Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 34 818 That cold-faced domineering ascetic brother

Chapter 34 818 That cold-faced domineering ascetic brother (44)

After Zhou Xia's crew terminated the contract with An Naier, someone who replaced An Naier quickly joined the crew.

It was a person very similar to An Nai'er in appearance, also very delicate and beautiful in appearance, with a tall figure and a pair of bright and attractive big eyes. His name was An Fei.

Compared with An Nai'er, An Fei knew how to be a better person, and was a bit more kind, and her acting skills were not bad, so she soon got into trouble with the crew.

Because of the temporary replacement, all the scenes that An Naier had filmed before had to be edited, and most of them were filmed in City B, which meant that everyone had to go to City B again.

However, Xia Yichu was very lucky. The role she played and the role played by Anfei did not overlap for long, so Zhou Xia decided that, in order to save the filming cost of the crew as much as possible, for the time being, these unfinished scenes All of them were filmed, quickly finished for those who had no intersection with the characters played by Anfei, and then went to City B to shoot again.

Things were in full swing, and after a month of filming, the crew finally ushered in the finale.

This time, it was inevitable that there was another wrap-up banquet held by the crew. Zhou Xia invited all the actors in the crew, picked a nice hotel, and booked the dinner in advance.

With the lessons learned from the last finale banquet, Xia Yichu was very restrained this time, and left home after eating almost.

In fact, this time, no one drugged Xia Yichu like the last time, and he didn't even dare to have any thoughts in his heart.

The entertainment circle is deep, and it can be regarded as a place where secrets are difficult to hide. Outsiders may not know about the things about Annel last time, but anyone with a little connection knows that about Annel. He is the director of MR company Chang Shen Kasyapa moved his hands and feet.

And after a little research, An Naier and Xia Kui are the same crew, and then think deeply about the last time Xia Kui was hacked, and a smart person can figure it out as soon as he thinks about it.

It has to be said that Shen Jiaye's handling of An Nai'er's affairs last time cast a deep shadow on people, so much so that after An Nai'er's incident, no matter where Xia Yichu went, those people were polite to her Angrily, he held it carefully, for fear of Shen Jiaye's revenge.

Xia Yichu is very satisfied with this situation, she just wants to win the actress, this kind of feeling that you won't offend me and I won't offend you is really great.

After cooperating with the crew to participate in the post-promotion, Xia Yichu was free again.

There was an endless stream of people who came to throw scripts at Xia Yichu, whether they liked Xia Yichu's acting skills or the Xia family brother behind Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu and Lu Cheng picked and chose, and finally, under the system's hand-picking, Xia Yichu chose a youth campus drama, which was adapted from a modern campus novel that is very popular at the moment. ".

After seeing the script Xia Yichu chose, Lu Cheng thought about it and agreed. Nowadays, online novels are becoming more and more popular, not only adaptations of TV series, but also audio novels, games, IP fields and so on.

Movies adapted from novels have more readers and fans than other movies before the movie comes out, but they also have more pressure from readers than other movies.

However, Lu Cheng felt that as long as that person was Xia Yichu, he wouldn't worry about this.

Lu Cheng accompanied Xia Yichu to the audition, and soon, Xia Yichu's status as the number one female was quickly finalized.

It's just that it took a long time to start up, half a month later.

Lu Cheng thought about it in his heart, and took a MV for Xia Yichu. Even if Xia Yichu's goal is to be a movie queen, even if Xia Yichu's father and Shen Jiaye are behind her, but if Xia Yichu only plays the role of the heroine for a long time, time People don't think that if it is short, it will definitely cause all kinds of disputes after a long time.

Xia Yichu also thought of what Lu Cheng thought of, so after Lu Cheng told her about the MV, Xia Yichu nodded without any objection and agreed.

The MV that Lu Cheng took over for Xia Yichu this time is the upcoming new song "If You Are Still Here" by Mingge, the king of music.

Lu Cheng took Xia Yichu to meet Mingge and the directors. Everyone was very satisfied with Xia Yichu's appearance, especially Mingge, who even dragged Xia Yichu to sign the notebook he had prepared long ago.

Ming Ge said that after watching "One World in Chang'an", he was impressed by Xia Yichu's acting skills and became her fan. He was very happy to invite Xia Yichu to be the heroine of the MV this time.

Xia Yichu was a little flattered by Ming Ge's words. You must know that the other party is the only heavenly king in the music world, and no one can surpass him.

When Xia Yichu came here, he also listened to some songs published by Mingge in the past.

Mingge looks rather bookish, like a jade-faced niche, but he is 30 years old, and there is a unique temperament that belongs to him that has accumulated over time, very clean and calm.

Moreover, every poster or picture on Mingge's album is a very lonely background. No matter which pose he sways at will, there is a cool breath radiating from his body.

Eyebrows are drooping, expression is faint, it seems that there is no mortal spirit in the world.

Don't eat fireworks in the world, don't move the hearts of the world.

When listening to his songs and watching his previous MV, Xia Yichu thought that Mingge would be a very silent, rational man who would not show his emotions on his face, but he did not expect that Mingge was actually so gentle in private, And very talkative.

And he loves to laugh, like the warm sun in winter.

As the king of music, Mingge has filmed countless MVs for himself, each of which is done by himself, whether it is the camera sense or the positioning is very accurate, and Xia Yichu has won the system's "incomparable acting skills" "Skills, the strength is even more leveraged, each one is a one-off.

The two of them worked together very happily. The MV, which was originally expected to be completed in half a month, now looks like it may take less than ten days to complete.

Just when Xia Yichu and Mingge were working together happily and rushing about for the MV, in a dimly lit room, a young man and woman were arguing.

Ever since Zhou Qing and Yuxue did that to Xia Yichu at the wrap-up banquet of "One World in Chang'an", even though it didn't work out in the end, it wasn't publicly announced.But Xia Yichu sent people to suppress Zhou Qing and Yuxue a lot.

Because of Xia Yichu's revenge, no matter which role Zhou Qing and Yu Xue went to audition for, they couldn't audition.

Even the small supporting role that Zhou Qing didn't like at all, now even if he licked his face and begged, he was rejected with a smile.

Once or twice is okay, three times, four times, five times, then there is a ghost!

 [Thank you Queen Guoguo for your reward, oh, oh, you, you have been by my side for the past two years, adding more for you~]

(End of this chapter)

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