Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 419 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 1

Chapter 419 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 1
When he returned to Three Thousand Worlds again, Xia Yichu looked up at his personal information displayed on the light screen in front of him:

[Host information:
Name: Xia Yichu
Gender: Female
physical strength:-
Skills: "Yi Jin Jing", Western medicine, business, Dragon Guardian.

Rewards: rocket launcher, incense burner for sleeping peacefully every night, big lucky draw roulette*2.

Number of tasks completed: 11
Available credits: 4860
Amount of merit: 5280]

Xia Yichu put his hand on the transparent crystal ball beside him, the feeling that the emotion in his mind was gradually withdrawn was not good.

At that time, although Li Boran used the property under his own name to prove his determination to Xia Yichu in front of his father and mother, Xia Yichu did not sign any of his property transfer documents.

For Xia Yichu's move, Li Boran himself was the first to be unwilling, not to mention taking care of his father and mother.

Li Boran's angry reaction made Gu father and mother unable to speak at all.

In the end, all the property transfer documents signed by Li Boran were placed in Gu's father and mother's place.

Everyone discussed that if Li Boran really did something wrong to Xia Yichu in the future, then Xia Yichu would sign those transfer letters and let Li Boran leave the house.

Although Li Boran was still somewhat dissatisfied with this ending, he was not as angry as before.

Because of the "family of three" boasted in front of Gu's father and mother, after Gu's father and mother agreed to the marriage between Xia Yichu and Li Boran, Li Boran worked hard on Xia Yichu's body every night, so diligent .

And in the end, it was actually through his hard work that Xia Yichu became pregnant with his child when their marriage was approaching.

When Xia Yichu gave birth to her child, she was already over [-] years old, so she was considered an advanced maternal age.

Gu's father, mother, and Li Boran were all anxious and scared to death.

Especially Li Boran, before that little thing came out of Xia Yichu's stomach, Li Boran reported deep resentment towards him.

However, Xia Yichu is probably the only one who is the most peaceful and stress-free.

As an advanced maternal age, she felt no pressure at all.

And then when she gave birth, it was the same as what Xia Yichu thought before.

Although her age is there, she has never given up on cultivation since she came to this world. Not only does she look like a woman in her 20s, her body is also very healthy and young.

Some women in their 20s have a physique that is even inferior to Xia Yichu's.

Xia Yichu successfully gave birth to a son.

However, after she got her son up and down, Li Boran didn't even look at the child, but stayed by Xia Yichu's bedside until Xia Yichu woke up.

After Xia Yichu gave birth to a child, Li Boran's love for Xia Yichu became deeper and deeper, and he wished he could stick to Xia Yichu's side all day long.

For such a large company, Li Boran entrusts all of it to professional brokers and strictly manages it. Every year, he only cares about the money allocated to his card.

After Xia Yichu gave birth to the child, his mind would inevitably be divided on the child, and Li Boran felt extremely wronged at that time.Also, the resentment towards his own son was getting deeper and deeper. Right after the child was weaned, Li Boran left the child in the care of his retired father and mother. He pestered Xia Yichu by himself, took her out for a trip, and lived a good life for the two of them. world.

Just like the life that Xia Yichu stayed in those worlds before, Li Boran was almost obedient to her, and there were very few differences in life between the two of them.

And even when disagreements arise, every time Li Boran is the first to bow his head and admit his mistakes.

In just a few decades, this is a long life for many people, but in the eyes of Xia Yichu and Li Boran, it is so short, so short.

At that time, Xia Yichu was ten years older than Li Boran, so in the end, she was the one who left first.

However, there was one thing that surprised Xia Yichu.

Just when she was about to go home, Li Boran, who had been guarding her bed the whole time, held her hand tightly, and suddenly asked, "Sister, was your name Qi Mingyue in your last life? Did we ever fall in love with each other?" .”

Xia Yichu had only one breath left at that time, and could only vaguely understand what he said, but before he could answer, he closed his eyes and passed out.

Then when she woke up again, she had already appeared in the Three Thousand Worlds.

But in front of Li Boran, she was already dead.

Thinking of the last question he heard, Xia Yichu gradually had some doubts in his heart.

Qi Mingyue and Qi Jin are clearly the last mission world she was in.

How did Li Boran know?
Could it be that the bug has already begun to restore the memories of those previous worlds?

A doubt appeared in Xia Yichu's heart, and then quickly disappeared.

The crystal ball has absorbed all her emotions in the previous world. The crystal ball that was originally shimmering and emitting colorful light gradually returned to its previous transparent and simple appearance. Xia Yichu shook his head and lifted his hand from above I took it back.

"Host," the 233 system turned into a fist-sized light, floating around Xia Yichu's side, and said to Xia Yichu, "Do you want to start the next mission?"

"En." Xia Yichu nodded, looked at the light in front of her eyes, put the last doubt in her mind behind her, and said, "Let's begin."

"Okay, the teleportation begins."

As soon as the 233 system finished speaking, the familiar dizziness came from Xia Yichu's head.

Xia Yichu closed his eyes and relaxed his body, unable to respond to this feeling, but chose to obey very naturally.

I don't know how long this dizzy feeling has spread.

Until Xia Yichu felt something squeezing her, and then something seemed to attract her.

Xia Yichu didn't like this feeling of being out of control.

Just when she frowned and wanted to resist, the voice of the system sounded in her mind: "Host, don't try to struggle, this host is too fragile and narrow, if we are not careful, we will all be annihilated !"

Xia Yichu paused, and after listening to the system's words, he gave up trying to break free, tried to relax his mind, and let the inexplicable force shrink him, and then he was attracted into a container.

After a while, Xia Yichu felt that the pressure and attraction on her body were gradually disappearing, and she gradually merged with another new body.

The voices in the ears were very noisy. On the crowded street, Xia Yichu shook his ears and quietly opened his eyes.

She looked down at a puddle of water on the ground, and a little furry thing in the water was also looking at her.

Well, for this mission, she turned into a cat.

(End of this chapter)

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