Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 415 My Student Can’t Be the President 53

Chapter 415 My Student Can’t Be the President 53
As long as Aaeon places a small order with Li Boran, although the company Li Boran is currently in charge of cannot be brought back to life, it is still possible to get out of the current predicament.

However, Li Boran didn't even think about it, and directly refused: "No need."

Li Boran had finished reading the contract in his hand, and countless thoughts drifted through his mind. He packed up the contracts, then got up and walked out.

"Hey, where are you going! Our video call is not over yet!!!" Aaeon wailed on the computer, but the only response to him was the sound of the door closing after Li Boran walked out of the office.

Li Boran took the contract and went directly to the other party's company.

In just half a day, he resolved the crisis of imminent debt.

After Li Boran left the other party's company, the president of the company who had just talked to Li Boran all afternoon thought about it, called Li Haocheng, and said: "Mr. Li, this time, I'm afraid I promised you something earlier. It can't be done anymore....Hey, the subordinates are not good at doing things, and Ling Zi found out a huge loophole in the contract signed before..."


The company's crisis was resolved. After Li Boran returned to the company, he acted resolutely and fired many people. It completely changed the company's blood, and let the employees see what is called the three fires of new officials. .

However, Li Boran later disclosed new company benefits and treatment.

The new benefits and treatment are much better than the previous benefits.

This makes those who continue to stay in the company feel very lucky.

The people fired by the company were those who had bad intentions for the company, had no real talent and learning, were fishing in troubled waters all day long, or were sent by other companies.

However, Li Boran did not pull out all those people, and left a few thorns in the company, but those people will become small employees who cannot touch the company because of the next personnel transfer. , There will never be a chance for promotion again.

Li Boran is in charge of the company. The number of people in the company has decreased, and he is not panicked. After receiving a few small orders from other companies to allow the company to start normal operations, he began to return to school.

Li Haocheng already knew that Li Boran had resolved the company's debt crisis, but he was not worried. He always thought that it was Li Boran's luck, especially when he saw that Li Boran had not received any big orders, nor did he make any decisions in the company. After the outstanding results, his original wariness towards Li Boran also slowly let go.

When Li Jianan started college, Qin Jingjing sent him to the most famous school in the capital, where he studied business.

What's more, after watching Li Haocheng give Li Boran a small company, Qin Jingjing also let her father who has nothing but money buy a small company for Li Jian'an.

Li Boran saw all this, but he didn't take it into his heart.

Li Haocheng's move because he wanted to suppress him, from Li Boran's point of view, not only did not suppress him, but it gave him countless conveniences.

Don't you live in Li's house?
——Actually, even if Li Haocheng refused to let him move out, he would find an opportunity to move out on his own initiative in the future.In this way, he lives alone, and it will be much more convenient for him to do anything.

Studying in university in N city?

——Actually, this was already planned by him, and he had no intention of going to other places to study.Even though he and Xia Yichu can't meet now, he doesn't intend to stay too far away from her.

Give him a company that's going bankrupt?

——This is more in line with Li Boran's wishes.

Li Haocheng thought he was under pressure, but he didn't want him to stand out under the pressure.

Then he deliberately pretended that he was lucky enough to solve the company's urgent needs, and then managed the company's business in a tepid manner.I would rather earn less for myself, and better benefits for employees. This is not a businessman's behavior at all.

However, in the dark place that Li Haocheng didn't notice, Li Boran never gave up his efforts.

On Aaeon's side, the company's listing is now going smoothly, and even some troubles have been resolved by the family behind Aaeon.

Now, not to mention every year, even Li Boran's profits are rising every day.

Li Boran used the money from Aaeon to start another company in the dark.

Still letting other people govern, Li Boran just sat in the dark and manipulated.

A small Internet company named mr was registered and listed on a certain day in a certain year, and then grew at an astonishing speed, quickly surpassing those new companies that went public with it.

There are also quite a few companies who have discovered its unusualness and want to annex it, but instead of annexing it, they have fallen into the trap of the other party and cannot extricate themselves.

And when those big companies found out that MR Company was unusual and wanted to deal with it, it had already grown like a diamond, which could be seen from a distance but could not be seized close to it.

Even if it only took two years from being registered and listed to becoming powerful.

Xia Yichu didn't know what could be changed in two years.

But she went from a 27-year-old woman to a 30-year-old in a blink of an eye.

After Li Boran returned to Li's house, he never contacted Xia Yichu again, and Xia Yichu never contacted him again.

From being unaccustomed at the beginning to getting used to it now, it seems to be only a period of time.

Li Boran was not at home, and Gu's mother simply put all her goals on Xia Yichu's urging marriage.

Gu's mother's bombing power was too strong, causing Xia Yichu to pack her luggage overnight and travel abroad.

In just two years, Xia Yichu walked and stopped, and already wiped out half of the world.

The weather is sunny and sunny.

Xia Yichu embarked on the last stop of his plan: n city.

At the airport, people come and go, and most passengers are pulling their luggage and walking in a hurry.

Xia Yichu wore a beige windbreaker, sunglasses and a hat, pulled his suitcase, and blended into the crowd step by step. After passing the security check, he walked towards the outside of the airport.

Xia Yichu was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, she sat on the plane for several hours. After getting off, she suddenly felt a little thirsty.

There is an open-air cold drink hall not far from the airport, Xia Yichu walked along the street with his suitcase.

The cold drink hall is close at hand, but Xia Yichu suddenly sensed a huge danger. The hair on her back stood up, which was clearly a sign of danger.

Xia Yichu turned her head and looked around. Behind her, for some reason, a large truck rushed towards the street from the road as if it had lost control.

Pedestrians on the side of the road yelled loudly, and the big truck rushed all the way, and finally rushed towards Xia Yichu's direction.

Holding the suitcase in his hand, Xia Yichu looked at the big truck that was getting closer and closer. The voices of passers-by shouting gradually disappeared, and the expressions of panic and panic on their faces faded away in Xia Yichu's world.

At this moment, Xia Yichu looked at this big truck rushing towards her, and a sense of familiarity came from her bones.

The scorching sun hit her body, but Xia Yichu felt cold sweat profusely.

The scene in front of her gradually overlapped with her memories. Before she was bound to the system, she died like this.

Not far from the airport returning home, he was hit by an out-of-control truck and died on the spot.

 [I kind of want to write that the heroine has returned to the real world. It's 04:30 and Jun Bao is about to go out. The remaining two chapters will be after [-]pm. 】

(End of this chapter)

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