Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 433 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 18

Chapter 433 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 18
An Yi's accident frightened Xia Yichu.

Before Xia Yichu could figure out what was going on, he watched An Yi's body go limp, his eyes closed, and he passed out.

"An Yi? An Yi?!"

Xia Yichu jumped on his lap, and shouted at him anxiously.

It's just that he didn't get half of An Yi's reaction.

Xia Yichu turned his head to look around, and suddenly found an emergency call switch on the wall.

Maybe it's because of An Yi's inconvenient legs and feet in a wheelchair, but the switch is not high enough that even a child can touch it.

Xia Yichu anxiously jumped off his lap, then tiptoed, jumping and jumping, stretched out his furry front paw and patted hard, and immediately pressed the switch.

Xia Yichu came back, lay on An Yi's lap, stretched out his claws to probe into his hand again, and found that the wisp of spiritual energy she had injected into his body was still wandering in an orderly manner in his body. The hanging heart suddenly and slowly let go.

Footsteps sounded outside, and the closed door was quickly opened from the outside.

Several white coats came in from the outside, looked at An Yi who was unconscious in a wheelchair, and looked at the black blood he had spit out before, the white coat standing at the front said something in shock: "What's going on here? Why is it like this all of a sudden?"

A young man came out from behind. He carefully observed the room and the open window, and found that there was no sign of other people entering, and the scene was not messy after a fight. His eyes fell on the unconscious man. On An Yi's body, he said with a slightly suspicious look: "Could it be that the blood sample injected into him last time had an attack in his body?"

The first person in the white coat who came in had regained his composure. He didn't say he agreed or disagreed with what the young man said. Instead, he looked at An Yi, nodded indifferently, and said, "It's not ruled out This may happen, but there may be other reasons, first take the person to the laboratory to have a look, and call Mr. An Chun by the way, and tell him that the experimental subject is different."

The white coat seems to be the leader here. As soon as he opened his mouth, the people behind him immediately stepped forward, took out the key from his arms, loosened the iron chain on An Yi, and the two carried him to the bed, and pushed him out.

Xia Yichu just listened to their words, of course he couldn't leave An Yi alone at this time, Xia Yichu jumped onto the bed, lay beside An Yi, and was taken out by them together.

Those people took An Yi to an underground laboratory of this psychiatric hospital.

Xia Yichu watched as they put An Yi into the nutrition warehouse, inserted various tubes into his body, and checked An Yi's body in detail.

Xia Yichu jumped on the test bench and looked at the results. After discovering that those people hadn't found out the reason for An Yi's vomiting of blood at all, and couldn't check the aura in An Yi's body, Xia Yichu's half-suspended heart gradually put it down.

However, looking at these busy white coats, Xia Yichu suddenly had a plan in his heart.

When An Yi woke up again, it was already several hours later.

He opened his eyes, and with a slight movement of his body, he felt something strange in his own body.

He is not in a wheelchair.

A trace of panic and panic flashed across An Yi's eyes, and just when his eyes were dead silent, a little furry thing next to him came up and licked his face.

The warm and moist touch immediately drove away the panic and panic in An Yi's eyes.

The white coats next to him didn't know that An Yi had woken up, and they were chattering. Several people gathered around to discuss the results and data from An Yi's physical test just now.

Afraid of being discovered by those people, An Yi didn't call Xia Yichu, but Xia Yichu carefully felt that his face was turned towards her.

What An Yi was worried about, Xia Yichu was not worried about.

Those people couldn't see her, she was nothing to those people, even if she sang loudly here, those people wouldn't notice.

Therefore, without any fear or worries, Xia Yichu moved his body, slid down from the side of the nutrition warehouse, fell into the nutrition warehouse, gently slid to An Yi's side, and said to him: "An Yi, Don't be afraid, they won't hear me when I speak, only you can hear it. For the next thing, you just listen to me."

"Just now, the reason why you fainted was because your physique was too weak, and there were too many impurities in your body, so you couldn't bear the spiritual power I passed through, that's why you looked like this."

"The black blood you just spit out is actually the impurities in your body. Only when you get rid of them, your body will get better. Then I will teach you a set of cultivation methods, and you can practice on your own in the future." gone."

"It's just that they don't seem to be able to check the current situation in your body. They always thought it was because the tube of blood injected earlier played a role in your body, and thought that the tube of blood didn't mix with the blood in your body, so there was a conflict. You'll vomit blood."

"However, this is also good. After you can practice and control the spiritual energy in the future, try to spit out a few mouthfuls of blood from time to time like today, so that they feel panic, thinking that this is the reason why demon blood and human blood cannot blend together. Like this If so, Ari, uh, even the body I am currently in the experiment can suffer less torture."

"Did you understand? Blink once if you understand, and twice if you don't understand."

After Xia Yichu's words fell to the ground, An Yi blinked obediently.

Xia Yichu pursed his lips and smiled, and immediately told An Yi how to cultivate spiritual power and how to absorb the spiritual energy in the air into his body.

Now An Yi is still in the laboratory, and there are so many white coats beside him.

In order to prevent other unexpected results, Xia Yichu didn't ask An Yi to start trying here.

Just after Xia Yichu finished talking to An Yi, those white coats had already discussed the result.

Just like what Xia Yichu thought before, they don't know what happened to An Yi's sudden vomiting of blood today, but An Chun must have an explanation from them, anyway, the tube of demon blood injected into An Yi's body is also an uncertain factor , so everyone unanimously attributed the reason why An Yi suddenly vomited blood today to the tube of cat blood.

After they found that An Yi was awake, they sent An Yi back to the previous room.

(End of this chapter)

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