Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 521 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 19

Chapter 521 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 19
That long words made Xia Yichu's heart sink suddenly.

After the strong wind passed, Yue Xiaoluo and An Cheng hugged each other tightly at some point.

The young police officers, Liu Feng and Liu Yi, who was holding something, were no longer where they were standing just now, presumably they were all affected by the strong wind.

Only the old man is still in the position he was in just now.

However, before the strong wind, he was squatting on the ground to dig mud.

After the strong wind, he had already stood up, holding a small wooden box in his hand.

"First day, he, who is he?" Yue Xiaoluo noticed Ye Han who was hugging Xia Yichu, first he was shaken by Ye Han's exquisite appearance, but after noticing that Ye Han was so pale that he didn't look normal After having the skin a person should have, a bold idea had faintly formed in Yue Xiaoluo's heart.

"Aren't you here just to destroy him?" Xia Yichu stood beside Ye Han, reached out and grabbed his hand, and the two held hands tightly.

Her actions and words not only showed her attitude, but also acknowledged Ye Han's identity.

This time, not only Yue Xiaoluo and An Cheng, but even the young policeman were stunned.

He stared blankly at Ye Han, and couldn't believe that ghosts really existed in this world.

It turns out that the ghost in the legend looks like this, which is too beautiful and delicate.

The little policeman sighed in his heart, completely forgetting the danger.

Only that old man, when looking at Ye Han, would not notice his overly outstanding appearance, but would look at the strong light black resentment surrounding him that ordinary people cannot see.

The old Taoist laughed out loud: "Wraith, do you surrender yourself, or I will deal with you."

Xia Yichu looked at his confident appearance, and felt a little worried about Ye Han.

Xia Yichu asked him softly: "Is that bone really important to you?"

"Well, I live with the bone, and I die when the bone breaks." Ye Han nodded, not hiding that the bone was his weakness.

When Xia Yichu heard it, his expression became even more worried.

However, what Ye Han said next to her ear made Xia Yichu suppress the worries in his heart in an instant.

No one noticed her expression.

Only the old Taoist, when he saw Xia Yichu's worried face, was more confident in his heart.

If he only had a [-]% chance of winning against this wraith before, now he has a [-]% chance after getting this box!
"Hey, you wait for me." Ye Han leaned over and placed a cold kiss on Xia Yichu's forehead.

Xia Yichu couldn't help, he could only stand aside and watch, not letting himself become his burden.

Ye Han and that old Taoist, the two fought a battle between heaven and man.

Yue Xiaoluo stood beside An Cheng, but her gaze fell on Xia Yichu involuntarily.

The first day of junior high school... since when did it start, it seems to have gradually changed.

Obviously she was so timid and fearful before, but now, although she looks the same as before, she feels much better.

It's like a grass that is struggling to sprout, it looks tough, but it also becomes lovable.

"What are you looking at?" An Cheng noticed Yue Xiaoluo's absent-mindedness, and asked her.

"It's nothing." Yue Xiaoluo shook her head and quickly looked away.

But An Cheng had already noticed that she kept looking in that direction, and there was Xia Yichu in that direction.

Ancheng thought that Yue Xiaoluo was worried about Xia Yichu, so he comforted her: "Don't worry, after the Taoist priest takes the wraith away, Xia Chuyi will be fine."

"Yeah." Yue Xiaoluo nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

However, the reality seemed to be playing against An Cheng on purpose, as soon as he said that, the reality slapped him in the face.

With Liu Yi's shout, a figure fell out of the fighting situation.

Everyone saw that it was the old Taoist priest who had just won.

The old Taoist spit out a mouthful of blood, and his expression was still unbelievable. He groped for the box that had been opened: "How come, there is indeed a bone in it, where is the bone?! That bone?!"

"What kind of good things do you think your ancestors would use to seal me? If you want my bones, it depends on whether you have the life to take them!" Ye Hanhan said in a low voice, approaching the old Taoist step by step, his whole body Killing intent exudes from top to bottom.

The policeman who had been watching this scene immediately took the gun out of his pocket, pointed at Ye Han, and said to him, "You, you, stop, yes, I said It's you, don't move, be careful that my bullet doesn't have eyes, it will pass right through your body."

Ye Han wasn't even afraid of ghost catchers, so how could he be afraid of a little policeman like him.

Ye Han just turned his head and glanced at him, and then the policeman suddenly felt as if someone was pinching his neck and kept lifting him up.

The opponent's movements came quickly and vigorously.

Even if the police tried to struggle, it was useless.

Yue Xiaoluo and the others stood aside, completely stunned by this scene.

The four of them were like ants in front of Ye Han, without the ability to resist.

Everyone fell to the ground, as if someone had strangled their necks so hard that they couldn't breathe and couldn't break free.

In the end, Xia Yichu was the first to react. She glanced at the policeman whose expression had already turned pale, and said to Ye Han, "Little brother, I don't like you killing people. Let them go, okay? If you kill people, then I won't play with you anymore!"

Xia Yichu shouted this sentence a little bit angrily.

Then, she looked at the person who should have been some distance away from her, and instantly came in front of her.

"I also feel that they are more important than me in the first day of junior high school?"

Ye Han's voice was sinister, with a hint of coldness.

Xia Yichu shrank his neck, his movements were flattering, he stretched out his hand to hook his little finger with his little finger: "No, I just don't like my little brother hurting people. I still remember when I got into a car accident... It hurt so much, I was covered in a It hurts so much, I can’t cry even if I want to.”

Ye Han's expression changed immediately after hearing Xia Yichu's words.

For Xia Yichu, the memory of her death was because it happened not long ago, so she is still real when she recalls it now.

But for Ye Han, that was his obsession.

When Xia Yichu was not around, he let himself fall into the memory over and over again, and then devoured the resentment he had generated time and time again, making himself stronger.

And the only one he was ashamed of was Xia Yichu.

Especially with the thing about her dying in that car accident.

Ye Han listened to Xia Yichu's words, and the tension in his mind released with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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