Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 480 The villain raised, he blackened 15

Chapter 480 The villain raised, he blackened 15
Xia Yichu lived in the pill sect.

Zi Yi's temper may be cold, but she is a very competent teacher.

Xia Yichu is here, and her daily life is busy and fulfilling.

Six years passed in the blink of an eye. For ordinary people, six years may be a lot of days and nights, but for practitioners, six years is the distance from retreat to exit.

In six years, Xia Yichu changed from the bean sprout girl before to the slim and slim girl now.At the same time, it also made her from a person with no cultivation before to a master-level alchemist on Qingyun Mountain, second only to the elders of the Pill Sect.

The levels of alchemists are divided into entry level, apprentice level, quasi-master level, master level, grand master level, celestial master level, god level, and holy level.

In the past six years, Xia Yichu surpassed those senior brothers and sisters who started before her, and became the youngest master-level alchemist of the Pill Sect.

In the past few years, not only did he get Zi Yi's love, but also made several other elders look sideways.

Xia Yichu walked out of the alchemy room, and then headed towards the main hall.

When she was concocting alchemy just now, she received a kite sent by Ziyi, saying that she should come over after refining the elixir.

When Xia Yichu came to the hall, the empty hall was quiet, only Zi Yi was alone.

"Master." Xia Yichu walked in, and then stood still not far below.

Ziyi looked at Xia Yichu who was standing below, a trace of pride flashed in his eyes, this is her disciple, and also the most outstanding genius in the history of the entire Pill Medicine Sect!
"Jin'er, you have been on the mountain for so many years. Since you came up, you haven't gone down?" Ziyi asked Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu was taken aback for a moment, he was a little confused about what Ziyi meant, "Return to master, yes, this disciple has not been down the mountain for six years."

"Recently, the once-in-a-ten-year secret realm over Fuhua Mountain is about to be opened. I wonder if you are interested in going to see it?" Ziyi opened her mouth lightly, and before Xia Yichu could answer, she said again: "Your Xiu Wei also stayed at the Grandmaster level for more than a year, if you go outside to have a look, you may have different adventures and gains."

Xia Yichu knew that Ziyi was doing it for his own good, so he immediately agreed with it.

She didn't tell Zi Yi that she had already broken through to the Grand Master level a month ago and entered the Grand Master level.

It's just that it's good to go down the mountain once, after all, she has some things that haven't been resolved yet.

After Xia Yichu stayed in the main hall and talked with Ziyi for a while, he withdrew from the hall and walked to his own residence.

Xia Yichu's residence was imprisoned by her, and from a distance, Xia Yichu saw the man waiting outside the attic.

The man was more than seven feet tall, with a handsome appearance, dressed in plain white clothes, from a distance, he looked handsome and personable.

But when Xia Yichu saw him, a look of disgust flashed across his eyes.

The person standing in front of Xia Yichu's courtyard waiting for her was Xue Qing, the only grandson of the head of the Qingyun Sect.

The seven sects of Qingyun Mountain, including the Danyao Sect where Xia Yichu belongs and the Sword Sect where An Rui belongs, all belong to the Qingyun Sect.

Since Xue Qing came to the Pill Medicine Sect to get the medicine half a year ago, after seeing Xia Yichu, he started pursuing her fiercely.

However, Xia Yichu didn't have that kind of familiarity and heart-pounding feeling towards him. After knowing that he was not a bug, Xia Yichu resolutely rejected him.

However, he didn't expect that after Xue Qing was rejected by Xia Yichu, not only did he not give up, but he came to pester her every day.As long as Xia Yichu is not in the alchemy room, he will chase after him, and he will use his status as the grandson of the master to talk about things, and keep showing off how many benefits he will get after double cultivation with him.

Xia Yichu immediately had a bad impression of this person.

Later, Xia Yichu went to inquire again, and only then did he know that although Xue Qing's status in the sect is noble, his reputation is at the bottom of the valley.

Before Xia Yichu, he already had quite a few girls with double cultivation, and they were always raised in his backyard.

Some women are voluntary, and some women are forcibly forced by Xue Qing to be with him after seeing their beauty.

However, Xue Qing is not a fool, even if it is rape, the women he rapes every time are people with no status and low cultivation.Or if he brought the girl up from the bottom of the mountain, the head of the sect and all the elders turned a blind eye, which resulted in him still alive and well.

It's not that Xia Yichu didn't think about getting rid of this scumbag, but she hasn't left the mountain now, if she acts in the sect, it's inevitable that people will find out.So Xia Yichu has always avoided him.

Most of the time, Xia Yichu stayed in the alchemy room and would not let Xue Qing have a chance to find her.

When Xia Yichu saw him, Xue Qing also saw Xia Yichu.

When he saw Xia Yichu, a subconscious smile appeared on Xue Qing's face, and he stood there waiting for her to approach.

Xia Yichu saw that he couldn't avoid this person, so he simply didn't.

Xia Yichu walked over Shi Shiran, and originally wanted to ignore him and go back to his own yard, but as soon as Xue Qing moved his footsteps, that tall figure stood in front of Xia Yichu.

"Jin'er, you are so cruel. I have come to look for you several times but I have not seen you. Thanks to asking someone else, I found out that you have been staying in the alchemy room to refine the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill. No, once After receiving the news that you came out of the alchemy room, I came out immediately. How about it, I haven't seen you in half a month, do you miss me?"

Xia Yichu was not at all happy about his words, even because of the frivolous tone in his words, Xia Yichu felt extremely disgusted.

Xia Yichu frowned slightly, his cold eyes fell on him, and he said lightly: "Senior Brother Xue, I can't afford to be called Jin'er so intimately. If you can, please call me Junior Sister An directly, I don't know you Come to me, what's the matter?"

Hearing Xia Yichu's indifferent and unmoved words, Xue Qing's eyes flashed with anger, but he was soon suppressed by him.

He looked at Xia Yichu's delicate and pretty face, a trace of fascination flashed across his eyes, and when he touched Xia Yichu's disgusted expression, he paused and said, "Junior Sister Jin'er, your master must have told you just now Alright, let’s go to the secret realm together in a few days.”

Xia Yichu frowned, looked at him, remained silent, waiting for his next words.

Xue Qing took a few steps forward, leaned slightly, and approached Xia Yichu, looking at Xia Yichu with very explicit eyes, and just when Xia Yichu was almost unbearable to do it directly, he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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