Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 221 Black-bellied Emperor Brother, Lightly Pet 13

Chapter 221 Black-bellied Emperor Brother, Lightly Pet 13
Because there was no new news about Jun Yanyu from the Shadow Guard for a while. Although Jun Yanyu knew that Fu Yisheng was wrong, he didn't want to startle the snake rashly, so he reused him as before. Leave it to Fu Yisheng to do it.

When Fu Yisheng was in the past, he was just a head guard.

Before, because he saved Xia Yichu and his house was clean, Jun Yanyu chatted with him for a while and saw that although he didn't have fame, he actually possessed great wisdom. At that time, in Jun Yanyu's heart, In fact, he really wanted to promote Fu Yisheng.

Otherwise, he would not have changed from a head guard to an official who can go to court.

Now, knowing that Fu Yisheng cannot be trusted, Jun Yanyu secretly asked the secret guard to investigate Fu Yisheng's true identity, and continued to support Fu Yisheng on the surface.

With the emperor's great love, for a while, Fu Yisheng's scenery was boundless.

Xia Yichu has always let Hongmei keep an eye on the movements in the palace. The emperor often praises Fu Yisheng in front of the ministers. in the ear.

Thinking of her own princess letting her observe the movements in the palace, even if Hongmei knew that Xia Yichu didn't like Fu Yisheng, she still told Xia Yichu about it.

When Xia Yichu listened, except for a slight smile on his face, there was not much expression on his face, but when he met Jun Yanyu, he started to fight with him angrily.

"What's the matter today? If you don't welcome the emperor, then the emperor will leave?" As soon as Jun Yanyu came in, he saw Xia Yichu's elongated face.

Even, maybe it was because she was angry, that when he came, not only did she not smile, she didn't even stand up to salute.

"Go, liar!" Xia Yichu said angrily.

"Who is the liar talking about?" Not only did Jun Yanyu not get angry at all, but he walked over, reached out and squeezed her round bun face, and said very patiently: "You and I are born of our compatriots. Now, if anyone would lie to you, but I won't."

Xia Yichu was slightly taken aback by his words, and then thought of the tragedy that happened in her previous life, her heart felt sour.

Facing Jun Yanyu's gentle gaze, Xia Yichu felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and she finally felt the same as the original owner at this moment, if only she and Jun Yanyu were really twin siblings.

She reached out and grabbed the clothes around his waist tightly, lowered her head and sniffed.

Jun Yanyu didn't speak, just raised his hand and touched her head.

Jun Yanyu's birthday is coming soon, except for going to class every day, Xia Yichu spends most of the time in the room, preparing her birthday gift for Jun Yanyu.

Jun Yanyu's birthday is also the birthday of the original lord Jun Ri'an.

Xia Yichu focused on the embroidery in front of her seriously, while Hongmei next to her looked at the embroidery picture she drew first, her expression hesitated to speak.

But in the end, he still didn't speak.

Hongmei felt that her princess had changed since she woke up last time.

But she couldn't tell what had changed.

It just feels that the princess is more peaceful and sensible than before.Moreover, it would be fine if the emperor was here, but if the emperor was not here, the princess would occasionally raise her eyes, with a sharp and cold light inadvertently revealed in her eyes, just like a second emperor.

This day, Xia Yichu came back from class with the female teacher.

When passing by the promenade, from a distance, I saw the sky blue figure walking towards me.

Xia Yichu paused, and immediately wanted to take a detour, but after thinking about it, he didn't need to be afraid of the other party at all, so he stopped wanting to turn around and continue moving forward.

Her stagnant movements were insignificant, but Fu Yisheng, who was walking towards her and had been secretly watching her, was relieved.

The two meet.

As usual, Fu Yisheng raised his hand to salute Xia Yichu: "Humble job, I have seen Princess Ri'an."

Xia Yichu snorted coldly as usual, and walked away.

However, the moment the two passed by each other, Xia Yichu's foot slipped, and she let out an ah, and her body was about to fall to the ground.

"Princess be careful!"

Fu Yisheng next to him uttered a cry, turned around and quickly stretched out his hands, wrapping his arms around Xia Yichu's slender and soft waist.

When the two were circling, Xia Yichu's terrified eyes met Fu Yisheng's gentle vision, and Fu Yisheng smiled at her, smiling like a spring breeze.

"Princess, don't be afraid."

The other party's gentle voice reached Xia Yichu's ears.

But in the next moment, Fu Yisheng, who could have stopped both of them, suddenly felt something tripped under his feet.

The two people's previous rotation lost control in an instant, and they fell to the ground together.

Xia Yichu's body was heavily pressed against Fu Yisheng's body, and the floor below was hard, causing Fu Yisheng to groan in pain.

Xia Yichu apparently did not expect such an accident to happen. She looked at Fu Yisheng worriedly, with an apologetic and guilty expression, "I'm sorry, I... I don't know how to fall, are you okay? I'll get up right away..."

While talking, she was about to get up from Fu Yisheng's body, but she didn't know what happened, not only didn't get up and said nothing, but fell back on him two or three times.

Fu Yisheng's sword wound last time was actually not healed. The doctor said that as long as he didn't do heavy work, the wound would heal slowly. Now Xia Yichu has been pressing heavily on him several times, and every time it is on his wound.

Fu Yisheng was already in pain, his expression was distorted, and he couldn't even speak.

He even suspected in his heart that Xia Yichu did it on purpose, but when he saw the other party's terrified face and tears falling down desperately, he dismissed this thought in his heart.

Simply, Xia Yichu's wrestling just now was too sudden, and there were two maids wrestling behind her.

The two servant girls kept screaming, and the other maids behind them reacted quickly, and carefully helped the wrestlers up.

As for Fu Yisheng, Xia Yichu also sent people to call two eunuchs and carried them to the imperial hospital.

This incident was naturally heard by Jun Yanyu.

After learning that Xia Yichu was fine, Jun Yanyu immediately sent someone to look at the place where Xia Yichu wrestled at that time, and the reply he got was that someone had poured some oil on the ground.

It's no wonder that not only Xia Yichu wrestled, but even the two maids behind her also wrestled together.

There are many people coming and going in that long corridor every day, and it is impossible to directly find out who poured the oil on it.

Jun Yanyu sat at the desk with gloomy eyes and a downcast face.

(End of this chapter)

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