Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 527 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 5

Chapter 527 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 5
In the blink of an eye, Xia Yichu has been here for more than a week.

This week, she didn't go to school, and the teacher didn't call to find her. It must be that Papa You has already settled the matter of her suspension from school.

Xia Yichu stayed at home, and the main things to do every day were to sleep, eat, lose weight, and publish novels.

Although Xia Yichu wanted to get rid of the flesh on his body, he also knew that he couldn't become a big fat man in one sitting, let alone lose weight into a lightning bolt in a matter of minutes.

Losing weight has to be done slowly.

Xia Yichu doesn't spend much time in the gym every day, but after a week, she has gone from 15 minutes on the treadmill to 25 minutes to half an hour now.

I believe it won't be long before she can run for half an hour at a time.

Xia Yichu didn't have any special weight loss plan, she just tried her best.

To put it simply, it is to eat less and more meals, not to eat spicy and fried foods, not snacks.The daily exercise time is about four hours.

Keep your mouth closed and take your legs away.

After a week, the whole person didn't seem to have changed much, but Xia Yichu unilaterally felt that her body seemed to be much better, which made her feel much more comfortable.

After half a month, it has already had a remarkable effect.

Xia Yichu claimed that he lost three catties.

This number may not even count as a fraction for her body of one hundred and sixty, but Xia Yichu still felt a little comforted in his heart.

Xia Yichu ordered several sets of sportswear. After coming to the villa for half a month, Xia Yichu not only ran on the treadmill every day, but also went outside for exercise every morning, going for a morning jog.

At the beginning, I was very tired, even my hands and feet were shaking constantly, and my whole body was weak, but Xia Yichu still gritted his teeth and persisted step by step.

With the persistence of the first time, there will be the second time, and with the second time, there will be the third time. After the third time, the subsequent countless times of persistence will be easy.

Xia Yichu came back from running, wiped the sweat from his face and neck, went to the gym for a while, and after relaxing his body, he went into the bathroom.

After she came out of the bathroom refreshed, Xia Yichu opened the refrigerator and took two pieces of toast and milk from it. After she was [-]% full, Xia Yichu went upstairs and returned to her room.

Sitting down in front of the computer, after Xia Yichu turned on the computer, he went to the novel website, and as expected, under the book he posted, he saw a person named "Tianci". Under the latest chapter updated by her, he tipped A small bag of 100 book coins.

Xia Yichu smiled, then slid the mouse, and scrolled up and down the page. After still not seeing the comments from Tianci, Xia Yichu didn't know whether he should be disappointed or happy.

This person named Tianci was Xia Yichu's first reader, and also Xia Yichu's only rich reader.

When Xia Yichu published this book on the website, it was slowly updated one chapter at a time every day.

Then when Chapter 5 came, I came to the website and signed a contract with the website.

And Tianci came out at that time, rewarding Xia Yichu with a small bag of 100 book coins every day, rain or shine, and thunder and lightning.

Because the books on the website can only be rewarded after signing a contract.

So Xia Yichu didn't know whether Tianci, the reader, happened to read her book that day, or because he had been reading her book all the time.

Xia Yichu was very happy because of his reward at the time, so he deliberately added another chapter that night, and by the way, he also said that the author had something to say, thank you for the gift from God.

When he found out that Tianci gave rewards every day, Xia Yichu even wondered if it was someone's trumpet.

The first person she suspected was Papa You.

After all, only Papa You knew about her writing novels.

But after thinking about it, Xia Yichu denied it again in his heart.

Papa You didn't seem like a person who could read books, and she only said that she wanted to write a novel at that time, but she didn't tell him in detail that she was writing a novel on this website.

Moreover, if it was Papa You, he would not reward 100 book coins, and I am afraid that he would directly smash a leader.

Xia Yichu also clicked on Tianci's profile picture, went in and looked at his personal information.

I found out that this person has been reading novels for several years. Although there are not many books in the bookshelf, his level and the shiny golden VIP level told Xia Yichu that this is definitely a veteran account.

Not someone's trumpet.

Xia Yichu put his heart back into his stomach, and treated Tianci as his number one fan.

However, the first one is always special.Even Xia Yichu is the same.

As time passed, Xia Yichu gradually couldn't help but focus on his account.

Several times, Xia Yichu secretly clicked on Tianci's profile picture, went in to check his personal information, the books he had read recently, and his recent activities.

Although Tianci gave rewards every day, in fact, the number of bubbling was not many, even pitifully few.

Even if Xia Yichu sometimes replied to him under his reward comments, he never replied to Xia Yichu.

He would only jump out when Xia Yichu forgot to update. After coldly saying "update quickly", he waved his sleeves, and a large amount of tips fell down.

Xia Yichu forgot to update twice, and after he rewarded Xia Yichu thousands of yuan both times, Xia Yichu was never embarrassed to forget to update.

After all, thousands of yuan, even in the present, is not a small fortune.

Godsend this person in Xia Yichu's heart, the local tyrant who had already started has become a prodigal son.

Later, in order to keep myself updated every day.Xia Yichu also deliberately set an update time, moved all the saved manuscripts up, and updated it regularly for half a month at a time.

Every day, Xia Yichu's only interest in going to the website is to see that prodigal son give him a reward.

After scrolling through the page, seeing that Tianci really rewarded another small package half an hour ago, Xia Yichu bent his eyes and smiled, looked at the newly popped up comments, but did not reply.

Her book has only been opened for more than a month, and she is still a complete newcomer. Logically speaking, the current data should not be so good.

But all of this is due to that prodigal son.

If it hadn't been for giving Xia Yichu a reward every day, the data of Xia Yichu's book would not have stood out from these newcomers.

 [Jun Bao's intimate reminder: This male protagonist is very indifferent on the outside, but sullen on the inside. This male protagonist likes to watch the domineering president fall in love with me. 】

(End of this chapter)

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