Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 253 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 7

Chapter 253 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 7
Although Su Ran has several wishes, but she has the most resentment, and the one she cares most about is the wish to make herself stronger and stand at the top of the world.

Although Xia Yichu severely punished Zhao Rui through Su Yin's hand, Su Ran's resentment value changed, but it only decreased by one-third.

Although the system adjusted her body to the highest potential state in order to allow her to complete the task better, but this was far from enough.

If you want to have a strong strength to reach the pinnacle of the world, it is also necessary to go out and experience thousands of worlds.

However, because of the system's golden finger plug-in, Xia Yichu didn't use it like those other people, but went straight to the place prompted by the system.

The system reminded Xia Yichu that the place he was going to this time was a place called "Xumi Realm".

In this world, everyone can practice. Many people go outside to practice because there are countless opportunities outside.

When you are lucky, if you encounter an adventure, not to mention your cultivation, even treasures can be easily owned.

But the Sumeru Realm is a place that no one in this world knows about.

There is not only abundant aura, but also treasures everywhere.

That place, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairyland on earth.

Following the prompts given to her by the system, Xia Yichu traveled thousands of miles across mountains and rivers. After traveling for more than three months, she finally entered the Xumi realm.

As soon as he entered, Xia Yichu immediately felt the difference between this place and the outside.

It's obviously only a step difference, but it's completely like two worlds.

Xia Yichu took a deep breath, and then looked back, the path she just came from was gone, and turned into endless grass.As the breeze blew, the green grasses lowered their heads one after another.

Xia Yichu turned around, the place where she was standing now was outside a lush forest.

The towering ancient trees are entwined with vines as thick as an adult's arm, and everything in front of them exudes an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Standing outside, Xia Yichu seemed to smell the cold and dangerous atmosphere in the forest before he set foot on the ground.

Since wealth and wealth are sought, such a place with abundant aura, although it is a place that practitioners dream of, but one must have the strength to survive in this place.

Xia Yichu's eyes were firm, and his hands clenched into fists at his side. Looking at the lush forest in front of him, he walked in.

This place is undoubtedly the place where one can cultivate and become stronger the fastest.

No matter what, she had to work hard to survive here.

Xia Yichu went into the forest. From the very beginning, Xia Yichu never underestimated everything here.

And since she came into this forest, the vines that appeared to be as thick as a baby's arms emerged from the nearby grass; and the red snake that suddenly jumped out from the side and spit out poisonous juice at her; Even the giant-toothed tiger, who sensed the aura of strangers in his territory and directly provoked and attacked her, let Xia Yichu know that his thoughts were correct.

Although there were many dangers in the forest, Xia Yichu never felt contempt in his heart.

Moreover, since the system told her about the various benefits of the Sumeru Realm and its state that has not been known to the world, Xia Yichu had already prepared everything she should have prepared before entering this place.

In the forest, the sound of fighting kept coming. Wherever the white and yellow light balls passed, everything was in chaos, and even the towering trees were directly broken from it and fell to the ground.

The ball of light did not intend to stop at all, and the two shadows inside were fighting fiercely.

After half an hour after Mo Yue, a yellow figure flew out of the light ball, directly hit the big tree next to it, and fell to the side again.

That yellow figure is the giant-toothed tiger, and the rest of the white figure is undoubtedly Xia Yichu.

After knocking the giant-toothed tiger away, Xia Yichu quickly stepped forward to see the opponent hit a tree and then fell to the ground, and gave the opponent a fatal blow with the dagger in his hand.

The giant-toothed tiger let out an unwilling cry, and finally closed its eyes.

Xia Yichu was out of breath, and after fighting this giant-toothed tiger for nearly an hour, her energy was almost depleted.

Even after watching the giant-toothed tiger die, Xia Yichu relaxed his body, only to realize that his whole body was screaming in pain, and on his arms and lower abdomen, there were bites from the sharp claws and mouth of the giant-toothed tiger. The wound, the snow-white dress was already dripping with blood.

Enduring the pain, Xia Yichu didn't treat the wound on his body, but took out the animal nucleus from the giant-toothed tiger, and then quickly left here.

Once this giant-toothed tiger dies, it will definitely attract many other monsters.

If she doesn't leave sooner, then she will only be reduced to a meal later on.

Xia Yichu has traveled a long way. Fortunately, this area is probably the territory of the giant-toothed tiger. Although she also encountered some small animals that wanted to hurt her along the way, compared with the giant-toothed tiger, she is not is not worth mentioning.

Xia Yichu came to a small river, gurgling, sparkling, and clear.

Xia Yichu looked around and found no danger.

After she sprinkled some medicinal powder around, she squatted down by the river, washed her hands and held the river water, bowed her head and took a sip.

As soon as the river entered the mouth, there was a hint of sweetness in the coolness, and what surprised Xia Yichu even more was that there was a hint of aura in the river.

Even without her being able to absorb it, as soon as the river water was swallowed into the throat, the spiritual energy in the river water would automatically circulate along the meridian, and then be immersed in the dantian.

Xia Yichu was overjoyed, drank several sips, then squatted by the river to take out the wound medicine, cleaned the wound on his body, and applied medicine to the wound.

Just as Xia Yichu was changing the dressing for her wound, a huge wolf found her.

After the big bad wolf came out of the forest, it stared closely at Xia Yichu's back, and gradually approached Xia Yichu.

As soon as that big bad wolf appeared, as soon as its eyes fell on Xia Yichu, Xia Yichu knew it.

Its gaze was full of killing intent, and it didn't hide it, it simply regarded Xia Yichu as a piece of delicious food.

Xia Yichu applied the medicine to himself without any pause, as if he didn't feel the danger behind him.

After applying medicine to the wound on her arm, she put down the rolled up sleeves.

Taking advantage of this moment, the big bad wolf behind him suddenly opened his mouth wide and swooped towards her.

Xia Yichu's figure moved, just when she avoided the big bad wolf and wanted to give the opponent a powerful blow, a figure was faster than her. Between the light and the shadow, Xia Yichu could hardly see the opponent's movements clearly. The big bad wolf let out a wailing scream, and then fell to the side of the grass.

 [Thank you baby for your first reward~ Nanzhu made a domineering appearance, good night! 】

(End of this chapter)

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