Chapter 277 He Traveled Through Time 1
When Xia Yichu's soul gradually merged with the new body, and the original feeling of being light and light was no longer there, but became a feeling of weight and stability, Xia Yichu breathed out and slowly opened his eyes.

She seems to have come to the real world.

The current location is in a private car.

When Xia Yichu opened his eyes, the car had already stopped, and the driver sitting in the driver's seat stuck out most of his body as if he was walking out of the car, leaving only half of Xia Yichu's back.

After he got out of the car, he didn't walk away, but came to the back seat where Xia Yichu was, lowered his head, reached out to open the car door, and lowered his voice: "Miss, please get out of the car."

Xia Yichu squinted his eyes, raised his foot and walked down.

The time is short, and she has not yet received the memory of the original owner and her mission in this world, so she can only take one step at a time, and then find a place where there is no one to receive the information later.

After getting out of the car, Xia Yichu looked at her current location calmly.

What appeared in front of her was a huge mansion.

Moreover, she was already in front of the mansion, and the driver drove her directly into the fence gate.

There is still a short distance between the gate of the courtyard and the gate of this mansion. In addition to the paved road for people to pass by, there are a lot of green plants planted on both sides of the road, and these green plants are all trimmed neatly, which looks very pleasing to the eye.

As soon as Xia Yichu stood there, two young women dressed as servants greeted her immediately: "Miss, is there any problem?"

"Oh, no." Xia Yichu looked away and said calmly to the two maids.

However, Xia Yichu didn't walk towards the gate of the mansion, but towards the swing she just saw on the grass.By the way, he said to the maid who was following him: "Don't worry about me, go do your own thing, I'll just sit on the swing and watch the sunset, nothing will happen."

"Yes." The two maids answered, turned and left.

And Xia Yichu sat on the autumn table, her eyes fell on the sunset that was about to set in the sky, her hands grasped the chains on both sides of the swing, and in her mind she asked the system to send her tasks and information in this world.

After a short period of pain, Xia Yichu had a lot of things in his mind.

After Xia Yichu read it, she finally understood her current situation.

This time, she traveled through the body of Qi Mingyue, a wealthy daughter.And this very luxurious mansion in front of her is her home.

Qi Mingyue was born in a very wealthy family.

However, it is a pity that Qi Mingyue was diagnosed with congenital heart disease as soon as she was born.

When Qi's father and Qi's mother heard the news, they almost fainted.

Especially Qi's mother, during that time, she often washed her face with tears, and became more and more depressed every day.

Although the marriage between Qi's father and Qi's mother is a commercial marriage, they are actually childhood sweethearts who really love each other.

From kindergarten to university, both of them studied in the same school, but they are not in the same country when it comes to studying abroad after university.

Both of them are geniuses with high IQ, and they were famous academic masters in school when they were young.

After getting married, both of them are busy with business affairs.

Qi Mingyue is their first child.

When she was young, Qi's mother was busy with the company's affairs. Although she and Qi's father were very affectionate and had a lot of sex, but because she always had contraceptive reasons, she never got pregnant.

But after that, when she wanted to conceive, she didn't know why she never got pregnant.

By the time Qi Mingyue was pregnant or even gave birth, Qi's mother was already 36 and seven years old, and she was already a member of the elderly mothers.

At that time, Qi's father disagreed a little. For the sake of Qi's mother's health, he even proposed to go to the hospital to get a test-tube baby. Anyway, the sperm and eggs were used by Qi's father and Qi's mother.

But Qi's mother was unwilling to do it, so she just worked hard and broke one.

However, when Qi Mingyue was born, not only did she weigh a lot lighter than the average child, but her breathing was also very weak.After finally being rescued, the doctor found out that he had congenital heart disease.

Both Qi's father and Qi's mother have not yet tasted the joy of having a daughter, but they have already been hit by this tragic reality.

Although technology is advanced nowadays, there are still many cases of heart disease being cured.

But the difficulty lies in that the Qi family's blood is all panda blood, which may not be available to one in a million.

Originally, it was difficult to find a healthy heart, and panda blood that matched the blood type was still required, which made the situation even worse and made it even more difficult.

Qi's mother undoubtedly loved Qi Mingyue very much, and even Qi's mother blamed herself very much in her heart, thinking that she was too old when she was pregnant, which brought about Qi Mingyue's physical differences.

During that time, Qi's mother was in a very bad state of mind.

It wasn't until Qi's father suggested that the two of them go to get a test-tube baby, and after Qi Mingyue's medicine was introduced, Qi's mother began to become normal again.

The father and mother provided their own sperm and eggs. The test-tube baby of the two is very healthy, and it is still a boy.

After the boy could leave the hospital, his relatives took him home and named him Qi Jin.He even hired a nanny to take him.

On the one hand, she is a frail and sickly daughter with congenital heart disease, who does not know whether she will live to adulthood and cannot inherit the company's great business.On the one hand, he is in good health, and is also a boy of their own blood.

Logically speaking, the vast majority of people would definitely prefer the son.

But Qi's father and Qi's mother are exceptions, even if there is Qi Jin, but Qi's father and Qi's mother will always love and care for only Qi Mingyue.

As for Qi Jin, although Qi's father and mother did not beat, scold or abuse him, they looked very cold when they treated him, which was completely different from the tenderness and patience they had towards Qi Mingyue.

When Qi Mingyue was 20 years old, her body organs suddenly failed. With the doctor's consent, Qi's father and Qi's mother arranged for her and Qi Jin to exchange heart surgery.

However, the operation was not successful.

The 20-year-old Qi Mingyue and Qi Jin both died on the operating table.

Qi Mingyue's wish was very simple, she wanted to make up for this brother whom she had never had much contact with and paid attention to before, and she didn't want to have that heart transplant surgery.

Even, if possible, she would like Qi's father and mother to give Qi Jin more care.After all, if she didn't undergo heart replacement surgery, she would be dead, but Qi Jin could survive.In the future, when Qi's father and mother are old, they will have to rely on Qi Jin to take care of them.

In the end, she wanted Xia Yichu to play "The Prosperity" instead of her.

 【Hahaha, yes, this is an online game article~2333】

(End of this chapter)

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