Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 460 Jun Zi Lin @李萌的弗外1

Chapter 460 Jun Zi Lin @李萌的弗外1
On the desolate avenue, a figure ran quickly.

Under the scorching sun, the wind blows and the yellow sand billows.

Behind that figure, several motorcycles chased after him, and the man driving the motorcycle yelled at the running figure in front of him:

"Stop! Don't run!"

Jun Zilin didn't pay attention to the people behind him. He glanced back and saw that the men on motorcycles were about to catch up with him, then turned around and ran directly downhill next to the yellow mud road.

This place is very remote, with many potholes and large rocks on the yellow mud road.

Originally, motorcycles were not easy to ride on such roads, but now that the gentleman is running downhill, these people would never dare to drive motorcycles downhill.

The men parked their motorcycles aside.

"Brother Shi, what should we do?" One of the slender men got out of the car and stood on the bank to take a look.

"What else can I do! You guys who eat nothing, even a child can't stand it! Go down and chase together, and you won't believe how far a boy can run!" Shi Ge said viciously, and he took the lead towards the slope. go down.

There are a lot of small trees growing down the slope, and Jun Zilin hides in the side where there are many small trees.

While running, there were a lot of thorn bushes that scraped blood from the skin on his body, but he didn't feel any pain at all, instead he felt the charm of life.

Until one of them didn't pay attention, his kick missed, and his whole body fell into the cave, Jun Zilin let out a muffled snort, and opened his eyes wide, trying to see the current form clearly.

It was dark down here, and the surrounding walls were touched with his hands, and the cold stones were very dry. He seemed to have fallen into an abandoned hole.

Jun Zilin suppressed his inner emotions, his back was pressed against the cold wall, he didn't move his body until he heard those men searched around around and around, and finally left angrily.

Jun Zilin woke up a day ago, he didn't know what happened, he clearly remembered that he was serving his sentence in prison.

But then... He couldn't remember what happened afterwards.

All he knew was that he was in prison when he fell asleep, but when he woke up, he returned to the time when he was abducted by human traffickers at the age of ten.

Jun Zilin also experienced this incident of being trafficked in his previous life.

He was only ten years old at the time, and although he was calmer than others, he didn't dare to resist.As a result, although he escaped in the end, he suffered a lot.

At the time, Jun Zilin thought he was in a dream, but after all these feelings became so real and familiar, he realized that he had really returned to his childhood.

Although he has been brought out by human traffickers, Jun Zilin has no intention of going on the old path of his previous life.

So, he sneaked out by himself while those people were eating lunch and neglecting to watch over them.

However, it is a pity that his body is too weak, and he was discovered by those people without running too far.

Then, it became the current situation.

When Jun Zilin was thinking about what happened in the past few days, his ears moved, and after finding that there was no sound around him, Jun Zilin wondered how to get out of this hole.

This cave is very high, and it should be about six or seven meters by visual inspection.

Jun Zilin stepped up and walked around the hole, and found a vine as thick as a thumb from one side of the hole.

Jun Zilin stretched out his hand and tugged. The vine was coming down from above, and it was quite strong.

After wrapping the long vine tail around his waist and tying it into a knot, Jun Zilin stretched out his hand to hold the vine tightly in his hand, and then began to climb.

When Jun Zilin climbed out of the cave, there was no one outside.

He looked around cautiously, and then nimbly shuttled through the dense forest.

Junzilin didn't climb up the hill, but walked directly down the hill.

The place these traffickers brought him now belongs to the countryside and is very remote.

Jun Zilin wasn't sure if those traffickers were still waiting for him.Moreover, this countryman will come to chop firewood and dig herbs, and there are traces of other villagers walking under his feet. Junzilin is not afraid that he will encounter fierce beasts or anything. He walked fast all the way until two or three hours later, Junzilin Lincai came up from below.

When he came up, he had already arrived at another place.

Jun Zilin was walking slowly by the side of the road. An old man driving a tractor was pulling a large pile of straw. Seeing such a child wandering on the road at such a late hour, he asked a question.

Jun Zilin didn't say that he was abducted, but just asked the old man to take him to the town. Jun Zilin took out a few banknotes from his pocket as the fare.

The human traffickers didn't know what their reasoning was, perhaps because they thought these children were too young to have any money on them, so they never thought of searching their pockets at all.

Coincidentally, the old man was also going back to the town. He saw that Junzilin was a child, and he didn't take any money from him at all. He asked Junzilin to sit on it, saying that it was just a side trip.

It was already 04:30 when the two arrived in town.

Jun Zilin checked the time, said goodbye to the old man, and then hurried to the station to catch the last train.

This is not the way to go back to Jun's house in the capital. Jun Zilin thought about it carefully. Although he was reborn, he didn't change himself suddenly. He remained the same as he was in his previous life.

Although he is the young master of the Jun family, there are people in the Jun family who treat him sincerely, and there are also people who make trouble for him.

After being reborn once, Jun Zilin can see his current situation more clearly than anyone else.

He can secretly implement some things he wants to do, but on the surface, it is better for him to maintain the appearance and reactions that a ten-year-old child should have.

Jun Zilin took the car and went to the orphanage where he was taken in in his previous life before night fell.

And the director of the orphanage, just like in his previous life, after seeing Jun Zilin in a mess, he was very enthusiastic and brought Jun Zilin in.

The moonlight was bright, Jun Zilin took a bath and lay on the iron frame bed, the orphans next to him were already asleep, making small snoring noises.

Jun Zilin opened his eyes and looked at the dark ceiling, scenes from his previous life flashed across his mind.

Jun Zilin was a little excited and a little frightened and reached out to grab the clothes in front of his chest, wishing this was not a dream.

In his life, he will never admit the wrong person again.

Jun Zilin was excited, worried and frightened that this was actually just a dream, and at the same time happy for his brand new self.

Once again, he will definitely not admit the wrong person.

After he returns to the capital, the first thing he will do is to find Li Meng, and then put it in his palm to cherish, so that he will never miss it for the rest of his life.

[This is a side story about Jun Zilin and Li Meng. If you don’t understand, please jump back to the story {Black Lotus in the Entertainment Circle}. Jun Zilin and Li Meng are the protagonists.There is still an hour, the monthly pass will be cleared, ask for a ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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