Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 425 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 10

Chapter 425 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 10
Xia Yichu doubted An Yi in his heart, but An Yi did not do anything to avoid Xia Yichu.

Whether he is watering the flowers in the yard, or he is dealing with things in the study, or he is going to school for class.

He always brought Xia Yichu with him.

When watering the garden, Xia Yichu naturally couldn't see anything.

But when he was dealing with things in the study, Xia Yichu watched him typing quickly on the keyboard with his ten fingers, and strings of codes appeared on the computer screen.

Xia Yichu couldn't understand the code before.

But it delayed Li Boran's blessing in the previous world.

In the last world, when she married Li Boran, Li Boran was about to become a junior at that time.

There are not many courses in the university, and Li Boran's grades are very good. Even if he doesn't go to class every time, he not only fails in the final exam, but also occupies the top position in every subject.

Also after getting married, Li Boran confessed to Xia Yichu that besides the company Li Haocheng gave him, he also opened a company privately.Moreover, he also opened a company with Aaeon.

When Li Boran was in college, he studied business management, but he was very good at computers and programming.

After getting married, although he didn't deal with the company's affairs, sometimes, when he was in the mood, he would hide in the study and do programming quietly by himself.

When Xia Yichu brought him milk or tea, he once stood by and saw it.

At that time, Li Boran's ten fingers were flying, and her fingers were pressing on the keyboard quickly, and then a series of codes that she could not understand appeared on the computer screen.

Later, Li Boran saw Xia Yichu's interested appearance, and taught Xia Yichu some things about it.

So now, Xia Yichu can't say he is very good at computer programming and codes, but he can vaguely understand them.

In the memory of the original owner, Ari, although she had seen An Yi play computer, she never saw An Yi play programming and code like now.


Xia Yichu lay on his back doing his work, looking up at An Yi.

Sitting in front of the computer now, he looked very serious and focused, the light on the computer screen shone on his face, flickering on and off.

Xia Yichu suddenly had the illusion of seeing Li Boran.

However, the aura emitted by these two people is different.

Li Boran's temperament is clear and cold, but he does not feel indifferent. On the contrary, after he married himself, there is often a touch of softness and doting in his eyes.

And although An Yi gives people the feeling that he is as gentle and jade-like as an ancient gentleman, Xia Yichu keenly senses the indifference in him. It is not only a kind of indifference to other people or things, but even his own life and death. Thin cool.

These two people are simply a huge contrast.

An Yi, besides Brother Shen she met in the first mission world, was the person she couldn't see through and was very afraid of.

Xia Yichu had seen the codes that An Yi typed before, all of them were advanced programming, and An Yi even had a video chat with other people in front of Xia Yichu.

The man who was video chatting with An Yi was handsome, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, gentle, with a tense face the whole time, exuding an air of abstinence all over his body.

Xia Yichu heard An Yi call him - Su Yan.

That Su Yan seemed to be An Yi's subordinate. When the two were chatting via video, all they talked about was business affairs, and the content was boring.

However, these different signs from the information also made Xia Yichu certain that the An Yi in front of him must be reborn.

However, I don't know what happened to him before he was reborn?That's why it's so weird.

The system went back to the headquarters to upgrade and was not there, so she couldn't call the system out to explain her confusion for a while.

And the cat's head she is wearing now is as small as this furry head, and she feels a little sleepy when she uses her brain a little.

Xia Yichu lay down on the desk, listlessly, and lowered his head to lick his cat's paw.

"Ah Li sleepy?"

An Yi, who was typing the code on the keyboard, suddenly stopped, and his eyes fell on Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu looked up at him, but didn't move.

An Yi stretched out his hand to hug Xia Yichu and put it on his lap, then he pulled out a fluffy blanket from nowhere and covered Xia Yichu's body, and said in a tone as if coaxing a baby to sleep Xia Yichu said: "Ah Li, you go to sleep first, and after I finish dealing with these things, I will take you out to play."

Xia Yichu fell asleep under his gentle touch, and the originally comfortable scene suddenly changed.

Xia Yichu felt that his body was floating, as if he had flown into the sky.

How is this going?

Xia Yichu opened his eyes with difficulty, but only saw a cloud of white mist in front of him.

After the white mist gradually dissipated, Xia Yichu looked down and found that he was actually floating in mid-air.

It's just that the villa below looks familiar, doesn't it just happen to be An Yi's villa?
Xia Yichu was puzzled, and couldn't tell why she suddenly ran outside. She looked down and found that she was in the shape of a transparent kitten. She moved her front paws. He fell down gracefully.

As the sun set, the golden light passed through Xia Yichu's body, and Xia Yichu landed on the piled-up wall of the villa.

There is a milky white cat fluttering butterflies inside the wall.

That cat is exactly the same as her current soul state.

It's just that she is a soul body now, while the cat is a physical body.

Just when Xia Yichu didn't understand what was going on, a car suddenly stopped outside the villa, the cat seemed to have heard the movement, its ears trembled, and ran towards the gate.

The door was opened from the outside, and the first person to enter was a tall and delicate boy in a white sportswear.

With a smile all over his face, he squatted down, lowered his head and said something to the cat, and then took out a small packet of dried fish from his pocket and handed it to the cat to eat.

The kittens didn't eat, but they couldn't stop them from entering.

Looking at this scene, Xia Yichu suddenly felt that the scene looked familiar.

The boy didn't mind that the kitten didn't eat his dried fish, he put the dried fish back into his pocket, and walked into the villa with three or four bodyguards in black.

And the cat walked in behind them step by step with a trace of vigilance and observation.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yichu suddenly knew why this scene looked familiar.

She had seen this scene before in the memory left by the original owner Ahri!

(End of this chapter)

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