Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 232 Black-bellied Emperor Brother, Lightly Pet 28

Chapter 232 Black-bellied Emperor Brother, Lightly Pet 28
The expression on Jun Yanyu's face is getting colder and colder. Thousands of people in Huaixi are waiting for this food to save them. This matter is imminent.

The officials below silenced their voices one after another. Jun Yanyu's heart was chilled by that evasive attitude, and the look on his face became more and more cold.

Fu Yisheng stood at the front on the left. He looked at Jun Yanyu's cold and stern expression, and when he was about to take a step forward, another figure stepped out before him. Mao then recommended himself: "I report to the emperor, I am willing to send you This material is going to Huaixi."

The person who spoke was the awakening of this year's new science and military champion.

Jun Yanyu took a closer look, and was immediately overjoyed: "Okay, Su Aiqing, I will order people to open a warehouse to release food immediately. Such a heavy burden will be placed on you."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will do my best to deliver food to the refugees as soon as possible." Su Xing said with a serious expression, neither humble nor overbearing.

Now that the matter of the transporter has been settled, Jun Yanyu finally stopped his gloomy face, and he immediately issued an order to let the people from the treasury open the warehouse to release the grain, so that Su Xing can go on the road this morning.

Su Xing left the capital with a large amount of food.

Originally thought that this matter should come to an end here, but several major events occurred one after another in the court.

Xia Yichu is a female class and can't be involved in politics, but not only Xia Yichu, but even the palace ladies and eunuchs sometimes gather around and chatter. Although everyone doesn't know what happened, they can always find out the slightest bit of wind.

Even Jun Yanyu hasn't come to Xia Yichu's place for dinner for several days in a row, and every time he solves it by himself in Yushufang or other places.

It wasn't until Hongmei whispered the news to Xia Yichu that Xia Yichu found out that the batch of food transported by Su Xing was actually encountered by bandits on the way, and both people and food accidentally fell into the cliff.

I didn't expect such a big thing to happen, and it's no wonder Jun Yanyu hasn't come to her these days.

If it is normal, Dalan State treasury is full after all. However, just two days ago, Qu State invaded suddenly, and even united with some small dependent countries near Dalan State, and marched towards Dalan State together.

Together, this battle will never end.

I don't know what year and month it will be.

Moreover, with this incident together, a lot of food and military resources are bound to be consumed.

Now that the matter of awakening comes out, it will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire.

However, no matter what.The first batch of food was not escorted, so the court naturally wanted to reopen the second batch.

After waking up, the other ministers were even more unwilling to accept such a hot potato.

But this time, Fu Yisheng didn't make Jun Yanyu wait for a long time, almost when Jun Yanyu asked who would send this batch of supplies to the disaster area, Fu Yisheng immediately stood up as if he was afraid that someone would take his credit In front of everyone, Mao Sui recommended himself.

Jun Yanyu looked at Fu Yisheng's self-recommendation, looked at the flashing light in the other's eyes, and laughed lightly in his heart, but he didn't show anything on the surface, not only didn't show anything, he even boasted about Fu Yisheng with a smile on his face.

The matter in Huaixi should not be delayed, Jun Yanyu ordered Fu Yisheng to leave this afternoon.

Fu Yisheng complied, then went back and simply packed his things.

Now that Fu Yisheng did it on purpose, he has to let Xia Yichu accompany him for a while every day, so that people outside think that the relationship between the two is very good, and every time they talk about Fu Yisheng and Xia Yichu, they will have a look Some only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals.

But only the servants around the two know that every time these two meet, it is definitely a trace of enmity.

When Fu Yisheng left, he came to remonstrate with Xia Yichu.

The two stood on the orchid pavilion again, side by side.

Fu Yisheng knew that if he didn't speak first, according to Xia Yichu's personality, he would never speak.

Then he spoke first: "I'm going to escort the food to Huaixi this afternoon. When I'm not around, take good care of yourself."

Xia Yichu ignored his words, but asked: "The first batch of supplies that Su Xing escorted over, but your hands and feet are frozen?"

"Huh?" Fu Yisheng looked at Xia Yichu in surprise, not expecting that she would know about this.

After all, because of the importance of this matter, there are still extraordinary times today.

As soon as Jun Yanyu knew that Su Xing and the batch of supplies fell off the cliff, he immediately sent someone to block the news, so as not to spread the news, so as not to disturb the people outside.

This is also the first step for Jun Yanyu to vent his anger on himself.

Now, facing Shang Xia Yichu's clear and bright gaze, Fu Yisheng simply didn't know what to say. When he met Shang Xia Yichu's gaze, he suddenly felt ashamed.

Xia Yichu looked at Fu Yisheng's expression, what else should he admit now.

Thinking that there are still thousands of refugees in Huaixi who are in dire straits, and he just said such a light sentence, just for his own selfish desire, and let the food that can save countless people fall into the cliff.

Xia Yichu stared straight at the person in front of him, Fu Yisheng still had a gentle look on his face, even if he was surprised just now, but just for a moment, he recovered as before.Those eyes looking at Xia Yichu, the tenderness in them seems to be able to drip water.

However, she never felt that Fu Yisheng was so disgusting.

Fu Yisheng left with a large amount of food.

Ever since the meeting with Fu Yisheng in the afternoon, Xia Yichu has been in a bad mood.

Jun Yanyu may have learned about the meeting between Xia Yichu and Fu Yisheng in the afternoon from the dark guard or other channels.At night, Xia Yichu received a note from a servant.

It was written by Jun Yanyu to her. The font inside was elegant, with a sense of strength and force.

It said that Jun Yanyu had known for a long time that Fu Yisheng would sell the first batch of grain.

Therefore, the person who was attacked by Fu Yisheng's men and fell off the cliff in the end was not Su Xing and the food he sent over.

Su Xing and his food didn't go that way.

And the one who went that way was Jun Yanyu who was disguised as a trustee.Also, those who were pushed off the cliff by Fu Yisheng's people were not food, the sacks were all filled with sand.

Fu Yisheng thought that he had framed others with his design, but he didn't know that he was the one in Jun Yanyu's hands.

After Xia Yichu saw the contents of the note, his mood immediately improved.

 【Thank you Queen Guoguo for your reward~】

(End of this chapter)

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