Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 549 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 29

Chapter 549 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 29
Xia Yichu actually doesn't have much sense of time when it comes to meeting his parents.

But in Qin Shi's heart, he was extremely anxious.

So, after inviting Li Guoguang for lunch, Qin Shi held Xia Yichu in his arms and told her that he wanted to take Xia Yichu back to meet his parents.

Xia Yichu knew what it meant to see the parents, and then nodded under Qin Shi's slightly nervous and expectant eyes.

Qin Shi decided to go see Xia Yichu's family first, and then his family.

Qin Shi planned it beautifully, but he didn't expect that in the afternoon of that day, another incident about him and Xia Yichu broke out on Weibo.

I don't know who it was, but at the same time, there were many marketing accounts, as if they had made an appointment, they posted a Weibo with the same content, and there were several pictures attached to it, all of which were You Chujian's figure It is 1.7 meters tall, weighs [-], and has a swimming ring around its waist. If it falls on the ground, it can crush thousands of ants to death.

The general content inside is:
Xia Yichu is not good enough for Qin Shi at all!
Xia Yichu is like a toad wanting to eat swan meat!

Ask Xia Yichu to break up with Qin Shi!

When this Weibo was posted, the person who posted it seemed to be afraid of not attracting others' attention, and deliberately added the title #秦时的女友很很这个? # Such a title.

Undoubtedly, Xia Yichu and Qin Shi were once again on the hot searches.

From this point of view, it was manipulated by someone with ulterior motives to deliberately discredit Xia Yichu.

However, this time, although the Weibo and the topic became popular, the reaction of those netizens was to disappoint those behind the scenes.

These netizens either think that the picture is P, or they admire Xia Yichu's ability to transform himself with such perseverance.There are also some people who call the person who posted the article crazy.

In short, this time the fire didn't reach Xia Yichu at all.

Cheng Ling, who was watching all this from behind the scenes, gritted his teeth in secret. Looking at the comments of those netizens, he couldn't believe it. Could it be that these people are fools? How could they still support her and like her when they saw how ugly Xia Yichu was before? ?
Cheng Ling looked so angry that he almost threw his phone out.

The Qin family's power is not ordinary. After Qin Shi realized that someone was deliberately smearing Xia Yichu behind his back, he immediately sent his people to investigate.

As a result, the person who spent money to blackmail Xia Yichu was actually Cheng Ling.

Qin Shi told Xia Yichu about this matter, and Xia Yichu didn't want Qin Shi to attack Cheng Ling now, but asked him to help him collect Cheng Ling's criminal evidence on this matter.

How busy the Internet is has nothing to do with the lives of Xia Yichu and Qin Shi.

When the two agreed to go to Xia Yichu's house, Xia Yichu and Qin Shi went back to You's house for dinner together.

Xia Yichu had already told Papa You, and Papa You had also told Su Yueyun and the housekeeper at home. That afternoon, the You family got busy.

When Xia Yichu and Qin Shi came to You's house, You's house was brightly lit and the sumptuous meals were ready, waiting for the two to come back.

Papa You deliberately turned down his business tonight, and stayed at home waiting for Xia Yichu and Qin Shi to come to his door.

Qin Shi asked someone to check the preferences of Chayou's father. After knowing his unique taste, in addition to taking some expensive gifts that are very nourishing for the body, he also gave You a long, thick, shiny, and pure It was a very tall gold necklace with delicate patterns but not feminine.

When Papa You saw this gift, he was so happy that he kept talking to Qin Shi. Even at the dinner table, Papa You, who never drank at home, asked Su Yueyun to treasure him for several years today. He took out the old wine that he couldn't bear to drink or give to others, and toasted Qin Shi.

The food tonight was very delicious, Xia Yichu felt a little full.After the meal, Xia Yichu pulled Qin Shi, the two of them came out and walked on the street to digest food.

This is a wealthy area, and occasionally there will be vehicles roaring by on the road, but few pedestrians are seen.

Qin Shi drank a little too much today, he sat on the bench by the roadside, and flirted with Xia Yichu: "Chu Chu, Chu Chu, I want to drink water."

"Where is there water here?" Xia Yichu looked around, deserted.The street lights are yellowing.

Qin Shi sat there with his head down, motionless, as if he had fallen asleep, but kept screaming for a drink of water.

Xia Yichu sighed helplessly, and finally said in a compromised way: "There seems to be a vending machine in front, I'll go over and have a look, you wait here for me."

Xia Yichu said, walking along the road alone.

I don't know when, a black shadow followed Xia Yichu, sneakily.

He has been hiding in the grass, with slight footsteps.

But Xia Yichu still saw it from the moving shadow on the ground, the other party was probably a man.

Xia Yichu stood on the side of the road, just like the action You Chu saw standing on the side of the road in the previous life.

At the intersection of the street ahead, there is a car driving fast.

The man who followed Xia Yichu all the way felt that this was an opportunity, so he emerged from the shadows without hesitation, and when the car was about to approach, he stretched out his hand to Xia Yichu.

However, his outstretched hand did not reach the person he wanted to push.

Because when Xia Yichu turned around, he kicked him immediately.

This kick was caught off guard, the man didn't hide at all, and was directly kicked by Xia Yichu on the ground, writhing in pain.

The black car that was supposed to drive past stopped by the side of the road, and six or seven bodyguards got off from it.

And Qin Shi, who was supposed to be drunk, came over with a serious expression, not as half drunk as before.

"Master!" Those bodyguards greeted Qin Shi.

"Tie him up." Qin Shi said, pointing at the man rolling on the ground in pain.

When the man opened his eyes, he didn't expect to be surrounded by so many people suddenly.

"What do you want?" he said.

However, no one paid attention to him.

The bodyguards dragged him from left to right, threw him into the car, and said goodbye to Qin Shi and Xia Yichu.

"Too bad, it's a waste of time." Qin Shi rested his head on Xia Yichu's shoulder, and spoke a little bored.

"It's good if someone catches it." Xia Yichu responded.

"What are you going to do with him?"

"Follow the rules. After all, there is more than one charge of attempted murder."

Listening to Xia Yichu's words, Qin Shi raised his eyebrows, and suddenly understood the purpose of her watching this scene tonight: "So, you want to..."

"Hmm, if this kind of person is not kicked out, why not stay at home for the New Year?"

(End of this chapter)

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