Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 265 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 22

Chapter 265 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 22
The young man who set up the stall looked at the fight between the two on the stage, he was in a very happy mood, his thin lips were slightly hooked, and his expression was full of interest.

The fight between Xia Yichu and the strong man has reached a fever pitch.

It might even be because of the bet that many people shouted loudly, cheering for the strong man.

The audience supported Xia Yichu, very few people thought she would win.

Xia Yichu's expression was not affected by the audience in the slightest.

On the contrary, there were many people supporting the strong man in the audience, but the strong man's expression became more and more ugly.

Especially when Xia Yichu evaded his own attack once he made a move, the strong man's expression became more and more unbearable.

To be able to stand on the high platform at this time, that strong man also has some skills.

Even if Xia Yichu came to the stage before, looking at the other's slender body, although the strong man opened his mouth to tease him, he never underestimated him.He even wanted to kill Xia Yichu several times.

But the strange thing is that every time when he was about to hit her, she moved her body and avoided his attack in an instant without any injuries.

The strong man looked at Xia Yichu, who was still looking on the opposite side, and his heart sank slightly.

Especially in the audience, some viewers saw that the strong man hadn't hurt Xia Yichu, and became a little dissatisfied with the time of the game, thinking that the strong man did not show his true ability because of pity and pity.After all, the brawny man has kicked and injured many people since he became the champion yesterday, that's where his strength lies.

So at this moment, after seeing that the strong man did not cause any harm to Xia Yichu, many people in the audience who bet on him suddenly became a little dissatisfied, and kept yelling for him to make a quick decision.

Even, among these audiences, there are still many impatient people.In short, it's the kind that says everything.

Of course, some words are not good words.

The strong man inevitably heard these words in his ears, and couldn't help becoming more impatient in his heart.

But at this moment, Xia Yichu on the opposite side smiled at him: "Brother, why don't you fight quickly."

When the strong man heard Xia Yichu's words, he looked at her vigilantly, but he didn't answer.

But Xia Yichu didn't care too much.

Just now, she deliberately only dodged and did not fight back, because she wanted to observe the strength of this strong man and the way he used his hands.Now, Xia Yichu has seen his way of playing the glove clearly, and has some analysis of his strength in his heart.

This person's strength is indeed not weak, and because of his status and physique, he is not only powerful, but also explosive, and ordinary people can't shake him at all.And as a fat man, he is so nimble and agile, no wonder he can still stand in this ring today.

But it's a pity that he, the master of the ring, was doomed to stop here after meeting himself.

Xia Yichu flicked the whip in his hand, looked at the strong man opposite with cold eyes.

Facing Shang Xia Yichu's cold eyes, the first thought in that strong man's heart was: It's over.

However, the facts proved that the guess in the strong man's heart was indeed very correct.

After Xia Yichu said that sentence again, he no longer used this protection all the time, but started to attack, moving towards the strong man quickly and violently!

The strong man reacted quickly and dodged to the side with his agility and speed, but Xia Yichu was faster than him!
Xia Yichu, who was originally standing opposite him, seemed to know where she was going to hide. When the strong man didn't dodge once, Xia Yichu quickly attacked him one after another.

Very smoothly, the strong man was knocked down by Xia Yichu.

The physical difference between the two destined Xia Yichu not to be able to shake him directly, but Xia Yichu played another trick.

Every time she attacked the strong man's body, she was attacking the acupuncture points on his body.

Now, the strong man who fell on the high platform was not knocked out by Xia Yichu at all, but Xia Yichu's whip stimulated the sleeping point on his body, and he passed out from sleep.

The strong man fell to the ground, motionless.

The referee who had been standing by the side stretched out his hand and pushed him, looking at the unresponsive burly man, the referee looked at the hourglass to the side, and then waited for about ten seconds. The person who announced the victory of this match was Xia Yichu.

And the strong man who lost the game was carried off the high platform and went to the doctor.

When Xia Yichu stood on the high platform, waiting for the next contestant to challenge, there were still many audience members who hadn't reacted.

They couldn't believe that the strong man didn't hurt Xia Yichu even after attacking for so long, but on the contrary, Xia Yichu only took a few shots and knocked down the strong man in minutes.

This ending can be regarded as God's unfolding.

As soon as the results of the competition came out, some people were happy and others were sad.

When betting at that time, only a few people said that the silver coins were on Xia Yichu's body. After the young stall owner gave the compensation silver coins to the few bettors, he raised his hand, and the betting table and the betting All the money on the table was collected by him in the ring in seconds.

The young stall owner took a deep look at Xia Yichu who was standing on the high platform, then turned and left in a good mood.

Xia Yichu was keenly aware of that short but very different gaze, but when she turned her head to look, she only saw the back of the other person who turned and left.


After Xia Yichu became the new master of the ring, he may have looked at her as a little girl, and she was unfamiliar.Since Xia Yichu stood on the ring, in just one hour, three people came up to challenge.

At the beginning, Xia Yichu treated them well, beating them up to the point of defeat.

But later, when she found that the more people came to challenge her like this, Xia Yichu's eyes turned cold, and her movements became a little rougher, and three consecutive people who came to challenge her were thrown off the stage with a whip.

As soon as her notoriety came out, the number of people who came forward to challenge her decreased instantly.

As the sun went down today, the primary election for the Qingyun Contest ended.

The sixteen challengers who remained on the stage this time all successfully advanced to the second round.

Then these sixteen people will be divided into eight teams, one-on-one, one-on-one, the losers will be eliminated, and the winners will stay.

Eliminate half and keep half.

Then use this elimination method all the time until the final leader is selected.

Xia Yichu didn't care about these, he eliminated one round a day and played once a day.

Xia Yichu went very smoothly, defeated his opponent on the second day, and successfully squeezed into the quarterfinals.

However, after seeing the name of the opponent he was going to compete with tomorrow, Xia Yichu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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