world mission was completed, she was also lucky enough to get a chance to draw a lottery.

Xia Yichu reached out his hand to touch the red button next to it, and the pointer on it immediately turned, and finally stopped slowly on a certain page. The originally dark red page flashed, and a pattern of something appeared.

At the same time, the voice of the system also sounded in Xia Yichu's mind: "Ding! Congratulations to the host, you got a bazooka!"

bazooka?What the hell is that?

This thought flashed through Xia Yichu's head, and in the next second, she saw that in the system backpack, besides the Lingzhu she had put in before, a mini bazooka also occupied one of the grids.

Xia Yichu looked at the big lucky draw wheel, reached out and clicked on it again.

After a while, the voice of the system sounded in Xia Yichu's mind again: "Ding! Congratulations to the host, I got a nightly sleep incense burner, and my mother no longer has to worry about my insomnia and sleeplessness at night~"

The two lucky draw chances have been used up, Xia Yichu raised his hand and touched the transparent ball with his fingers.

It wasn't until the originally clear memory in his mind gradually became blurred and far-reaching that Xia Yichu withdrew his hand and said to the system: "Let's go, go to the next world."

"Good host, I will send it to you immediately."

In the brain, a familiar feeling of dizziness came, and Xia Yichu tried his best to relax his thoughts, allowing himself to fall into a coma.


"Clap" sound.

A slap hit Xia Yichu's face heavily.

Instantly, the left side of the face swelled up, and there was a tingling pain.

Xia Yichu was woken up by this slap.

She frowned, and when she opened her eyes, she found that her hands were tied with a thick rope, and a person next to her was tightly grasping the collar behind her, and a sharp long knife was resting on her neck.

Whether it was the strength with which they grabbed her hand, or the left side of her cheek, Xia Yichu gasped in pain.Especially the gleaming blade on her neck now made the hairs on Xia Yichu's back stand on end
Ignoring the pain in her body, Xia Yichu raised her eyes and quickly looked around. Some people stood beside her in confusion, and the two confronting people were all wearing ancient costumes, even herself.

It seems that she has traveled to ancient times.

Xia Yichu forced himself to settle down, and glanced around.

The place where everyone is located seems to be a huge back garden, and now it seems to be holding a banquet.

In broad daylight, the ground is paved with stones, many tables and chairs are in order, and there are many delicious jade plates, wine glasses and delicacies on the table.

"How is it? Emperor Dog, have you considered it?" The man standing on Xia Yichu's left spoke with an arrogant tone.

Xia Yichu opened her eyes and looked at the people on the opposite side, the first thing that caught her eyes was the man standing in the middle, protected by armored soldiers in front, and protected by ministers on the left and right, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe.

The man was tall and tall, and his hair was tied high, and the flowing hair was obediently behind his back.

He followed Xia Yichu in several mission worlds, as if he knew her doubts in the last mission world. The face that appeared in front of Xia Yichu now has handsome and firm features, clear outline of the face, and sharp and deep eyes. , impeccable.This is Shen Jiaye's face.

At the moment of first glance, the oppressive and powerful aura emanating from his body will make people unable to help but surrender to his feet and pay attention to his handsome and extraordinary appearance.

Seeing that the emperor didn't speak, the man next to him sneered, and the knife on Xia Yichu's neck moved forward, Xia Yichu only felt a slight stabbing pain in his neck.

Immediately, a warm and bright red liquid flowed out from the wound on the neck.

If the emperor on the other side didn't say anything, maybe the man holding her would really kill her!

Xia Yichu's pupils shrank. Although the wound on her neck made her feel in danger, it also made her brain work quickly.

There are so many people in this place now, and her current situation is also very unsafe. She can't even receive the information of this world and this mission now.

However, it can be guessed that her current identity may have a lot to do with the man in the bright yellow dragon robe.

Xia Yichu boldly guessed in his heart that there are three thousand beauties in the ancient emperor's harem, maybe she is one of the three thousand beauties in this harem, who is being captured by these men in black, and it is not certain that she wants to negotiate with the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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