Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 430 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 15

Chapter 430 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 15
At this time, An Yi was lowering her head to write, and saw Xia Yichu's sneaky figure coming out of her schoolbag, but she didn't stop her.

On the contrary, not only did he not stop her like just now, but An Yi also put down the pen in his hand and reached out to take away the schoolbag, allowing Xia Yichu to crawl out more smoothly.

However, it just climbed out.

Before Xia Yichu could enjoy the fresh air outside his schoolbag, before Xia Yichu had a good look at the classroom scene and the campus scenery outside the window, An Yi put a schoolbag under his cover, directly taking all of Xia Yichu's sight Covered up.

"Have a good sleep, and after school at noon, I will take you to the theater."

An Yi lowered his head slightly, and that warm voice reached Xia Yichu's ears.

But Xia Yichu only felt that it was bursts of magic sounds.

Xia Yichu lay on his lap, flicked his tail in displeasure, and slapped his thigh by the way.

An Yi switched hands, writing with a pen in one hand, and covering Xia Yichu's body with the other hand, smoothing her fur restlessly.

Xia Yichu curled up his body into a ball of hair, and then closed his pair of azure cat's eyes in his gentle smoothing motion.

In the classroom, apart from the voice of the young female teacher speaking on the podium, there was only the rustling sound of the students writing below.

Xia Yichu originally thought that she would not be able to fall asleep, but unexpectedly, she not only fell asleep, but also dreamed.

After being in a daze, when the feeling of floating and light, as if rising in mid-air, came from his body, Xia Yichu's brows flashed a gleam of joy, and then he quickly opened his eyes.

Sure enough, she was dreaming again, and she was actually there.

Not only dreaming, but just like last time, even the soul floated to this place.

However, this time, she was not on the rooftop where she left last time, but on the street where people came and went.

There are crowds of people all around, and the voices are loud and noisy.

Xia Yichu stood on the ground, still an illusory shadow, the passers-by next to her didn't notice her at all, one after another stepped on her.

Xia Yichu moved his body, glanced at the surrounding environment, jumped on his back foot, and jumped onto a slender wire next to him.

Standing on a high place, without having to watch one person after another trampling through his body, Xia Yichu lowered his head and looked at the surrounding environment.

She found that what she was now seemed to be a very lively and bustling street.

It's just that why she is here, shouldn't it be on the roof of the old school building. ?
Xia Yichu was puzzled, but before she could figure out what was going on, a person came into her sight.

The man was wearing a suit, with a handsome appearance, and a look of high spirits on his brows.

It turned out to be An Chun who had grown up.

Xia Yichu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood that after she woke up from the dream, the time in the dream was also flowing.

So, it will be different when she comes here now.

An Chun was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a restrained demeanor, revealing a hint of shrewdness. She already looked like a successful person in business.

He came out of the five-star hotel opposite, as if he had just experienced a lively dinner table.

Not only did he come out alone, but beside him, there were several men in suits and leather shoes with a pot belly, who said something to him with flattering expressions.

The distance was a bit far, and the voices of the passers-by were too noisy, so Xia Yichu couldn't hear it clearly.

Then I watched An Chun respond to those people a few words, and after everyone exchanged pleasantries, An Chun, under everyone's gaze, took the lead in entering a black private car where the bodyguard opened the door for him.

Xia Yichu's mind tightened, he jumped off the wire, and then quickly shuttled on the avenue. After passing the avenue where An Chun was, Xia Yichu looked at the private car that started slowly, stretched out his claws quickly He climbed up the electric pole next to him, and then ran quickly on the electric wire, closely following the pace of the black private car.

There was a steady stream of vehicles on the avenue, the private car was not driving fast, Xia Yichu just followed behind, ran a few steps faster from the wire, when he ran in front of the private car, his body fell, and landed directly on the car carrying An Chun. in the black private car.

The black private car drove all the way and finally stopped in one place.

Xia Yichu looked up and saw that it was a mental hospital!

Xia Yichu had a very bad premonition in his heart, something flashed quickly in his mind, but it disappeared quickly.

The car door was opened, An Chun and his bodyguards got out of the car and walked up the steps.

Xia Yichu stood on the car, obviously she is not real now, but she felt a coldness climbed up her body, and her whole body felt cold.

She had a hunch that as long as she followed An Chun and the others in, she would be able to see An Yi.

Xia Yichu jumped out of the car with heavy steps.

This is Xia Yichu's first visit to this kind of place. This place is just like a hospital, but even more sinful than a hospital.

After entering, it was okay at the beginning. Those patients who were locked in the room seemed to be obsessed with their own affairs, either laughing or crying.

There was a lot of crying.

But the further you go in, the more manic the detainees in the inner room become.

A lot of people were directly reaching out to grab the door, pushing and pulling the door, making it rattle.

Among them are the angry shouts of those locked in the room, or the sound of cursing, it is simply not peaceful for a moment.

Xia Yichu followed behind An Chun, the more he walked inside, the heavier his heart became.

Until the people in the courtyard brought An Chun to the door of the innermost room in the deep corridor, Xia Yichu couldn't wait to rush in before he took out the key from his pocket to open the door.

In the small, dark, damp, and empty room, the man was imprisoned in a wheelchair.

Compared with Xia Yichu's impression of the sunny him, An Yi, who is tied to a wheelchair by iron chains and handcuffs at this moment, Xia Yichu can't think of words to describe him at this moment.

His temperament was lifeless and lifeless.

I don't know how long he has been imprisoned here. He is so emaciated that he looks like he has only a handful of skin and bones left. He is wearing a uniform issued by the hospital. His hair has not been trimmed for an unknown period of time. Braided hair, exposed wrists and ankles are all red and swollen after being abused, it is simply out of shape.

What shocked Xia Yichu even more was that his eyes didn't have the slightest focus. Is he... blind?
Looking at this scene, Xia Yichu burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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