Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 427 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 12

Chapter 427 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 12
I have to say that An Yi's character is really good.

In just over two hours, he had already caught half a bucket of fish.

If Xia Yichu hadn't been watching from the side, she wouldn't have believed it.

Are all the fish in this world stupid?

Xia Yichu stood up straight, laying his front paws on the edge of the small bucket, looking down at the fish still swimming in the small bucket.

"Don't worry, Ari, I'll make grilled fish for you when I get back." An Yi had already installed the fishing rod, reached out and hugged Xia Yichu on his lap, then hung the small bucket beside the wheelchair, and led Xia Yichu back.

In Xia Yichu's heart, he didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable about becoming a cat.However, this does not mean that she likes to eat cat food. Thinking of having grilled fish tonight, Xia Yichu's eyes light up slightly, and he can't help flicking his tail.

An Yi seemed to be infected by Xia Yichu, and he was in a good mood.

However, Xia Yichu's mood changed instantly after seeing the man standing in front of the house.

In front of the gate of the villa, a car had already parked at some point, and beside that car stood a young man in a white shirt and several bodyguards.

The man in a white shirt and black pants is An Yi's half-brother, An Chun.

Xia Yichu's eyes fell on them, and the coldness flashed across his eyes and disappeared quickly.

Xia Yichu let his eyes go, and sat on An Yi's lap, just like an ordinary cat, very well-behaved.

Xia Yichu saw them, and An Yi naturally saw them too.

An Yi's expression didn't change, even the smile on his face didn't change at all, it was still as gentle as jade.

He pushed the wheelchair and gradually approached An Chun and his group.

An Chun and his bodyguards also saw An Yi, they stood by the car and waited until An Yi approached, An Chun put the mobile phone in his hand in his pocket, dressed up and saw An Yi's appearance , smiled brightly at An Yi, but spoke in a strange tone: "Ah, brother, no wonder no one came to open the door after we waited outside for so long. I didn't expect you to have such a good interest. It turned out that you were out fishing. Ah. I really didn't expect that my brother's legs and feet are inconvenient, but his body is still so energetic."

An Yi ignored him, but turned the wheelchair, pressed his finger prints on it, opened the door, and then turned to An Chun and his party and said, "Come in and have a seat?"

As An Yi said, he pushed the wheelchair and slid in.

An Chun, who was standing behind, looked at An Yi's back, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

An Chun asked the bodyguards behind him to wait in the yard, and followed An Yi all the way into the villa hall.

After entering, An Yi took the fishing tools and small bucket out of the wheelchair, then put Xia Yichu on the table, washed his hands, took her cat bowl to fill her with water, and took out the drawer next to the TV. Li took out the dried fish, put it in his palm, and fed Xia Yichu bit by bit.

Xia Yichu knew that he was deliberately ignoring An Chun. Fortunately, because of the memory of the original owner Ah Li, Xia Yichu himself didn't like An Chun, so he immediately cooperated with An Yi, chewing the small dried fish in his palm, Eat slowly.

An Chun, who was standing by the side, was naturally upset about this interaction between one person and one cat.

He walked to the sofa and sat down, looking at the person and the cat with a slightly gloomy expression, and his tone of voice was even more eccentric: "Brother, I have been waiting for you outside for half an hour, even if you don't feel sorry for me as a younger brother Yes, now that I'm in, you should pour me a glass of water, right?"

An Yi, who originally had his eyes on Xia Yichu, now, after hearing An Chun's words, finally diverted his eyes a little and landed on him.

The smile on An Yi's face remained the same, so gentle that he couldn't pick a single mistake.

He said to An Chun: "You also know that my legs and feet are inconvenient. After I came back from fishing just now, I felt weak all over. If you really think that I am your brother, please help me pour a glass of water."

An Chun was furious, seeing each other for half a year, why did An Yi suddenly become so thick-skinned.

Moreover, I didn't know that he was such a sharp person before?

When in the past did he not do what he told him to do?
An Chun has always hated An Yi and his mother who died early. An Chun thought that if it weren't for An Yi and his mother, she would not be reduced to an illegitimate child.

Although he has been in the An's family for more than ten years now, the age between him and An Yi is here. His identity as the illegitimate child before he entered the An's family is already an unspoken secret in the center of high society.

What's more, An Yi is now a disabled person with inconvenient legs. He looks down on An Yi from the bottom of his heart, so why would he serve him tea?

However, thinking of the mission I came here today...

An Chun's face twisted for a moment, he stiffened, and smiled at An Yi: "Brother, then you still have the energy to pour water and snacks for this cat just now, is it true that the love between us brothers Is it not as good as a cat?"

An Chun's words were simply shameless.

Xia Yichu almost couldn't control himself, he jumped up and wanted to scratch his face with his claws.

Half-brother, the son of a regular wife, and the son born outside by a mistress, the age difference between the two is only two months.

What kind of affection can this have?
It's just that An Yi didn't cover it either. Hearing An Chun's words, not only did he not feel disgusted and angry, but the smile on his face grew stronger.

"If you are a corpse, then I can also take care of you with tea and water."

An Chun's face turned blue in an instant.

"Forget it, brother, I'm not joking with you. I came this time because my grandfather asked me to come." An Chun resisted the jealousy in her heart, and said to An Yi: "In the past few years, you have been alone. I live outside, and I don’t usually go home to see things, and I can’t get through on the phone. Grandpa has been dreaming of you all the time, and his birthday is coming soon. Why don’t you come back with me to see his old man? .”

"I'll think about it." An Yi nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Xia Yichu's body, with an indescribable softness.

Before An Chun came, his grandfather actually gave him a death order, and he must take An Yi back.

So after hearing An Yi's answer, An Chun was very dissatisfied. He frowned, and immediately wanted to continue talking.

However, when he saw An Yi's exquisite and handsome side face, it was obvious that the other party had always had a warm smile on his face, but he felt a cold air drifting over him.

"Alright then, I'll go first."

Originally, this sentence was not what I thought in my heart, but somehow it came out of my mouth.

Seeing that An Yi ignored him, An Chun had no choice but to get up and leave here in annoyance. Looking at the back, it seemed a bit like running away.

(End of this chapter)

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