Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 494 The villain raised, he blackened 34

Chapter 494 The villain raised, he blackened 34
An Qianqian didn't see Xia Yichu and An Rui, she was running for her life while avoiding the spotted tiger behind her in horror.

At that time, after Xia Yichu and An Rui left the cave, she was always absent-minded because she missed the Gu worm that entered Xia Yichu's body.

Moreover, after seeing An Tianyu put all his heart on Xia Yichu and looked devastated, An Qianqian's mood became even worse.

Then, during a dispute with An Tianyu, An Qianqian accidentally revealed the fact that Xia Yichu had a love gu in his body, and was questioned repeatedly by An Tianyu.

An Qianqian had always been held in the palm of everyone's hands and hurt her. Seeing that An Tianyu's attitude towards her became worse and worse these days, she immediately suppressed her inner guilt and yelled that she wanted to give An Rui played a Gu, but was blocked by Xia Yichu, and finally told about the wrong person.

"There is nothing wrong with me! Grandpa and master both said that this is a rare talent in a hundred years. When I didn't see him before, I already had a heart for him in my heart! What I did was just a I just want him to notice me!"

At that time, An Qianqian responded loudly to An Tianyu.

After a big fight with An Tianyu, An Qianqian turned around and left in a fit of anger.

As a result, she fell off a cliff. Fortunately, not only did she not die, but she also did not encounter other monsters.

As for the minor injuries, they were quickly healed by An Qianqian's medicine from her ring.

However, the god of luck didn't always take care of her. Before leaving the forest, Xia Yichu was attacked by a spotted tiger.

An Qianqian's cultivation is not good, but because of her status, she has a lot of magic weapons, both offensive and defensive.

So along the way, he stumbled and almost died in the tiger's mouth several times, but was escaped by An Qianqian.

An Qianqian took out a talisman from the ring, and the spotted tiger on the opposite side looked at the talisman paper in An Qianqian's hand, stared at An Qianqian with icy pupils, and made a defensive posture. An Qianqian stopped two meters away, with a trace of fear in her eyes.

An Qianqian didn't dare to be careless.

Along the way, she threw a lot of blasting charms at the spotted tiger.Although it didn't cause much damage to the spotted tiger, every explosion sound was enough to make the spotted tiger feel dangerous.

Moreover, the more advanced Warcraft, the smarter their thinking.

Seeing that every time An Qianqian took out the talisman paper, there would be an explosion sound, and the spotted tiger had already remembered that thing in his heart.

While staring at the spotted tiger in front of her, An Qianqian looked around at the situation.

She fled all the way from the forest, and now she finally got out of the forest. Not far behind her, there is a small river with gurgling water, and on the other side of the small river is a small grassland.

At that time, she only wanted to run out of the forest, but now after she ran out of the forest, she realized that the outside is actually more dangerous than the forest.It was so flat that she couldn't find other things as her cover.

And, more importantly, she only has this blasting talisman left now.

An Qianqian's hand holding the blasting talisman trembled a little. This blasting talisman was not the same as the previous ones.

This picture was drawn for her by her father when she went out to practice for the first time.

This talisman contains huge mana, and my father said that it should never be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

The spotted tiger on the opposite side watched An Qianqian without moving, and it had been chasing An Qianqian's prey for so long, its stomach was already starving!

The spotted tiger impatiently planed the ground with its front paws, raised its head and roared at Xia Yichu, then raised its paws and approached An Qianqian step by step.

An Qianqian didn't want to use this blasting talisman in her heart, because this talisman was so powerful that she might even die from it.

However, if it is not used... then it can only be swallowed by the spotted tiger.

An Qianqian retreated step by step, and then unknowingly, she retreated to the edge of the small river not far behind her, and she was about to fall in one step.

The spotted tiger seemed to know An Qianqian's daring not to use the blasting talisman in her hand, bared her teeth at An Qianqian, and then quickly approached her.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!" An Qianqian yelled at the spotted tiger.

However, that spotted tiger would never listen to her.

In the end, An Qianqian, thinking that she would die in the tiger's mouth, urged the extremely powerful blasting talisman in her hand with her spiritual power, tore it, and then quickly threw the blasting talisman in the direction of the spotted tiger.


There was a blasting sound that resounded through the sky, and with a "plop", An Qianqian was shaken into the creek by that force.

Where An Qianqian and the spotted tiger were before, there was no grass growing, as if it had been bombed.

Even the positions of Xia Yichu and An Rui were slightly affected.

However, An Rui seemed to have expected it a long time ago. When the power came through the air, he stretched out his hand, and a circular wave of light was like a shield, surrounding the two of them.

The ground under his feet shook for a moment, and then returned to its original shape.

The shield was removed, and when the two looked in that direction again, the spotted tiger was dead, with bright red blood underneath, and An Qianqian's body also floated up from the small river, which was originally so clear. It gradually became blood red.

Xia Yichu and An Rui went over to take a look, and found that both the spotted tiger and An Qianqian had died in the blasting talisman just now.

"Okay! Let me tell you why there is such a big commotion here! It turns out that it was the two of you again, killing people and looting goods! And the person who killed was Miss An!"

An arrogant voice sounded, Xia Yichu and An Rui looked back, on the opposite side of Xiaohe, Xue Qing came step by step with a few hidden guards.

Xue Qing was also attracted by the loud noise just now. He thought it was the birth of a treasure that made such a big noise, but he didn't expect it to be a robbery.

Because An Qianqian and An Tianyu rescued Xue Qing once before, Xue Qing remembered An Qianqian's outfit.

Although he didn't see the appearance of the person floating on the small river, just looking at the clothes, it was the same as what An Qianqian was wearing that day.

Xue Qing didn't feel sad because his savior died, he was just gloating at the moment.

The An family is a well-known millennium-old family on the entire continent. If he spread the news that An Rui and Xia Yichu had killed An Qianqian, then Xia Yichu and An Rui would still be dead.

 Second watch~ I want to kiss~
(End of this chapter)

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