Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 486 The villain raised, he blackened 21

Chapter 486 The villain raised, he blackened 21
Xia Yichu was puzzled by the slight displeasure in his heart, but he didn't notice An Rui beside him. She had never seen him before, but Xia Yichu was very familiar with him.

That handsome face was not as gentle and cute as before, but turned into a strong and forbearing expression, especially those dark red eyes that flashed from time to time, showing the possessive desire that Xia Yichu was very familiar with.

Then, when Xia Yichu didn't notice, An Rui took a deep breath, and quickly suppressed all the emotions that emerged in his heart.

It won't be long, he thought to himself.

Three days later, Xia Yichu and An Rui left the swamp forest.

Not far from this end of the forest is a very prosperous and splendid city - Calando City.

Calando City, just like Kongming City at that time, is also the main city of Huaguo. Although it is not the capital city, it has a land area and prosperity that does not belong to the capital city.

After spending half a month in the swamp forest, the first thing Xia Yichu and An Rui did after they arrived in Calando City was to find an inn, ask for two upper-class rooms, and ask the boy to provide hot water Come in, stay in your own room, take a good bath.

After taking a bath, Xia Yichu and An Rui went downstairs. After eating something casually in the lobby of the inn to fill their stomachs, the two left the inn to hang out.

In the past half month, whether it is Xia Yichu or An Rui, both of them have gained a lot in the forest.

Except for some things that are needed for the mission, the two kept what they could use, and the other things they didn't want. The two found an auction house and sold all these things directly and exchanged them for spirit stones .

At night, there will be a night market in Calando City.

Xia Yichu and An Rui also went to participate, the night market was very lively, several streets were full of small stalls.

There are also a variety of things displayed on the stalls.

Xia Yichu and An Rui both had nothing to do, so they also went out for a stroll, and bought all the things they liked.

After a few street walks, both Xia Yichu and An Rui gained a lot.

After seeing that the time was almost up, the two went back to the inn to rest and had nothing to say all night.

The next day, An Rui and Xia Yichu continued their journey, left Calondo City, and headed northwest.

The two hurried along the way, and finally arrived at the destination two days before the opening of the secret realm, and joined other disciples of Qing Yunzong.

This time, more than 200 disciples of Qing Yunzong came. .

When Xia Yichu thought that the Qingyun sect might have enough people, he didn't expect that there were nearly [-] people from the Hongyun sect, almost double the number of Qingyun sect.

As for the other sects, the number of people sent is also between one hundred and two hundred.

Xue Qing also came this time, although he was not the leader of more than 200 disciples of Qingyun Sect this time, but his status among this group of people is not low.

As soon as Xia Yichu and An Rui returned to the team, someone immediately notified Xue Qing.

Xue Qing originally wanted to come back to give Xia Yichu one last chance, but when he saw An Rui who was following Xia Yichu closely, he backed away without courage.

Xia Yichu didn't know, when she and An Rui came out of the mountain gate.

Although the two acted in a low-key manner, they did not hide it, so they were still seen by several disciples.

And one of those disciples happened to be someone who always wanted to curry favor with Xue Qing.

So, after seeing Xia Yichu and An Rui leaving the mountain gate and walking down the mountain, that disciple immediately dropped the broom in his hand and told Xue Qing what he had just seen.

When Xue Qing heard the news, she was angry.

He threatened Xia Yichu with his front foot, but Xia Yichu not only threatened him, but took An Rui away with his back foot.

This is simply not taking him seriously.

Xue Qing immediately went to find her own grandfather who always loved her, who was also the head of Qing Yunzong.

The head of the sect is only a grandson like Xue Qing, so he naturally loves Xue Qing very much.Otherwise, just relying on the girls that Xue Qing snatched back over the years, it would be enough for Xue Qing to die several times.

But not only did the sect master not reprimand and criticize his actions, he even covered Xue Qing intentionally or unintentionally.

Xue Qing went to the headmaster to vomit bitterness, and told the headman about An Rui's beating up again yesterday.

Although An Rui's status and cultivation level are not low, he is also a new star in Qing Yunzong.

But no matter how bright this star is, it cannot be as bright as Xue Qing's position in the head's heart.

After hearing Xue Qing's words, the sect master's eyes flashed with coldness and light, then he waved his hand, and twelve hidden guards appeared from behind.

The head assigned the twelve hidden guards with high martial arts skills to Xue Qing, telling him to be careful.

Even if the head didn't make it clear, Xue Qing was not a fool, so he naturally knew that the head was actually on his side.

So, that day, Xue Qing retreated from the headmaster's room contentedly.

Following behind him were the twelve hidden guards hiding in the darkness.

But this time, the twelve hidden guards also came along.Dressed in the service of Qing Yunzong disciples, he was mixed among more than 200 disciples.

Xue Qing was in a good mood thinking that after entering the secret realm, An Rui would die without a place to bury him.Although he dare not go to Xia Yichu now because of An Rui's presence, in Xue Qing's mind, he is already eager to wait for An Rui's absence, and Xia Yichu does not have the slightest force, and can only be crushed by himself, doing whatever he wants .


This secret realm is opened once every three years.

On the day when the secret realm was opened, early in the day, the disciples from all major sects gathered together.

Thousands of people stood together, and Xia Yichu and An Rui actually met an "old acquaintance"!
That old acquaintance was none other than An Tianyu and An Qianqian who Xia Yichu and An Rui had saved each other's lives in the swamp forest before.

An Tianyu and An Qianqian are members of the Floating Cloud Sect, and they major in swordsmanship.

When he saw Xia Yichu and An Rui, An Tianyu's eyes lit up, and he immediately came forward to greet them.

And An Qianqian, still remembering the situation when Xia Yichu humiliated her that day, stood not far away and did not follow.

Moreover, seeing An Tianyu and Xia Yichu having a happy conversation, even when their eyes were always on Xia Yichu, An Qianqian looked at Xia Yichu, with a trace of deep resentment and viciousness in those beautiful eyes.

Xia Yichu and An Tianyu are actually not as harmonious as outsiders seem to be.

Even if Xia Yichu would not anger An Tianyu because of An Qianqian, Xia Yichu's character is not very enthusiastic, and it can even be said that he is a slow-tempered person.

She laughed, just out of politeness.

And all the time, in fact, An Tianyu was the only one talking there, and Xia Yichu answered a few words from time to time.

 【Good night.I'll give you another update tomorrow, I'm too tired today, okay? 】

(End of this chapter)

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