Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 248 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 2

Chapter 248 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 2
Su Fucheng's official position in this country is neither high nor low, it belongs to the middle position.

And more importantly, Su Fucheng has a heart that wants to sell his daughter for glory.

Therefore, the two of them seemed to agree with each other, after discussing privately, the prime minister went to tell the emperor, and the imperial decree to bestow the marriage soon came to the Su residence.

But who would have thought that in the imperial decree of the marriage, it was not written which lady was the one who bestowed the marriage.

There are six girls in the Su family, including Su Ran, there are seven girls.And there are still four people who are waiting in the boudoir, including Su Ran.

As soon as the imperial decree came and everyone saw the name of the prime minister's son, the faces of the ladies changed, and no one wanted to marry the prime minister's son.

Even the fourth young lady who was originally favored by Su Fucheng, who was originally favored by concubine, immediately sought death after knowing that she was actually going to marry the prime minister's son, crying and crying but refused to marry.

Miss Si's biological mother is a favored and scheming aunt in the Su family. After thinking about it for a while, she came up with the idea of ​​a substitute marriage, and set her sights on Su Ran.

That aunt, after making troubles with Su Fucheng and serving Su Fucheng at night, made him completely satisfied, she brought up this method of her own.

As the saying goes, the man on the bed is the most untrustworthy, but when something happens, the man on the bed is also the best time to talk.

So, when the aunt said this, Su Fucheng really agreed after thinking about it for a while.

Su Ran, who was not taken seriously at first, resumed her previous treatment as a young lady in Su Mansion.

At first Su Ran didn't know why, but after knowing that she actually married a short-sleeved woman, Su Ran of course refused. The Su family has nurtured her, and she will try to repay her in the future, but she can't use it. The events of your own life as a reward.

Su Ran started a hunger strike to protest, and even planned to escape from the Su Mansion, but was discovered and arrested by the people of the Su Mansion before he escaped.

Su Ran's talent is not high, no matter how hard she practiced, her strength still didn't make much progress.

In the end, on the day of their marriage, Su Ran, who had been drugged, was forcefully brought into the sedan chair by Xi Po.

As I said before, the son of the prime minister has been a spoiled playboy since he was a child, and he was also short-sleeved.

Not only was Su Ran unwilling to get married this time, but even he himself was unwilling.

But his reluctance doesn't mean he doesn't pay attention, and his father, the prime minister, also said that the one who will marry him this time will be the beautiful and beautiful Fourth Miss of the Su Mansion.

But he didn't expect that after lifting the hijab, he turned out to be a disfigured ugly monster!
And because of being drugged, Su Ran was already unconscious at the time, and was about to pounce on the dandy young master standing in front of him.

This hungry look made the young dandy even more disgusted, and he directly called a few strong men in to satisfy Su Ran fiercely, while he turned around and went to the most famous small mansion in the capital to spend the night.

That day, Su Ran was directly killed by those strong men and women, because the resentment value was too strong, and in the end he would rather sell his soul to make a deal with the system.

She wants to be famous in this life, to take revenge on those who hurt and bullied her, to be strong, to stand at the top of the world, to be admired by thousands of people, and not to be bullied.

After Xia Yichu read Su Ran's memory, Su Ran's resentment before his death was too strong, which even made Xia Yichu want to kill the enemy immediately.

But fortunately, it only took a while, Xia Yichu suppressed the resentment in his heart forcibly.

She travels back in time now, whether it's good or bad, or bad.

It was the time when the original owner, Su Ran, was found to be at the lowest cultivation level, was given up by Su Fucheng, and was appointed to replace the Fourth Miss Su Wanying in marriage.

The original owner, Su Ran, was also swearing to die. Now it was Su Ran's plan to escape after knowing the real situation, but was arrested by the people of Su Mansion, and started the third day of the hunger strike plan.At the same time, there are still ten days before the marriage with the prime minister's son.

This body hasn't eaten for three days, so it's no wonder that Xia Yichu felt weak as soon as he transmigrated in.

"Ding! In order for the host's mission to go smoothly, the host is specially given the purple class potential!"

The voice of the system rang in Xia Yichu's mind.

Xia Yichu was slightly taken aback when he heard that the levels of this world are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.Red is the worst and purple is the best.

In his mind, after accepting the memory, Xia Yichu had already analyzed her current situation and the character of the original owner.

Xia Yichu stood up from the ground, opened the door, and there was a row of guards standing outside.

It seemed that she could not escape, even the door and windows were unlocked.

Xia Yichu stood by the door, straightened his back, and said indifferently to the guard at the door: "I want to see Su Fucheng, right now."

Xia Yichu's current situation is clear to everyone in the Su Mansion. Even the servants only look at her with contempt and sneer. Normally, that guard would definitely ignore her, but thinking that she is going to replace her now. The identity after marriage, and the calm eyebrows of the other party, are not very important, the brain has not reacted, and the body has already rushed towards Su Fucheng's study uncontrollably.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xia Yichu met the person she wanted to see.

Of course, Su Fucheng didn't come to see her in person, but asked Xia Yichu to be taken out of the yard and went to Su Fucheng's study.

After Xia Yichu explained her intentions, Su Fucheng, who had been waiting for her to compromise, was a little confused.

Su Fucheng sat in front of the desk and looked at Xia Yichu in front of him. The other party still had that bony figure and disfigured ugly face, with downcast brows and a dull expression, with a very weak sense of presence. There is no difference in the past few years of living in the government.

But, can people's ideas really change overnight?

She still wanted to escape a few days earlier tomorrow.

Xia Yichu met Su Fucheng's scrutinizing gaze, his expression didn't fluctuate in the slightest.

The original owner was originally a taciturn character, and she may be a little anxious in what she is doing now, but it is not too out of character.

Su Fucheng can also directly understand that she is hungry and afraid, after all, it is better to live than to die.

And what Su Fucheng thought in his heart was really similar to what Xia Yichu thought in his heart. Although he had some doubts in his heart, the doubts disappeared in a flash.

After all, Xia Yichu's current identity is just a 16-year-old girl, how tough she can be, starving for a few days without eating is already the limit.

"Okay, just figure it out for yourself, and take it back to your own yard. After all, you have stayed in my Su residence for a few years. When you get married, you will definitely be indispensable to the things that other young ladies should have, and the other party's status is not low. , if you conceive a son and a half daughter with your heart, then you will gain a firm position in the other party's family, do you understand?"

"Yes, father, then I'll go down first." Xia Yichu obediently responded, with a weak expression, and immediately turned around and walked out after receiving Su Fucheng's nod.

 [Jun Bao fell on his feet when delivering wine today, and coincidentally, his cousin came back today, and she is helping with the family affairs, Jun Bao can be lazy, and more changes will start tomorrow! 】

(End of this chapter)

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