Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 517 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 15

Chapter 517 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 15
Xia Yichu watched the Taoist cast spells and draw symbols on Ye Han's bones.

The villa on the mountainside is very familiar to Xia Yichu. It is the villa that Liu Yi, Liu Feng, An Cheng, Yue Xiaoluo and her entered together when she came to this mission world.

It's just that the difference is that the villa still feels very good now. Someone should take care of it on a regular basis, and it doesn't look like the desolate and decayed one hundred years later.

Xia Yichu remembered that when Ye Han died on the hospital bed, he was standing beside him, but he didn't see the soul floating out of his body.

Xia Yichu didn't believe that it could capture Ye Han's soul, but then the wraith in the villa did indeed exist.

Ever since the Taoist priest buried Ye Han's bone, which was pasted with talisman paper, in the empty grass field not far outside the villa, Xia Yichu has been waiting inside the villa.

Then, after a long time, Xia Yichu saw a dark cloud like mist in the villa.

At the beginning, it was only the size of a rice bowl, then it gradually became the size of a washbasin, and then it grew bigger and bigger... Finally, it even grew human-like limbs.

So, is that the birth of the Villa Wraith?

After such a thought flashed through Xia Yichu's mind, she immediately felt that everything was gradually moving away from her, whether it was the villa in front of her or the woods and grass outside.

When Xia Yichu woke up again, when she opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling covered with spider silk, and she herself was sleeping on a big bed.

Xia Yichu moved his body, turned his head to look, and found that he had transformed back.

She returned to Xia Chuyi's previous body.

But now, although she is still in a haunted house, it is a haunted house a hundred years later.

Xia Yichu tried hard to recall everything before, before, it seemed that Yue Xiaoluo was frightened because of Wraith Ling's playfulness, and then she spoke to Wraith Ling, and finally Wraith Ling wanted to kill Yue Xiaoluo and An Cheng, and then She went to the world where resentment lived.

So now, the top priority is to find Yue Xiaoluo and An Cheng, I don't know how they are doing now.

Anxiety flashed across Xia Yichu's eyes, and he sat up directly from the bed.

And just when Xia Yichu sat up, the closed door was pushed open from the outside.

A handsome young man in a white shirt walked in from outside.

His appearance has not changed much, but his appearance has grown a little.

Xia Yichu recognized him immediately: "Ye Han."

"Well, you're awake, are you thirsty?" Ye Han walked in, still holding a tray in his hand, on which was a bowl of steaming porridge.

"No, I have other things to do." Xia Yichu shook his head, moved his body, and planned to get off the bed, but was held down by a very pale and cold hand.

"Where do you want to go on the first day of the new year? I'll go with you, okay?" He approached Xia Yichu, speaking in a low voice with gentle eyes.

Xia Yichu was a hundred sure in his heart that he was the wraith in the villa.

But Xia Yichu was inexplicable, and couldn't feel any fear or strangeness towards him.

The two seem to have never been separated before, even though their bodies and identities have changed, and even the atmosphere between them is not as harmonious and friendly as when they were young, but Xia Yichu's feelings for Ye Han Still unchanged.

"Little brother, the four of them are my classmates, can you let them go?" Xia Yichu looked up at Ye Han.

Xia Yichu didn't know why when he woke up this time, he could not only see him, but also touch him.

However, he is still very different from ordinary people.

His skin is very pale, it's not that he hasn't seen the sun all year round or is sickly pale, but is similar to transparent white.

However, this kind of transparent white not only does not make people feel that he is weak, but also makes his appearance more delicate and clear.

"First day of junior high school." Ye Han stood in front of her, lowered his head, and looked down at the little girl sitting on the edge of the bed.

Oh no.

She is no longer the little girl in memory, but a big girl.

She has her own life, her own circle of friends, whether she has herself...it doesn't really matter anymore.

Ye Han's eyes were dark and gloomy, and even his tone of voice was evil: "On the first day of the junior high school, let it go? Huh? They casually took my identity as a bet and a joke. Then I Why can't they let them come and go?"

Not knowing what Ye Han thought of, the hand on Xia Yichu's shoulder gradually tightened.That force not only made Xia Yichu's shoulder hurt, but Xia Yichu even felt a chill, which gradually penetrated his skin from his hands and flowed into his body.

Not long after, she felt that her shoulders were going to go numb.

"Little brother, let go quickly, I'm in pain and cold." Xia Yichu said with a hint of tears.

And her slightly choked voice really woke up Ye Han who was trapped in memories.

Ye Han quickly let go of Xia Yichu's shoulders and looked at Xia Yichu's tightly wrinkled brows. A hint of panic appeared on Ye Han's face, and his tone of voice was also cautious: "The first day of the junior high school, are you okay? I didn't do it on purpose just now. , I'm sorry. Let me see if the wound on your shoulder is serious."

As Ye Han said, he raised his hand and was about to pull Xia Yichu's collar away.

Xia Yichu felt that her shoulders must be blue, but she didn't want Ye Han to see it, Xia Yichu shook her head repeatedly, and grabbed his hand with both hands.

"Brother, I lied to you just now. It's not like you don't know that I can't stand any pain."

She stuck out her tongue and said something playful, which reminded Ye Han of the six or seven year old girl back then.

She followed her like this, sometimes she looked like a little grown-up, but sometimes she was so playful.

Xia Yichu tightly held Ye Han's hand. His hand was very cold, but it was not stiff, and even had the softness of a human being.

"Little brother, is it warm?" She raised her head and asked a little flatteringly.

Ye Han met her eyes, one with deep eyes and the other with clear and penetrating eyes.

Ye Han pulled his hand out of Xia Yichu's, grabbed her chin, and said, "Don't try to please me, you just have to promise yourself to be obedient, stay here and don't run around, then I will Just promise you not to hurt them."

The amount of information in Ye Han's words is a bit large, let's not talk about where An Cheng and Yue Xiaoluo are now.

But according to what he meant, that clearly meant that the four of them were fine!
Xia Yichu smiled, and immediately nodded obediently: "Okay, I like being with my little brother the most."

(End of this chapter)

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