Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 407 My Student Can’t Be the President 43

Chapter 407 My Student Can’t Be the President 43
For this kind of nervousness, Xia Yichu certainly wouldn't care as much as her, let alone there are six or seven strong bodyguards behind the other party.

I'm outnumbered and it's a really, really bad situation.

You can't teach someone a lesson head-on, so after Xia Yichu looked her whole body up and down, he sneered: "Auntie, I think what you need is not a man, but a mental hospital."

As Xia Yichu said, he didn't look at the woman's expression after hearing her words, but walked in directly, and then closed the door heavily.

The woman stood outside, blinking her eyes. It wasn't until Xia Yichu closed the door that she realized that Xia Yichu had just scolded her.

Xia Yichu stood in the room, through the monitor installed at the door, looked at the woman standing outside the door with a livid face. After he came in, regardless of his image, he directly lifted his foot to the door, but forgot what he was wearing. It's a pair of stiletto heels.

Not only did he not vent the anger in his heart, but he also kicked his heel off, making the extreme bodyguards behind him a joke for no reason, and it was a shame.

Li Boran came out of his room, looked at the surveillance screen, and asked Xia Yichu, "Who are these people?"

"Looking for you." Xia Yichu responded, his eyes fell on the surveillance screen, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

Li Boran's eyes also fell on the monitor screen. After the woman broke the heel of her high-heeled shoes, her arrogant expression turned green and white. Angrily, he took the bodyguards and left here.

"The Li family in Nancheng?" Li Boran spoke, although it was a question sentence, but with an affirmative tone.

The Li family in Nancheng is actually the family of Li Boran's biological father.

It was also a coincidence that Li Boran's biological father was surnamed Li, and the Li family was well-known in N City, and it was also a century-old family.

However, since the last family of the Li family, that is, Li Boran's biological grandfather, abdicated and handed over the family position to Li Boran's biological father, the Li family began to decline.

However, it is a century-old family at any rate, even a strangled camel is bigger than a horse.

Now, the Li family still has some status in N City.

"Why did they come to you suddenly?" Xia Yichu's eyes fell on Li Boran: "Do you want to go back?"

"Sister, can I take the entire Li family as a dowry gift to marry you?" Li Boran stood beside Xia Yichu, although he spoke in a relaxed tone, but there was a trace of tension in his eyes.

He didn't discuss this matter with Xia Yichu at all, and he didn't know if Xia Yichu would be angry...

Li Boran's hand on his side tightened slightly, and he looked at Xia Yichu without blinking.

But in fact, Xia Yichu didn't do what he thought.

The information that the system gave her before did not say that Li Boran was the illegitimate son of the Li family in Nancheng, but after Xia Yichu found out, although he asked Zhou Qu to temporarily bury the matter so that no one over there would find out.But she never thought of hiding this matter for the rest of her life.

Unless the people over there don't want Li Boran, unless Li Boran doesn't want to go back.

She will not interfere in this matter.

Therefore, after hearing Li Boran's words, Xia Yichu just smiled, and then raised his head slightly: "You said that, if the Li family is not taken down by the time and is defeated by the Li family, my place is not a shelter."

Waiting for my thousands of dowry to marry you.

Li Boran looked at Xia Yichu and said silently in his heart.

Although Li Boran planned to return to Li's house, he was not impatient.

The current situation of the Li family in Nancheng is actually a bit embarrassing.

The current patriarch of the Li family, that is, Li Boran's biological father Li Haocheng, when Grandpa Li handed over the power of the Li family to him, although he already had a sense of responsibility, he was not as playful as before.But if you want to change it over a period of time, it won't work.

It wasn't until the other party's company set him a big trick, and he almost destroyed the Li family's head office, that those flamboyant things were finally taken back.

The bankruptcy crisis of the Li family was solved by Grandpa Li, and then Li Haocheng followed Grandpa Li's side to learn the way of doing business conscientiously.

It has to be said that each generation of the Li family is very talented in business, even the flamboyant Li Haocheng is no exception.

Especially after Grandpa Li's personal teaching, it didn't take long for him to be the leader alone.

It's just that, even if Li Haocheng had turned his prodigal son back, the trick that the other company gave him at that time was to hurt the company's vitality after all. Then Li Haocheng took the initiative to file for divorce from his wife at the time, and married a man from another family who suddenly became rich. Qin Jingjing, the only daughter of the rich second generation, is his wife.

Once Qin Jingjing got married, of course it wasn't just her who came over, but also tens of thousands of money from the second-generation rich family.

Now, with a large amount of capital injection, Li Haocheng's prodigal son turned back, and his business talent.The company came back to life very quickly, and Li Haocheng, who had brought in a lot of business for the company, killed the company that had set him up at the beginning.

In the first few years, the problems between Qin Jingjing and Li Haocheng hadn't come out yet, but now, more than ten years have passed, these two people were originally married because of commercial interests, and they were originally in love with each other. There is no true love.

Especially when Li Haocheng was young, when the leftovers came to him one by one, Qin Jingjing was furious!

Of course, Qin Jingjing had heard of Li Haocheng's nickname when he was young, but at that time, the two of them were married in a business relationship.

Just like Li Haocheng took a fancy to Qin Jingjing's family's money, Qin Jingjing also took a fancy to Li Haocheng's family's status in N City.

In addition, Li Haocheng also swore with her at that time that he had already cut off contact with those women before, so Qin Jingjing was willing to marry.

However, he never expected that after more than ten years, those illegitimate children left by Li Haocheng at that time grew up, and now, all of them have come to him!
Counting them, there were actually six or seven of them, not including those illegitimate daughters!

Qin Jingjing was almost dizzy with anger. If Li Haocheng brought these people home, when Li Haocheng returned for a hundred years, they would not have a share of the family's property!
For Qin Jingjing, who had already regarded the Li family property as their mother and son's private property, these illegitimate children simply came to poach her blood and flesh!
 [I have deleted some of the comments in the book review area, everyone keep a low profile, okay?]

(End of this chapter)

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