Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 540 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 18

Chapter 540 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 18
Xia Yichu's words made Cheng Ling feel embarrassed.

When Su Yueyun entered You's house, Cheng Ling and You Chu met the same, both of them were already 14 years old.

Because they lived together, Cheng Ling also transferred from the previous school to You Chujian's school, and was even in the same class as You Chujian.

Cheng Ling was young at the time, so she hated You Chujian very much, but she had too many hard times with Su Yueyun when she was a child.

Su Yueyun said that as long as they treat You Chujian well, as long as they stay close to You Chujian, their mother and daughter will live a good life, they can eat a lot of delicious food, and they can live in a big house with endless flowers Pocket money, commuting to and from school, and car pick-up.

What Su Yueyun told Cheng Ling at the time was undoubtedly a huge temptation for Cheng Ling.

Moreover, Su Yueyun showed Cheng Ling the fat photo of You Chujian a long time ago, so everyone had dinner together that night, and seeing You Chujian who was fatter than the photo, not only did Cheng Ling not show disgust The expression on his face even flattered her a little.

It's just that Cheng Ling is young after all, not as forbearing as Su Yueyun.

After Su Yueyun and You's father got married, and she lived with Su Yueyun in the villa, although her attitude towards You Chujian couldn't be said to be bad, between words and deeds, she felt a little disgusted and disgusted with You Chujian.

But her reaction was discovered by Su Yueyun before being discovered by You's father. After Su Yueyun pulled her into the room and had a good talk, Cheng Ling deeply suppressed the disgust of You Chujian. .

However, it was only at home that Cheng Ling didn't express his inner thoughts.

Cheng Ling is young and mature, following Su Yueyun's side, of course, although he is only 14 years old, he already has some scheming.

In front of those classmates and teachers, she would often speak ill of You Chu, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, which made everyone have a bad impression of her.

When she was in high school, she even took You Chujian out to party with her classmates, deliberately embarrassing You Chujian.

After You Chujian lost face a few times, he stopped interacting with her.

At that time, Cheng Ling didn't care, but Xia Yichu opened up those things so bluntly now, as if all his deepest thoughts were exposed in front of Xia Yichu.

For a moment, Cheng Ling felt like a maggot in a stinky ditch, born to only stay in dark places and hide from others.

But after reacting, Cheng Ling felt a little annoyed again, she looked up at Xia Yichu, "What does it matter to me what you look like, you agreed to go out every time in the previous gatherings, I just I'm just asking you. Hurry up and return the 20 to me, it's for my father to use for other important things, and you don't want my father to know that you cheated me of the money, right?"

Cheng Ling suppressed the flustered and guilty emotions in his heart, and spoke to Xia Yichu with confidence.

"Do you think you will spit out the meat you eat? Besides, it was given to you by Dad, not to me. What does it matter to me?" Xia Yichu looked at Cheng Ling deceiving himself and others, sighing casually He said: "Dad is really eccentric. He has never given me so much money at once. When I see Dad next time, I will ask for one too."

"See you at the beginning!" Cheng Ling listened to Xia Yichu's words, and couldn't imagine the consequences of You's father and Su Yueyun knowing about this matter.

She felt that she was like a little bug who was powerless to resist, being played by Xia Yichu casually.

Cheng Ling finally softened, lowered her proud head in front of Xia Yichu, and begged: "See you at the beginning, even if I beg you, please don't tell Father You and my mother about this, I'll pay for it." No more."

Cheng Ling came angrily, and finally went back in despair, not even entering the gate of Xia Yichu's villa.

Xia Yichu looked at the back of her driving away, turned and walked into the study. Of course she knew that Cheng Ling's money came from a wrong path. In fact, the person who is the most shrewd and hides the deepest is Su Yueyun.

When Xia Yichu just left the door, she had already told the editor that she had something to deal with, and the editor also replied to her, telling her to go ahead.

Xia Yichu sat down in front of the computer and started typing.

The editor was probably sitting in front of the computer and waiting for her. Almost immediately after she sent the message, her reply was sent.

In the past six months, Xia Yichu has published two novels on the website.

Both novels have the support of the local tyrant, Xia Yichu's two books are not bad, regardless of the readers who read the article, they just sit and wait for the local tyrant to give her a reward every day, and then ask the local tyrant under the reward comment There are many readers who seek familiarity.

The reward from the local tyrant has invisibly added a lot of popularity to Xia Yichu.

Recently, a publishing company approached Xia Yichu and expressed their desire to sign a publishing contract with her.

This is actually not the first time Xia Yichu has received an olive branch from a publishing company. When she finished her last book, a publishing company had already approached her.

It's just that the price offered by the other party was really unsatisfactory, and the attitude was not good, so Xia Yichu rejected it without thinking, and added the other party to the blacklist.

And now this one looks good.

Xia Yichu thought for a while, then tapped the keyboard with his fingers, and typed a few words: Yes.

The people over there were relieved to see the man finally let go, and then asked Xia Yichu when he would be free, and by the way, asked about Xia Yichu's personal information and home address, saying that their company would send the books to you as soon as possible. The sample magazine was sent to the past.

Then, after learning that Xia Yichu was a native of the capital and a college student, the people over there were very happy, and warmly explained that they would invite Xia Yichu to afternoon tea tomorrow, chat with her about books in person, and signed the contract by the way.

Xia Yichu thought for a while, and said that he would have a class on his first day of driving tomorrow.Then the people over there immediately apologized, and after asking about Xia Yichu, they finally agreed to meet at ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow.

Xia Yichu didn't know that after she finished chatting with the editor, on the other end of the computer, a girl with a baby face and a good figure stood up in front of the computer, and she jumped up and down in the office excitedly: "Aww, Tomorrow, tomorrow, I can see my favorite author grow up, so excited!"

After she was happy for a while, she took out the phone from her pocket and called Qin Shi.

"Hello? Xiuxiu?"

Qin Shi's slightly indifferent voice came from the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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