Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 251 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 5

Chapter 251 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 5
Xia Yichu hooked his lips, and after getting rid of all the guards behind him calmly, he looked at the smoke-filled warehouse not far away, taking advantage of the chaos when no one noticed her, he jumped over the wall lightly, Leaving the Su Mansion.

Strange streets, strange surroundings.

Everything is strange, but because of the memory left by the original owner, everything strange becomes gradually familiar.

After Xia Yichu left the Su Mansion, he stayed in an inn.

She was not afraid that Su Fucheng would send someone to arrest her. Xia Yichu had exchanged a lot of oil with the system, and because she could decide where the gasoline landed at will, Xia Yichu not only spilled gasoline outside the warehouse, but also inside the warehouse. She also spilled gasoline on the system.

This time, one can imagine how tragic the loss of the Su family was.

Moreover, those gasolines are not so easy to put out fires.

Even after the fire was extinguished, it was already midnight, and Su Fucheng's eyes were full of heartache and anger because of the loss of those treasures. There would be no servants rushing up to touch this bad luck.

Xia Yichu slept peacefully in the inn for a night. Early the next morning, Xia Yichu packed up and left the inn. When she came out, she brought a lot of gold bars. After selling the gold bars on her body to the bank, Xia Yichu carried a huge amount of money in her arms. The banknotes left the bank.

Xia Yichu didn't leave the capital, but dressed up in disguise, from an official lady to a jade-faced scholar, and found a new inn to live in.

Xia Yichu seldom inquired about Su Manor's news deliberately, and spent more time in her room practicing alone.

However, when she occasionally went downstairs to eat in the hotel lobby, some gossip still entered her ears more or less.

Moreover, as Xia Yichu expected, the news of the fire in the Su family's warehouse spread throughout the capital the next day. Everyone was interested in guessing how many treasures the Su family had lost in the fire, and they were also curious. Who is the murderer of this fire.

However, the news about the loss of an adopted daughter in Su's mansion has not spread at all.It seems that Su Fucheng is not in a daze, but also knows that his face is important.

Xia Yichu sat on the seat, took a sip of the tea on the table, got up and left, went upstairs to his room, and continued to practice.

But when Xia Yichu was indulging in his own cultivation, there was a "crack" sound in a certain courtyard of the Su Mansion, and a teacup was smashed to the ground by Su Wanru, and countless pieces exploded in an instant.

"Wanru, what are you doing?" Aunt Qiu, who was sitting on the side, was startled by the sudden sound, and looked up at Su Wanru with a hint of disapproval.

"Mother! As long as you are so calm, your daughter will soon be married to a short-sleeved girl! Don't you have the heart to watch your daughter jump into the fire pit?" Su Wanru got out of her seat angrily. She stood up on the ground and kept jumping her feet. It can be seen how impatient she is in her heart now.

Su Wanru is the person Xia Yichu wants to marry instead, and she is the Fourth Miss of the Su Mansion who Su Fucheng wanted to marry the prime minister's son.

Aunt Qiu looked at the distraught Su Wanru, and didn't answer her directly, but turned her eyes to look at the maids standing beside her waiting for orders, and said to them in a cold voice: "Go out first, I have something to do Tell Miss Four."

"No." The nurses and servant girls in the room responded, turned and walked out, and the last one reached out to close the door after walking out.

After seeing that there were no other outsiders in the room, Aunt Qiu put down the teacup in her hand, looked at the angry Su Wanru, and beckoned her to come over.

"Auntie." Su Wanru stepped forward suddenly, threw herself into Aunt Qiu's arms, knelt down on her knees, and cried bitterly in Aunt Qiu's arms, her voice choked: "My daughter really doesn't want to marry that Duanxiu, please go and beg Father, let the other sisters go, okay?"

When Aunt Qiu heard Su Wanru's words, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

She was born in a family of merchants since she was a child. Under the influence of her father and elder brother, she has been shrewd and capable since she was a child, especially in business, she is not inferior to men in the slightest.

Even now, after getting married, her methods of fighting for favor in the backyard are not inferior to other concubines in the slightest, and even better than other concubines in terms of methods of competing for favor.

This is also the reason why Su Fucheng still dotes on her even though she is over [-] years old and considered old.

But she thought she was shrewd all her life, but she didn't expect that the daughter she gave birth to would not inherit half of her shrewdness.

But it is her own daughter after all, Su Wanru sighed, stretched out her hand to gently stroke Su Wanru's shoulder back and forth, and comforted: "Look at what stupid things you are saying, there is no reason to let the younger sister marry the older sister and stay at home. Dye that little/cheap/person before you marry him, it was me who finally let the master let go."

"However, I don't know where this little/bitch/person Su Ran has gone to. If she comes back soon, let's see if I won't let her be skinned!"

When talking about Xia Yichu, Aunt Qiu's expression was as angry as Su Wanru's just now, with a hint of sinisterness in her eyes.

If it wasn't for Xia Yichu's non-cooperation, she has disappeared without a trace, it would have been a waste of all her hard work and energy.

"Auntie, what should I do?" Su Wanru raised her head from Aunt Qiu's arms, with wet tears still on her face: "Could it be that I really want to marry that Broken Sleeve?" After Aunt Qiu answered, she continued: "If I really marry that Duanxiu, then I might as well die right here!"

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about!" Aunt Qiu was taken aback by Su Wanru's death-seeking words, and hurriedly bawled several times to get rid of the bad luck brought by what Su Wanru just said, she clicked Touching Su Wanru's forehead, she looked as if she hated iron and steel: "I want to kill myself for a trivial matter, why did I give birth to such a useless daughter like you. I have discussed this matter with the master a long time ago. Now, don't worry, with me here, I will never watch you fall into the tiger's mouth. Auntie is still waiting for the day when you marry Gao to support me."

"Then Auntie, what do you mean?" Su Wanru's eyes widened, and there was a hint of eagerness in her eyes.Listening to what Aunt Qiu said, it is obvious that she has found a way for herself.

"You are stupid, even if Su Ran ran away, there is more than one 'Su Ran' in our mansion." Aunt Qiu said with a meaningful smile.

After Su Wanru heard what she said, she was slightly taken aback, and it took a while to react, she lay on Aunt Qiu and began to act like a spoiled child: "Auntie, you are so kind to me, I thought I would definitely respect you."

"You are my daughter, who else can I treat if I don't treat you well? As long as you live well in the future, that is the greatest filial piety to me." Aunt Qiu raised her hand to stroke Su Wanru's hair.

There was a warm atmosphere between the two mothers and daughters.

 [The next chapter is heavy taste, do you dislike men?My uncle's son is getting married tomorrow, and today he has arranged a wedding room for the whole day, and he has to get up at five o'clock tomorrow morning to pick up his relatives, so, good night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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