Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 274 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 34

Chapter 274 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 34
Those who quietly followed Xia Yichu and Ge Han were naturally the people secretly sent by Zuo Cheng and other ministers, or other people who were interested in the arrest warrant.

Xia Yichu and Ge Han looked at each other, and they both saw each other's thoughts from the bottom of each other's eyes.

Since those people dared to accept the arrest warrant, their skills and cultivation would naturally not be bad.But Xia Yichu is not weak, not to mention there is Ge Han, an ancient descendant here, as long as Ge Han wants something from them, it is a matter of minutes.

However, Xia Yichu and Ge Han didn't take their lives directly, they just taught them some small lessons, so that they lost the ability to track them down, the two carefully dodged all the way, and quickly returned to their yard.

What the emperor asked Xia Yichu and Ge Han to do was very simple, just to let Xia Yichu not only resist the people the emperor sent to arrest them, but also resist the people sent by Prime Minister Zuo.

Therefore, in the next period of time, even if Xia Yichu and Ge Han could leave the capital quickly and get rid of these people, they did not do so.

Instead, if there is nothing, let the figures of the two be exposed in front of some people.

The House of the Prime Minister of the Left.

Zhao Rui came quickly from the outside, waved away the butler who wanted to stop him, and walked directly into the Prime Minister's study with an angry look on his face.

As soon as he entered, Zhao Rui yelled impatiently: "Father, it's been a few days, why haven't you caught that little bitch!"

Prime Minister Zuo Liqi happened to be sitting in front of the desk to deal with matters, and the other two were all in black, expressionless, like dark guards, standing in front of the desk with indifferent expressions.

Zhao Liqi didn't answer Zhao Rui's words, but waved his hands. After watching the two guards disappear from the spot, he put down the things in his hand, set his eyes on Zhao Rui, and responded to him, saying: "Son, how could it be so fast? I have tried my best for my father and sent many capable men to hunt her down. As soon as our people find her, they will definitely strangle her on the spot and will not show mercy."

"But it's been three days!" Zhao Rui's impatient look didn't weaken at all, but a gloomy hostility appeared between his brows.

When it happened on the night of the wedding two years ago, although almost all the insiders had been killed by Prime Minister Zuo, Zhao Rui couldn't let go of the shame in his heart.

Only Xia Yichu's blood can completely forget this shame.

Zhao Rui's thoughts, Zhao Liqi didn't know.

Not only Zhao Rui wanted to tear Xia Yichu into pieces, but Zhao Liqi hated Xia Yichu in his heart no less than Zhao Rui.

However, there is a gap between imagination and reality after all. Xia Yichu's identity and strength as a Phantom Beast Master are destined to catch her. It will not be easy, even if there is a warrant issued by the emperor himself, it will be the same of.

Zhao Liqi sighed, and said to Zhao Rui: "Son, I have done my best for my father, so you can wait for the news with peace of mind. We have been waiting for two years, no matter how urgent you are, it won't take this long, right?"

"Father, it's not that I'm in a hurry! It's just that right now, there are many people out there who are chasing and killing that bitch on the surface, but secretly want to take the opportunity to talk to her and win her over! Moreover, the emperor sent his dragon guard They were all sent out, and none of the ten beat them to catch that bitch! When will we kill her!" Zhao Rui said full of hatred.

He didn't even call Xia Yichu by his name in this world, he just called Xia Yichu one by one.

It can be seen that Zhao Rui hated Xia Yichu to the extreme in his heart.

But Zhao Liqi didn't pay attention to this, but noticed another meaning in his words.

"Son, what did you just say? The emperor even sent out the dragon guards?" Zhao Liqi's eyes flickered slightly.

"Yeah! I saw this with my own eyes, and I don't know where that bitch got the ability to escape from the dragon guard! If I hadn't been far away at the time, I would have rushed up to do it with my own hands." I avenged myself!" Zhao Rui said with regret.

Zhao Liqi didn't agree with Zhao Rui's words, but thought of another aspect, which made him a little distracted when he was deep in thought.

As for Zhao Rui, he didn't hear Zhao Liqi's answer for a long time. When he looked up, he happened to see Zhao Liqi who was distracted.

Zhao Rui frowned fiercely, as if he was very angry, turned around and walked out without saying anything.Even after walking out, he slammed the door of the study hard.

It's just that Zhao Liqi didn't have any extra thoughts to comfort Zhao Rui at this time. He called out the hidden guards who were standing guard in the dark, and asked them to give a few words to the other ministers, and made an appointment with them. A time to meet this evening.

Zhao Liqi invited those people out, of course, to discuss with them about forcing the palace.

Forcing the palace is a matter of reform and replacement. Zhao Liqi and others have been preparing for this for a day or two.

However, there has never been a suitable opportunity to appear, so that the old ministers can only watch the new emperor's power grow day by day after ascension to the throne, and finally even out of their control.

But now, because he heard Zhao Rui's words today, Zhao Liqi suddenly felt: now, it might not be an opportunity.

They waited for so long for the emperor to show his power, but in the past few years, the emperor has become more and more serious in his actions, and his methods have become more and more sophisticated, so he didn't find an opportunity for them.

But now, the emperor's arrest warrant for Xia Yichu is obviously an opportunity.

What Xia Yichu did in the palace this time obviously angered the emperor.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the emperor to send the dragon guards to arrest people after issuing the arrest warrant and offering a reward.

That also shows from the side, the emperor must have sent many people to arrest Xia Yichu, but those who were sent before did not succeed in the end, so the emperor sent out the dragon guards.

Xia Yichu shared some of the emperor's attention and power with them, so if they choose to make a sudden move at this time, they can catch the emperor by surprise, and the emperor doesn't have so many forces to fight against.

After all, the two powerful generals are now on the border.

Zhao Liqi shared his thoughts with several other people at the secret meeting, and everyone agreed.

They waited for this day, waited too long!
Su Fucheng was in it. He seemed to have thought of the glory and wealth he would get after the success of this matter. His eyes were shining, and he only thought about the future, but he forgot the layers of crisis...

(End of this chapter)

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