Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 243 Black-bellied emperor brother, lightly pamper you

Chapter 243 Black-bellied emperor brother, lightly pamper you (finale part one)
The more Fu Yisheng thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Something flashed in his mind, but he couldn't grasp it.

Xia Yichu's inactivity made Fu Yisheng feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

For Wang Yanran, he had no feelings for him, and when he approached her, he was only interested in Wang Yong's power and strength.

Although Wang Yong is a civil servant, in fact, he has trained a lot of soldiers and smuggled weapons in private.

With selfish intentions here, how could Fu Yisheng really fall in love with Wang Yanran in his heart.

If it wasn't for worrying about Wang Yong next to him, let alone waiting for Xia Yichu's hidden guards to attack, Fu Yisheng himself would have shot Wang Yanran to death with an arrow.

It's a pity, if he still had the guts to dare to do this before, but now, after Qu Guo's defeat, his private power and people who can use him are also much less.Today, among the 9 people who forced the palace, only less than 7 people belong to him, while the other [-] people belong to Wang Yong.

Fu Yisheng really didn't dare to shoot Wang Yanran to death in front of Wang Yong.So at this moment, even if Xia Yichu's agreement was not pleasing to the eye, Fu Yisheng had to say something that he thought was useless to influence Xia Yichu.

However, Fu Yisheng was not worried about Wang Yanran who was suspended in the air, but Wang Yong was worried.

Moreover, in Wang Yong's heart, he was more than worried, he was simply in a hurry.

If Wang Yanran dies here today, then even if he succeeded in forcing the palace, what will he use to restrain Fu Yisheng in the future!

Wang Yong raised his head, looked at Xia Yichu eagerly, and made various promises in his mouth: "Princess Ri'an, I think you know your true identity, but now Jun Yanyu's whereabouts are unknown, and even he caused your country to be ruined and your family destroyed." People, is it possible that you want to betray your own country and help your enemies guard this palace gate that is about to be broken?"

"I, Wang Yong, promised in front of countless soldiers today that as long as you put the little girl down safe and sound, you will be the great benefactor of our royal family in the future. After the new emperor ascends the throne, you will continue to stare at the title of Princess Ri'an. Isn't it good to walk sideways?"

Wang Yong spoke sincerely, but no one noticed his veined hands tightly clenched under his long sleeves, and the fleeting glare in his eyes.

If Xia Yichu believed what he said, it would be a ghost.

He kidnapped the other party's daughter by himself. From the non-stop night visits to the hidden guards of the Liuli Palace, it can be seen that this Wang Yong must be a villain who holds grudges.

No matter it was Fu Yisheng or Wang Yong, the voices of the two of them were not too soft. Not only Xia Yichu on the palace wall, but also the rest of the guards could clearly hear what they said.

No matter how shocked the guards were, even Mr. Zhang, who had been standing behind Xia Yichu, and other court officials, the emotions in their hearts at this moment could not only be described as shock.

They didn't expect that Fu Yisheng was the prince of the enemy country, but even Princess Ri'an, who was regarded as the backbone by everyone just now, was also a member of the enemy country!And a member of the royal family of the enemy country!
This time, the confused blood relationship of Dalan's royal family is so messy!
At this juncture, I am afraid that the guards with the most calm expression are the dragon guards. As always, they guard Xia Yichu's surroundings with a cold face. Even Xia Yichu himself doesn't know whether they protect him because of their own destiny, or because of Jun Yanyu. He greeted them before leaving.

"Princess Ri'an." Standing behind Xia Yichu, Master Zhang looked at Xia Yichu, hesitant to speak.

Xia Yichu actually has a good impression of Mr. Zhang, not only because of his status as the right prime minister, but also because when Fu Yisheng and the others forced the palace just now, Mr. Zhang himself had a lot of influence from the Zhang family. Send someone to let yourself go first.

At this moment, seeing the shocked and hesitant expression on the other side's face, Xia Yichu gave him a consoling smile: "Don't be afraid, I, Jun Ri'an, have the blood of the Qu kingdom's royal family in my body. I can't choose it myself, but I was born You are Da Lan's people, and death is Da Lan's ghost, and I, Mr. An Chengruo, will be with you all."

Xia Yichu's voice was not too low, she seemed to be responding to Master Zhang, but why didn't she express her position to Fu Yisheng and Wang Yong again.

Xia Yichu's words moved those Dalan's guards again and again, and at the same time felt a little ashamed in their hearts. In the end, they all turned into enthusiasm for wanting to fight against him.

Brother Meng Yi, who is the commander of the imperial guards, said that he can fight for another three days and three nights!

Xia Yichu's short sentence instantly let the soldiers get rid of their fatigue again, let go of despair, and regain the brilliance of hope.

But Fu Yisheng and Wang Yong's faces were gloomy because of her words.

Looking at Xia Yichu standing on the palace wall, Fu Yisheng's expression darkened, and he said to Wang Yong: "No, she's probably just delaying time, waiting for something."

After saying this sentence, before Wang Yong could answer, Fu Yisheng confirmed his conjecture in his heart.

Xia Yichu just wanted to delay the time from the beginning to the end, she had no idea of ​​cooperating with her at all, otherwise, why would she tell Master Zhang the secret letter he gave her after expressing her feelings to her in the gazebo.

Moreover, after he and Wang Yong made a promise just now, he chose Da Lan without any compromise.

This is not delaying time, what is this? !

Thinking of Jun Yanyu, whose whereabouts are still unknown, Fu Yisheng felt more and more crisis in his heart.

Hearing Fu Yisheng's words, Wang Yong obviously thought of this too, with a hesitant and painful expression on his face.

But Fu Yisheng couldn't control that much, he stretched out his hand, and a guard next to him handed him a bow and arrow.

Fu Yisheng set the arrow and drew the bow, aiming at Xia Yichu, but at the moment of drawing the bow, the tip of the sword directly aimed at Wang Yanran who was being carried by the hidden guards hanging outside the palace wall!
"Bring her in!"

"Soldiers, kill me! Anyone who breaks into the palace will be rewarded!"

Xia Yichu's and Fu Yisheng's voices sounded at the same time, but the content was very different.

After hearing Fu Yisheng's words, those guards raised their weapons one after another and started a new fight. In fact, even if Fu Yisheng didn't say anything, they knew their fate.

For such a big thing as forcing the palace, if it succeeds, it will be rich and prosperous.

If it fails, it will be beheaded for public display, and it will be a dead end.

A new round of fighting started again, and Wang Yanran, because the hidden guard quickly brought her back, the arrow did not hit her.

"You don't have to worry about me, fight the enemy with all your strength!" Xia Yichu said to the few dragon guards guarding her side, and at the same time glanced quickly at the ground thrown by the dragon guards from the corner of her eye. Wang Yanran, who was on the board, thought that she still couldn't help but watch the death of a useless chess piece.

(End of this chapter)

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