Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 450 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 45

Chapter 450 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 45
An Chun stood in front of this abandoned building.

Because Xu Zhengchang wants to practice and has other unknown things, not only does he live in the basement, but the location of this building is also very remote. It is in the suburbs. Apart from his abandoned building, there is no other place in a radius of a hundred miles. It's gone.

An Chun walked in.

This position was told to him by Xu Zhengchang when he separated from him in the capital, and it was his first time here now.

While walking, An Chun took out her mobile phone and dialed Xu Zhengchang's number.

As soon as the call was dialed, the other side hung up, and Xu Zhengchang also appeared in An Chun's sight.

Xu Zhengchang led An Chun into the basement, and asked, "Why did you come to me all of a sudden? Did you catch that cat?"

"No." An Chun put the things aside, looked at the messy things in the basement, and looked a little embarrassed: "The cat is gone, I came to you because I want you to go back with me to look for it .”

"It's gone? Why can't I see the law?" Xu Zhengchang didn't pick it up: "As long as the nine-tailed cat recognizes the destined person, she will never leave the destined person until the destined person puts forward her wish. Could it be, that brother of yours? , have made your wish with it?"

"I, I don't know." An Chun always felt nervous in front of Xu Zhengchang, and he continued, "It's just that I disappeared suddenly a few days ago. I have to take it everywhere, even when I sleep, I hug it to sleep. However, that day, I suddenly didn’t see the cat, and An Yi was also fascinated by women, spending all day with a female student. Even eating and sleeping, the two of them are stuck together."

As An Chun spoke, his expression inevitably showed a trace of contempt and disgust: "He probably didn't realize his wish, otherwise, why would his legs still be unable to stand up now?"

Xu Changping heard the disgust and disgust in An Chun's tone, but he didn't pay attention to it. His current attention was all attracted by another sentence An Chun said: "Female student?"

"Yeah, it happened after the cat disappeared. He was accompanied by a young girl every day. Not only did he bring her back to An's house to eat and live with him, but he also gave the female student a transfer certificate. School."

Xu Zhengchang listened to An Chun's words, but his cloudy eyes flashed brightly: "Are you transferring to another school instead of entering directly??"

"Grandpa Xu, what do you mean by this?" An Chun looked shocked, and his brain couldn't react.

Or, in fact, he had some doubts in his heart before.It's just that, because he hasn't been in contact with it thoroughly, he doesn't dare to let himself think about it in his heart.

"That's what you think. The girl who appeared suddenly is probably the cat he raised before. Have you checked her real identity?" Xu Zhengchang took a long sword next to him and wiped it lightly. Then, he spoke to An Chun.

Xu Zhengchang's question made An Chun unable to answer at all.

Cats turned into living people, which is simply too unbelievable.

Maybe he had thought about it before, after all, living under the same roof, sometimes, the weird intimacy between Xia Yichu and An Yi is too familiar.

"That's all, the old man has to do it himself. However, being able to catch a transformed cat demon can be regarded as a big profit." Xu Zhengchang looked at the sword in his hand, and a greedy look flashed on his old face.

An Chun watched from the side, and said cautiously: "Grandpa Xu, are you going to do it yourself?"

"You two little ones, nothing to be afraid of." Xu Zhengchang responded.

On the walls of Xu Zhengchang's room and the hall, there were all ghost symbols pasted on them, and even the things around them were cumbersome things that An Chun had never seen before.

The light here was like daylight, but it made him feel a little frightened.

However, after thinking about himself, when he can also kill demons and eliminate demons, live forever, and move freely in the breeze, the fear in An Chun's heart disappeared immediately.

An Chun skipped class today, his cell phone rang, and it was Yang Yiyi who called him.

An Chun glanced at it, shut it down impatiently, and then continued to listen to Xu Zhengchang explaining some basic essentials of cultivation to herself.

An Chun stayed here with Xu Zhengchang for half a month.

In Xu Zhengchang's place, because An Chun was obsessed with the joy and excitement of being able to practice at the beginning, the mobile phone was not turned on after he was associated with it.Therefore, he didn't even know that his sudden disappearance had already turned upside down in An's house.

Especially Yang Yiyi, after An Chun hung up the phone, she didn't feel it, but seeing that An Chun couldn't be contacted for a day or two, and after the teacher in his school said he didn't go to class, Yang Yiyi suddenly panicked .

In fact, An Haocheng still values ​​An Chun's son very much in his heart, otherwise An Chun would not have followed him into the company so early, obviously he has already regarded An Chun as his future heir.

If it weren't for An Yi's sudden return, and Grandpa An's sudden change of attitude, An Haocheng would have already taught An Chun about the company by now.

Now, seeing An Chun suddenly disappear, An Haocheng was also anxious to death.He secretly called the police, and he also sent a lot of people to look for An Chun.

The whole An's family was full of trouble, but Xia Yichu and An Yi still cared about themselves. When there were classes, they went to and from school together. When there were no classes, the two went to live in the villa between An Yi for a few days. .

During this period, An Yi got a double repair manual from somewhere, and when he was free, he would pester Xia Yichu to fight with the goblin.

After a few days, Xia Yichu and An Yi's cultivation had increased a lot.

Moreover, because of the increase in Xia Yichu's body, her body is also more flexible, and her ability to withstand and heal is much higher than before.

No matter how messy An Yi is, her body will recover quickly afterwards.

An Yi had been suppressing himself a little before, and only when he became strong would he lose control.

But when he found out that Xia Yichu's cultivation base increased and his physique became better and better, he became even more unscrupulous in bed affairs.

Every time Xia Yichu was made to cry by him, although he was also happy about that incident, but...

And just when Xia Yichu felt that the life of being surrounded by the sun was not enough, he returned to the headquarters after a long absence to upgrade the 233 system and ran back.

When the system came back, what I saw when I came back was the scene of the two goblins fighting on the sofa, it was so eye-catching!The system silently recited a heart-cleaning mantra and activated the shielding function.

[Withered for three days, Ben Junbao is about to rise! 】

 [Four thousand is over~ see you in the afternoon~]

(End of this chapter)

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