Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 484 The villain raised, he blackened 19

Chapter 484 The villain raised, he blackened 19
Xia Yichu and An Rui were wandering in the forest, and Xia Yichu happened to see a seven-star grass. Although this kind of grass is not very precious, she is needed when refining many elixirs.

Xia Yichu took the small hoe and skillfully dug out the seven-star grass with its roots.

Then, the two of them heard something faintly coming from not far away.

Xia Yichu turned his head to look at An Rui, half a month of experience in the forest had brought the tacit understanding between the two to the peak, no need for words, just a look at each other to know each other's meaning.

After exchanging glances with An Rui, Xia Yichu took the Seven Star Grass and the small hoe back, and then, together with An Rui, gradually approached the sounding place.

As they got closer and closer, the voice gradually became louder. It was the voice of a girl in despair, and there was also the sound of fighting.

"Hurry up and kill it!!!"

"Brother, I don't want to die here, can you run with me? Let these trash block you first."


Among the fighting sounds ahead, the sharp girlish voice spoke extremely harshly.

Xia Yichu and An Rui also saw their situation, it seemed that a group of people somehow got into trouble with a group of Seven Star Wolves.

I don't know whether it was the people who provoked the Seven Star Wolves first, or the Seven Star Wolves besieged the group of people.

Xia Yichu and An Rui stood on the sidelines watching, Xia Yichu asked An Rui, "Do you want it?"

"Yes, but you can wait." An Rui nodded. What Xia Yichu said before was correct. Although their cultivation bases are outstanding among their peers, it's okay to deal with one or two seven-star wolves. With a group of seven-star wolves, those two could only be torn apart.

An Rui is not afraid of death, but he does not allow Xia Yichu to get hurt in any way under his nose.

That group of people was a little far away from Xia Yichu and An Rui, and everyone's eyes were on the group of brutal Seven Star Wolves, so no one would notice them if they didn't make a sound.

However, there is only one exception.

That person was An Qianqian who kept yelling for her brother to take her out of here. She didn't want to die yet.

An Qianqian kept begging to leave, making a lot of noise, which made An Tianyu feel uncommonly irritable.

This is because these are all his subordinates. If he just abandons his subordinates and runs away with An Qianqian, not only will his reputation be bad, but whoever said that he escaped this catastrophe will have no other difficulties later. .

An Tianyu's face was gloomy, he ignored An Qianqian's words at all, his movements were not slow, and he held his long sword to fight those seven-star wolves.

An Qianqian ignored her words, feeling scared and angry, and seeing everyone being bitten by those seven-star wolves, she held up her too long skirt and stepped back step by step, trying to avoid here.

Then, An Qianqian's eyes inadvertently saw the two standing not far away.

Those two people, a man and a woman, had stood there watching for an unknown how long.

An Qianqian hurriedly jumped from the spot, raised her hand and waved at the two people: "Hey, you two, come and help us, okay?"

Because of her words, not only An Tianyu and his men noticed An Rui and Xia Yichu who were standing not far away, even the Seven Star Wolf also noticed the two of them, and their eyes fell on them.

When An Tianyu saw someone, he was happy, but his eyes fell on Xia Yichu and An Rui, and when he saw that they were only seventeen or eighteen years old, a look of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

At such a young age, I am afraid that his cultivation base is not very powerful.

But then I suddenly remembered that this is the middle of the forest, a large group of them were already in a panic when they came here, and they suffered heavy losses under the siege of the Seven Star Wolves, but the clothes on the two of them were neat and tidy, as if they were walking in the forest at leisure , An Tianyu's heart suddenly gave birth to hope and hope.

An Tianyu stabbed the Seven Star Wolves in front of him with a sword, took a big step back, and said loudly to Xia Yichu and An Rui: "Two friends, please give us a helping hand, after the Seven Star Wolves in front of us are wiped out, An will definitely pay you a lot of money."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and help us kill these damned wolves, my brother will definitely benefit from you!" An Qianqian couldn't wait to follow An Tianyu's words.

An Tianyu frowned when he heard An Qianqian's words, fearing that An Qianqian's words would offend the two monks.

However, although Xia Yichu and An Rui are also displeased with An Qianqian in their hearts, they will not act arrogantly, not to mention An Rui's mission, these fresh lives in front of them cannot make Xia Yichu and An Rui feel happy. The two stood by and watched.

The cold sword was out of its sheath, and after An Rui drew out his own sword, he hurried over and joined the battle.

Xia Yichu followed closely and took out his weapon, helping An Rui by the side.

Although Xia Yichu majored in alchemy, she did not let down her own martial arts.Because he is in the pill sect, in order to avoid suspicion, Xia Yichu did not learn the swordsmanship of this world, but picked up the "Yi Jin Jing" he had obtained from the mission world before, and absorbed the aura of this world into his body.

With the addition of Xia Yichu and An Rui, An Tianyu's strength has been greatly strengthened. Even those who just thought that they would fall into the wolf's mouth today and put their lives here, their originally desperate eyes began to bloom. There was a ray of hope.

The Seven Star Wolf was defeated by An Rui and the others, and finally died of casualties.

Especially after seeing his boss stabbed to death by An Rui, the remaining seven-star wolves turned around and ran away into the depths of the forest.

After surviving this danger, An Tianyu and his subordinates finally breathed a sigh of relief, and after taking out some wound medicine from his Naring for everyone to share, An Tianyu walked up to Xia Yichu and An Rui, and bowed together: "Just now two more people helped each other, I don't know where the two benefactors came from?"

"However, it's not enough to raise one's hand. We are disciples of Qingyun Sect. This is my younger brother, surnamed An." Xia Yichu put away his weapon, and said in a calm voice.

An Rui had just taken the magic core out of the Seven Star Wolf's body just now, and was next to Xia Yichu, lowering his head, carefully wiping the magic core in his hand.

And at this time, An Qianqian raised her hand to straighten her slightly messy hair and clothes, and walked up to An Rui step by step, with a shy look on her face, her eyes shyly said to An Rui: "Brother An , did not expect that we are all so destined, the same surname is An, it is simply a family. As the saying goes, the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by the spring. I think the son is a good-looking man, and I am also a famous lady, which is exactly the appearance of a man. , how about... How about I promise with my body?"

 [QAQ wronged Baba's request for a ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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