Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 255 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 10

Chapter 255 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 10
Looking at the other party's golden eyes, Xia Yichu gradually formed a strange idea in his heart.

The little silver dragon in front of him, could it be... that little boy just now.

Without him, those golden eyes are too similar to the feeling they gave her.

And when Xia Yichu was guessing in his mind, the movement of the little silver dragon rubbing his head on her shoulders undoubtedly told Xia Yichu that what she guessed in his mind was correct.

Xia Yichu heaved a sigh of relief, the dangerous amount of the silver dragon in front of her was off the charts, but after she knew it was her 'little benefactor', the wariness she had raised in her heart towards it disappeared instantly.

I didn't expect the identity of the little benefactor to be a dragon, which is indeed an unexpected thing.

Although its body is big and powerful, Xia Yichu doesn't feel afraid.

Even, with a hint of curiosity, Xia Yichu reached out and touched the little silver dragon's head on his shoulders. Its cheeks were covered with silver dragon scales, but it didn't feel prickly when touched, on the contrary It feels cool and cool, not the gloomy touch like a human, but very comfortable.

Feeling Xia Yichu's touch, Xiao Yinlong didn't move, let Xia Yichu touch it obediently, and even breathed comfortably.

The hot breath gushed out from its nostrils, and Xia Yichu suddenly felt a scorching heat behind him.

It raised its head, walked around Xia Yichu, bent its front legs, and lay down in front of Xia Yichu.

"This is, you want me to sit on it?" Xia Yichu said in disbelief.

Xiao Yinlong rubbed his head against her, as if responding to her words, and also seemed to be urging her to move faster.

Well, it looks like she's going to be Dragoon.

Xia Yichu was thinking like this, but his movements were not slow at all, he climbed on Xiao Yinlong's back and sat firmly.

The two dragon wings that were originally close to the side of the body spread out, both of which were gorgeous silver. The wings fluttered a few times, and the body of the little silver dragon flew up.

The little silver dragon flies very steadily, comparable to modern airplanes.

Sitting on it, Xia Yichu didn't have to worry about falling down.

Although it flew steadily, its flying speed was very fast. It directly took Xia Yichu through the forest exuding the ancient atmosphere, and finally brought Xia Yichu to a mountain wall, and followed the disconnected mountain The wall flew down.

The mountain wall is covered with weeds and trees, surrounded by clouds under the mountain wall.

Just when Xia Yichu or how it brought him here, the speed of the little silver dragon's rapid descent gradually slowed down.

Finally, it controlled its own body, no longer falling, but flew to the side of the mountain wall.

On that green mountain wall, a cave entrance entered Xia Yichu's eyes.

And the little silver dragon flew directly into the cave.

Xia Yichu slipped off the little silver dragon, and the little silver dragon seemed to bring her to its own place.

In the whole cave, the most eye-catching thing is the shining luminous bodies piled up in the cave as many as hills.

Xia Yichu took a closer look, the pile of luminous objects were all night pearls, ores of various colors, gemstones of various colors and so on.

Apart from this pile of luminous bodies and the few green weeds that occasionally pop up on the wall, there is nothing else in the huge cave.

I read in the book that dragons like to collect shiny things, but I didn’t expect to see them today.So many gemstones and luminous pearls, no matter what era they are in, they are a huge fortune.

After Xia Yichu looked at the cave once more, his eyes fell on the pile of precious stones again, his expression was full of interest, but there was no trace of greed in his eyes.

The little silver dragon didn't notice Xia Yichu's gaze. After putting Xia Yichu down, it walked up to the pile of gemstones, lay its whole body on top of it, and closed its eyes. After a while, Xia Yichu heard it fight. Little snores.

Xia Yichu watched Xiao Yinlong leave him and fell asleep so defenselessly. After standing there for a while, he took out a blanket from his bag and spread it on a wall a little far away from Xiao Yinlong. The place.

Xia Yichu sat cross-legged on the blanket, closed his eyes and fell asleep while absorbing the aura in the air to improve his cultivation.

When Xia Yichu opened his eyes again, he met a pair of golden pupils.

Xia Yichu was startled, but quickly reacted.

Xiao Yinlong woke up at some point, maybe because Xia Yichu was too focused on her cultivation, she didn't realize it at all.

And the little silver dragon just curled up its limbs and lay down in front of Xia Yichu. After realizing Xia Yichu woke up, its golden eyes lit up, and a pair of silver tails swayed slightly, showing its good mood. .

"Hi." Xia Yichu smiled, and reached out to stroke its head.

Xiao Yinlong obediently lay on the spot without moving, allowing Xia Yichu to touch it.

Its golden eyes, which resemble animal pupils, are now round, very pure and harmless.

There is no hourglass or other things to see the current time here, Xia Yichu can only walk to the entrance of the cave to see the sky outside.

When she was just brought back by Xiao Yinlong, the sun was setting, but now, the sky is glowing with moonlight, the night is dawn, and it is actually a new day.

Xiao Yinlong flew out of the cave with Xia Yichu.

It didn't take Xia Yichu to the mountain wall, but flew down the mountain wall, and the vision that was originally covered by the fog gradually became clear.

Xia Yichu did not expect that there is actually a forest below.

The little silver dragon flew with Xia Yichu, and the flying speed was not fast, Xia Yichu guessed in his heart that it should have brought him out to find food.

Looking down from above, you can see everything below.

Occasionally, Xia Yichu could still see some small animals such as hares, but these were ignored by the little silver dragon. It wasn't until a huge wild boar appeared in those golden pupils that the little silver dragon was in the distance. The wild boar landed some distance away. After putting Xia Yichu down, he flew up to catch the wild boar.

Xia Yichu found a big rock as a cover, hid behind the big rock, and watched the fight between the little silver dragon and the wild boar with his head.

After the little silver dragon flew up, he fired directly at the wild boar in mid-air. It opened its mouth and let out a dragon chant, and purple thunderbolts would rain down from the sky.

Moreover, not only thunder and lightning, it can also erupt a raging fire.

The wild boar can't fly, and it can't run as fast as the little silver dragon.

In this fight, whoever wins is inevitable.

In just a few minutes, Xiao Yinlong took down the wild boar.

 [The male protagonist is very pure, I can't hold you old drivers. . 】

(End of this chapter)

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