Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 453 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 49

Chapter 453 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner [-]

On the day of the outing, everyone was actually very happy.

An Chun paid for the outing this time, so the location was naturally chosen by him.

This time, five or six classes traveled together, and the number of people was as large as eight carts.

It was An Chun who had so much money squandered.

Xia Yichu pushed An Yi, and the two each carried a small backpack.

The departure time was in the morning, and everyone was chattering in the car along the way, even singing loudly when the mood came.

Considering An Yi's feet, Xia Yichu and An Yi did not sit with them, but brought bodyguards with them, and took the private car that usually took An Yi to and from school.

An Chun didn't have any objections to all this, anyway, as long as An Yi and Xia Yichu went there.

In order to be easy to do, and not to hurt innocent people, and not to be discovered by people from the National Bureau, Xu Zhengchang chose a remote location this time. It was far away from the outskirts of the capital, and it would take half a day just by car.

By the time everyone arrived at their destination, it was already afternoon.

Everyone got out of the car. Before the teacher came, he divided these boys and girls into groups in his class, and two or three of them lived in a tent.

Everyone camped in place, and their enthusiasm swelled.

This is the corner of a large forest. The place where they stop is a lawn. Not far behind is a forest of thorn bushes and towering trees, and not far in front is a winding stream.

Everyone divides the work and cooperates. Half of the people go to build tents, and the other half go to collect firewood, light the fire, wash the pot, wash the rice and cook.

Some of the food was brought by An Chun on the back seat of the car, and some was prepared by the students themselves. After eating, the teacher asked everyone to disperse their activities, and even suggested that if you have time, you might as well write sketching.

Although there are no scenic spots or tourist attractions here, so many people are together, which is a very lively and happy thing in itself.

The relationship between Xia Yichu and An Yi is no longer a secret in school these days, Xia Yichu doesn't know what An Yi said.In short, she ended up in a group with An Yi.

There are two bodyguards who don't need Xia Yichu for things like setting up a tent. Xia Yichu pushed An Yi to the creek for a walk. It seemed that the two of them were taking a walk here, but in fact they were here to observe terrain.

The bustling day passed quickly, and at night, the lawn was illuminated by typhoons of all sizes. Everyone gathered together and sat in a huge circle.

I don't know who started the suggestion, took out the speaker, everyone sang loudly, and even a girl recommended herself to dance in the center of the venue.

If there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three...

The atmosphere reached a climax in an instant.

It was almost 11:30 when the teacher saw that the time was too late and dismissed everyone and asked everyone to go back to rest in their tents.

After a busy day, everyone's excited brain fell asleep as soon as they touched the sleeping bag or pillow.

As night fell, when everyone was sound asleep, there was a rustling sound in a certain tent, and then a figure sneaked out from inside.

The man glanced at the few people not far away who were arranged by the teacher to watch the night, and when those people didn't notice, he quickly walked out of the tent, and then walked to the back of the tent under the cover of the tent, and then quickly Heading towards the dark forest.

The man didn't notice that there were two slender figures standing on the trunk of a big tree outside the forest.

Looking at An Chun's figure, Xia Yichu who was standing on the trunk of the big tree whispered to An Yi next to him, "Is he stupid?"

"But this is just as we expected, let's go, follow up and have a look." An Yi responded, and the two followed An Chun leisurely.

The person who just quietly ran out of the tent was An Chun. He didn't know that Xia Yichu and An Yi had spotted and followed him.

An Chun went all the way to the interior of the forest. In the depths of the forest, on a grassy field with no big trees, there was a small wooden house.

Xu Zhengchang was there.

An Chun stood in front of the cabin, reached out and knocked on the door: "Grandpa Xu, are you there?"

The wooden door swung open.

But in fact, it was blown away by the strong wind, because Xu Zhengchang was not standing behind the door, but standing in front of a wooden table, preparing something.

The door was opened suddenly, and what An Chunyi saw was Xu Zhengchang's hand that had just been withdrawn.

"Grandpa Xu, you can open the door by waving your sleeves without coming here. When can I do the same?" An Chun looked at him in amazement, and walked in.

Xu Zhengchang didn't answer his words, Xu Zhengchang was even slightly unhappy, he asked An Chun, "Why did you come here? Isn't it time yet?"

"I'm too nervous, I can't wait." An Chun responded, and finally noticed Xu Zhengchang's displeasure belatedly, and said, "But don't worry, those people were all asleep when I came. No one noticed me coming."

Xu Zhengchang didn't react much when he heard what he said in a tone of assurance, but suddenly, without knowing what he felt, Xu Zhengchang's expression changed, and suddenly he took the sword in his hand, rolled up his sleeve and rolled it onto the table. The things were swept away.

"Come on!"

He yelled at An Chun, but An Chun was so stupid that he didn't react at all, Xu Zhengchang directly rolled up his sleeves and dragged him out.

And the moment the two of them just went out, the cabin collapsed.

"Grandpa Xu, what, what's going on here?" An Chun, who was thrown on the ground by Xu Zhengchang, looked at the ruins, her face turned pale, and her mind was completely muddled.

"What's going on? I still want to ask you what's going on?! You don't even know if you're being followed!" Xu Zhengchang said coldly.

An Chun got up from the ground, was startled when she heard Xu Zhengchang's words, looked around, and saw two figures standing on the trunk of a certain big tree.

An Yi and Xia Yichu.

"You guys, why did you come here?" An Chun's eyes were startled, her brain froze, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

Obviously when he just came, there was no one behind him.

"It's thanks to you, otherwise we would have waited in vain." Xia Yichu responded with a smile.

An Chun didn't dare to answer. If he didn't practice before, he might not be able to feel the aura, but now that he has practiced, he can more or less feel it.

The strength of An Yi and Xia Yichu made him timid before rushing forward.

 [Rejecting bad stars, Junbao has been writing for more than two years. Really, this is the first time I saw a two-star comment, and my first reaction was to delete it immediately.It's difficult to adjust the taste of the public, it's not good-looking, can't you just go silently? 】

(End of this chapter)

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