Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 502 The villain raised, he blackened 42

Chapter 502 The villain raised, he blackened 42
After An Rui exposed his identity as a demon cultivator, he didn't care what the people below thought of him.

However, after revealing the magic power on his body, An Rui obviously felt such a relief.

Even if it is one against three, An Rui can resist.

What he only cares about is what Xia Yichu thinks of him as a demon cultivator....

After Xia Yichu came out of the hall, no one noticed her yet.

But when she gradually approached the master, someone noticed her.

The young disciple stood between Xia Yichu and the master, looked at Xia Yichu warily, and asked, "Senior Sister An, what do you want to do?"

The disciple who spoke was a dog next to the master, who was responsible for informing the master and providing cover for Xue Qing who was still alive before. Xia Yichu was called to the hall just now, and he was the one who called him.

"I want to send a few bottles of pills to the head." Xia Yichu blinked, looking a little pale.

She stood there with her head lowered, "This is the Backtracking Pill I refined in the secret realm some time ago. Although I know that my younger brother violated the master's sect and practiced the way of magic, it was a big mistake, but I beg the master For the sake of his young age, Ren Nian can spare my brother's life by being able to ignore the villain's mistakes."

Xia Yichu stood there, a little pitiful.

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately understood that Xia Yichu wanted to use pills to curry favor with the master because of An Rui's cultivation of demons.

But backtracking Dan, what is that stuff?
The disciple standing next to him looked confused, but after hearing Xia Yichu's words, the headmaster turned his head to look at the small porcelain bottle in Xia Yichu's hand, with greed flashing across his eyes.

Backtracking pill, this is a pill that few people know.

This elixir is useless to ordinary people, it is only effective for those who are about to enter the stage of transformation.

The head of the sect has been at the current level of cultivation for decades. Among them, they have failed twice in reaching the stage of becoming a god.

Even the younger brother, who was a master with the master, broke through the stage of transforming gods 33 years ago and ascended to the upper realm.

But the master has always stayed in this plane.

It's not that the master didn't think about getting some backtracking pills for himself before, but this kind of medicine is extremely rare, and the master himself has only heard of it in legends, and has never actually seen it.

But now Xia Yichu took it out.

The head of the sect didn't believe that such a rare thing would be in Xia Yichu's hands, but he believed with a high probability that it was the Backtracking Pill.

After all, Xia Yichu's expression was too sincere.

Moreover, the master himself really needs this backtracking pill too much.

There is no need to rush to kill, just get the elixir first.

The headman suppressed his inner thoughts, and beckoned to Xia Yichu with a loving face: "Come here and show me the elixir."

The master is acting, Xia Yichu will also!
After Xia Yichu heard the voice of the master, as if he had received an amnesty, he grabbed the bottle in his hand and hurried forward.

The performance of the two of them made it impossible to believe how they were fighting verbally when they were in the hall just now.

Xia Yichu walked up to the master, and handed over the pill bottle in his hand. The master reached out to take it, but the moment his hand was about to touch the medicine bottle in Xia Yichu's hand, Xia Yichu's fingers slightly When he moved, the medicine bottle in his hand fell directly, and a sharp dagger appeared in Xia Yichu's hand.

The head of the sect didn't expect Xia Yichu to be so bold!
How dare you act in front of so many people!
Because I was not prepared in my heart, and Xia Yichu's movements were so fast.

Therefore, even if the master sensed something was wrong and wanted to take his hand back, it was already too late. Xia Yichu's dagger pierced his palm directly, and the hand holding the dagger swiped hard, the cold light shone, and the tendons in his hand twitched. Break, several fingers were directly cut open by Xia Yichu.

The headman let out a scream, and slapped Xia Yichu heavily with the other hand.

The porcelain bottle in Xia Yichu's hand was thrown to the ground with a thud, it was empty and contained nothing.

Xia Yichu successfully hurt the head of the sect, but he was not as fast as him. He was directly hit by the head's palm on the chest, and his whole body flew out like a parabola.

The chief's screams were so loud that many people nearby couldn't figure out what was going on.

And after fighting An Rui with the three elders, after seeing Xia Yichu being shot out, his magic power soared, and after the three elders were blown away, he beautifully caught Xia Yichu's body in mid-air, Hold her tightly in his arms.

"Sister, how are you doing, sister?"

An Rui asked worriedly.

Xia Yichu feels very bad now, she even feels that her meridians and internal organs are about to be shattered by the master.

Xia Yichu's mouth was fishy and sweet, something gushed out of her throat, but looking at An Rui's worried eyes, Xia Yichu resisted the severe pain and swallowed back the bloody smell.

She opened her mouth and said to An Rui: "I'm fine, let's go, let's get out of here quickly."

Xia Yichu didn't know that his face was so white and transparent, it seemed that it would disappear at any moment.

An Rui was terrified by her, but she also knew that the most important thing now was to get out of here quickly.

"Okay, I listen to sister, let's leave now."

An Rui said to Xia Yichu, he didn't turn his head to look at the movement below, but directly stepped on the enlarged long sword with Xia Yichu in his arms.

The master was stabbed by Xia Yichu, his whole hand was bleeding, and after finally yelling to make these disciples go away, the master looked at the two who wanted to escape with the sword, and roared angrily Said: "Qingxuan, Qingxu, Qingmei, and you trash, what are you doing in a daze! Hurry up and catch those two little bastards! I want to tear them into pieces!"

The people from the Qingyun faction quickly caught up, all flying with Yujian, and followed behind An Rui, all in white, and most of the people from the Qingyun faction must have been alarmed.

An Rui looked at the people behind him and frowned. He was not afraid of those people, but he was more worried about Xia Yichu in his arms.

"Old bone, show up and block them, I don't want to see any of them."

An Rui said in a cold voice.

After his words fell to the ground, traces of black mist overflowed from An Rui's chest, and then condensed into a black cloud.

"Hahaha, I haven't touched or drank human blood for decades, young master, you go first, and leave it to me at ease!"

Hei Yun laughed arrogantly and recklessly, as if he didn't pay attention to the people from the Qingyun sect behind him.

 【Second update~】

(End of this chapter)

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